news from zimbabwe


As I am writing this letter, in our area rains ceased on 22nd December 2009. Crops such as maize, soyas, sorghum and tobacco have wilted. Some other areas’ crops have been affected also. We are expecting another drought in Zimbabwe. The problems have mounted to a great height, particularly in the rural areas.

We are living in testing times, throughout the world there is much evidence of corruption, cruelty, oppression, injustice and hunger. This is not the first time that this state of affairs has existed, and no doubt it will not be the last. The joy of our Christian faith, however, is the knowledge that Christ has overcome all evil and that, in the power of God’s word, he gives us the ability to cope with adversities of life and to overcome them.

I and my wife Eneres are writing to remind you of our love for you in the work that you do for the Lord. At this time, prior to the return of our Lord to rule this world, we ought to pray and not lose heart. Though you may be away from us physically, yet we are together with you in spirit. We always remember you in our prayers and pray for God’s strength to be with you, especially in the crisis which is going on worldwide.

We pray for the Lord to return soon and restore all things, and that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We ought always to pray, for if God is with us, who can be against us? With God on our side, nothing is impossible.

Secondly, we would like to thank you very much for the photo we have received from you. We were very touched and uplifted after reading Carelink messages concerning amazing deliverance of our brethren Robert and Meron. God has answered your prayers.

Bro. David and Sis. Eneres Yelulani


Bro. David Yelulani on the right, and his son Charles on the left.


Thank you for remembering us and sending Gospel News, the magazines are helpful both physically and spiritually.

I volunteered to be a W.A.A.C. Focal person, i.e. Ward-AIDS-Action-Committee-Co-ordinator. The work is done without any payment, but with the grace of God. A Ward Co-ordinator reports to District the problems being encountered in the Ward, which thereby proceed to Province and then National, etc. As a ward focal person I cater for Aids victims living as ‘positives’, OVC orphans and vulnerable children, the elderly and disabled, counselling them, etc. However, it is hard to change people’s thinking and way of life, since they require food, are on therapy, need money to pay school fees, shelter, clothes etc. All these are some of the problems being encountered by them.

Furthermore, I admire the work done by the apostle Paul, who changed many people. Most of the people here were tested and they knew their HIV status, and now live as HIV positives. This also applies to our Christianity, that we should prepare and be ready, as the day and the hour of Jesus coming are not known. We should be ever ready as an athlete, by praying to him. I find it possible to find well-wishers to assist the affected and infected, since the number is rising at an alarming rate: the number of OVC is increasing due to the HIV and AIDS pandemic.

Bro. Joseph Mucheri


Thank you for sending me a box of Bible Basics and Bible Companions which has made my teaching easier than before. I go backwards and forwards with the Gospel, and now I intend to go deeper into the reserves, and things are becoming cheaper. The Lord is speaking to me and telling me to be a full time preacher. As children of God we need to declare our faith, because we try to be spiritual and not earthly. We are more than conquerors through Him who loves us. All in all, God has blessed me. I am excited by the number of students in Bindura, which is increasing. The Bible says we live by faith, not by sight. I thank God for what He has given me spiritually – may His Name be praised.

I would like to thank God for granting me the opportunity to write this letter to Christadelphians all over the world to let you know our progress since I left Mazowe Mine. God called me to leave Mazone and go to Bindura at Fredda Rebecca Mine. I left my association with Metallon Gold on 30.9.09. after serving the company for 17 years. Now I am happily employed at Fredda Rebecca Mine in Bindura and God has given me the strength to preach the Word of God. So far we have managed to interest 15 students and we are hoping for more.

As things are beginning to take shape in Zimbabwe I hope that meetings, services and opportunities to meet other brothers and sisters will resume. As we live according to God’s Word, (in Joel 2 v.24-27), God is going to repay us for the years the locust has eaten, and we will have plenty to eat until we are full. Proverbs 3:5: ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding,’ teaches us that God is the answer to every situation, both good and bad.

Bro. John Wilo Wise


I thank the Almighty God for His love which He always gives to everyone. Let us not become weak, but come to Him to worship – we need not be lazy puppets. Why should we look like logs chopped for firewood? Running away from death to life is the only solution for the glorious future Kingdom. Troubles we can face, but God gives all understanding. We read this in Job. 32:8. Under all circumstances let’s keep the vision of what God wants us to be like. After our baptism we are to go out and tell others about the Truth of God, and avoid our condemnation. Mark 16:15 and 20 directs us what to do to follow the command of the Lord Jesus.

When he calls us we must be listening for our names. We are to ask ourselves, ‘Why are we here?’ as Christadelphians, and think of the meaning of the word itself (Brothers of Christ.) Do we want to be in a brotherhood of no action? Let us be serious, for God’s sake, and know that our time is going fast. Thank you for reading this item – if you understand it, get into the action of goodness and service of our Lord.

I wish to continue receiving your magazine – it is good and uplifting, with teaching as well as good advice.

Bro. Mesheck Shoko

Bro. Mesheck Shoko

If you miss one point in an examination, you fail! Who then will pass? Are they clever? No. Are they giants? No. Are they tall? No. Are they the rich? No. Are they greedy? No. Are they the dull, slim, short or poor? No.

How then must one pass? Do we pass through self-praise, self justification, or by exalting ourselves? No. One may claim this or that, but the state of passing remains with God Himself. Some claim to be better than others. In which way are we better? Korah and his company claimed to be better than Moses and Aaron (Numbers 16:1-3), yet were buried alive (Numbers 16:31-34). In their minds, they thought they were right, but justice proved them wrong. We may accuse each other, yet justice will be done. If you accuse your brother you are judging him. If you judge your brother, you speak against the Law, which judges our actions. (James 4:10-13)

We should teach each other rather than accuse one another (Rom.15:1-4). If you teach your brother, he may turn from his error and be saved (James 5:19-20). In this way you save your brother and yourself. If he does not listen, then it will be his fault (Ezekiel 33:1-5). But if you do not teach him to do right, then you are accountable for his failings (Ezekiel 33:6).

At school one is considered to have passed because of the marks obtained overall. In the Truth we fail in many points, but thankfully the pass mark for works is not important. The pass is by love and grace.

Bro. Benny Shava

I downloaded some audio files from the Carelinks website and much enjoyed them!

Bro. James Magombo


Thank you very much for your letter of encouragement. Yes, all is not well on my side and I thought it wise to go out of the country and find something to feed the family. But it pains me to see how the Ecclesia is doing and my family, and to see how it might look when I am not around. The incident of Jonah makes me think twice.

If you have any preaching material I would be pleased to receive it, as we are hoping to have a Bible weekend shortly. If possible, some of our students will be interviewed in April and God will add to our number. Please pray for our situation that this Ecclesia may grow. Thank you for your loving heart and caring spirit. May God bless you.

Bro. Farai Phiri


I am reading Bro. Duncan’s book, ‘The Real Christ.’ I haven’t yet finished it, but so far from what I have learnt, I can say it is systematic, logical Bible reasoning par excellence. To know the real Christ means you are now, or can, go through a process of Bible-based reasoning.

Everything is going on well. The preaching is good, but it’s not everyone who accepts what we preach. It’s like last Sunday, when we had quite a number of people who attended our Bible study, but not everyone went home happy. The first talk in the morning was about the kingdom of God here on earth, not in Heaven. We first looked at Genesis and established that God didn’t create Adam to stay here temporarily and later take him to heaven, but he was to stay here on earth permanently. We also established that the reason for dying is because of not obeying God: if Adam and Eve had obeyed God they would have lived here for ever.

We looked at verses like Gen.l:10, 18, 21, 26-27. Gen.2:15-17, Gen.3:1-15. Then the reward for every believer is not to go to heaven, but to be given the everlasting kingdom here on earth. We looked at verses like John 3:13; Matt.5:5, Psa.37:3, 9, 11, 22, 29 and 34 and also Isa. 45:18. After the first talk I looked at the faces and I saw that some were happy and others were not because we were doing this as group work, and we all established that the Kingdom will be here on earth – this is our everlasting place. I asked them who caused all these problems, and suffering, and they said, ‘It’s Satan,’ that was the answer from everyone. We looked at verses like Amos 3:6, Isa.45:7, Deut.32:29 and we established that God is in control. I also told everyone who was here that we welcome their views if they are supported by Scripture, to be discussed next time. Our problem at the moment is we do not have Bibles. If we can have at least six copies, three Shona and three English, it will be good.

Jesus had us in mind before we were born. I am so happy to read about some interesting news which is taking place in Riga ecclesia, that’s good news for us. You know there is a general belief that everything in Europe is OK and the life there for everyone is super, but the truth of the matter is there are problems everywhere in the world. There are also people there who, like our Lord, who had no place even to lay his head.

Our preaching is going on well and we really know that He who will give the increase is the Lord, and we put everything in his hands. Our meetings are on Sundays and Wednesdays, when we meet with the students.

Bro. Moses Dhlakama

Bro. Moses (right) distributing Bible Basics leaflets, and an interested friend reading one.


In Harare the ecclesia is growing, and there are a lot of activities.

I would like to thank you for the book ‘The Real Christ,’ for it gives further insight of the man Jesus Christ, who was crucified for our sins. It gives good reading, and much of it all is about what the Bible says.

Bro. Alexio Kajowe


When Adam and Eve were placed to enjoy the luxury of Eden as the first human beings, they also were initially loyal to their Creator. We humans have curiosity roaming in our minds, urging us to cross all borders. So they sinned and the garden of Eden became a different habitat. Sin, for the first time, entered the whole world, through the failure of Adam and Eve.

Have you ever looked into your eye to remove a speck in ‘Adam’s’ eye? Beware of the log that blurs your vision! We Christians, like Adam in Eden, were placed in our Ecclesias to water and nurture it and to spread the Word of the Almighty to the poor. We should not let this Word wilt or be neglected, or be the last men to receive this Word - as in Eden Adam was supposed to stay loyal to God and not to initiate a new way of life. Today, if we look in our ‘Eden’ Ecclesias, the Word still remains, but a closer look will tell us man is trying to add and subtract here and there to the real meaning of the Bible’s message. This will derail the whole course of God’s true teaching. I am saying, let’s keep to the Bible because that’s only where we can read and learn what our Father in Heaven is saying.

Every Christian is responsible for his wrong behaviour – not Adam. Adam committed his own sin and we have inherited its consequences. We have choices to make in our own lives, so we are committing our own sins. When the judgment day comes, everyone will stand to answer for what he or she has done: Eve will not answer on behalf of her children. The axe is placed at the root of every fruitless tree – pray for your sins to be forgiven.

Bro. Steven Tedza (Isolation)


As Christians do we value what we see, listen to, speak, read, think and do? There are films which a Christian should not watch. The video clip could be showing hooliganism, i.e. fighting and killing, though dramatically. The sad reality could be pornography, too. What we see, we sometimes want to practice. Willful derailment of a Christian is described in James 1:14 ‘Each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.’

Reading is one of the essential skills we learnt at school. All the people who are literate undoubtedly learnt this skill. A follower of Christ will not read anything that comes his/her way. Some books or magazines distract sober minds into evil actions.

A non-believer is like a baby in the sense that he doesn’t know that he is in a world that belongs to God, the Creator, and that He should be worshipped. Baptism plays an important role in the Christian life because the phase of living in the darkness of the world would have been finished with. In the writer’s opinion, anyone who does not acknowledge that Christ died for our sins, and that God is the Maker of the universe, would do well to read Romans 2v.12.

Ignoring the worship of God is like a foetus who is confined unknowingly in its mother’s womb (pre-natal environment). Christadelphians who have roots in the Word of God should continue studying the Scriptures and Bible literature prayerfully and dutifully and share their knowledge with fellow-Christians, and friends and neighbours as well. This fulfils the words of advice we read in Matt. 28:19.

As brothers and sisters we are blessed with literature freely to read. The Gospel News, Glad Tidings, the Bible Missionary, Isolation League leaflets – the list is long. So instead of listening to and reading evil thoughts, why not keep to the daily Bible readings and the above listed literature?

Bro. Innocent Stiverio Kuvuta


Probably the angels viewed with grief and amazement Christ hanging upon the cross, blood flowing from his wounded temples. From His hands and feet the blood fell, drop by drop upon the rock drilled for the foot of the cross. The wounds made by the nails gaped as the weight of his body dragged upon his hands. His soul panted under the burden of the sins of the world. One is filled with wonder when the prayer of Christ was offered in the midst of His terrible suffering. ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do’ (Luke 23:34). The principalities and powers of darkness were assembled around the cross. Christ bowed His head and died, but He held fast his faith and his submission to God. Through Jesus, God’s love was manifested to men. The plan of redemption having been completed, the character of God is revealed to all believers.

Bro. Melusi Ndlovu


By seeing and hearing about what is happening under the sun these days, Bible readers know that the time is at hand that Christ’s coming is near. Every country these days is experiencing some problems, as it is written (Matt.24:7), ‘Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.’ Brothers and sisters, did you notice these events? e.g. Countries these days, with so many wars, floods and earthquakes. In Africa we are experiencing famines, diseases and injustices in our lives because of politics. Innocent people are influenced by powerful politicians in order to gain votes for such leaders. Matt.24:9 records Jesus saying, ‘Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations, because of me.’ V.12, ‘Because of the increase of wickedness the love of most will grow cold.’ V.13 ‘He who stands firm to the end will be saved.’

When we face problems caused by our earthly leaders, we should know that it is written of us in 2Tim.3:1-3 ‘But mark this, there will be terrible times in the last days, people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasting, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents; ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous; without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good…’. Verses 10-13: ‘You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance; persecutions, sufferings, what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra, the persecutions I endured. God rescued me from all of them. In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted; while evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse.’

The same can be applied to us these days – we have these problems. What we suffer is written for us. So we should stand firm and be ready to suffer for Christ, the only perfect Ruler and Judge of the whole world to come – the King of Kings.

Bro. Israel Mutunduwe


Prophecies which were given many years ago are being fulfilled now. We are very involved in the events. But to the unbelieving world it is a trap. We thank our Heavenly Father, through Jesus our Saviour, who is with us in overcoming all temptations and trials in these times.

I am here in Harare. We preaching to all we meet and breaking bread, drinking wine with brothers and sisters of the same faith. I often visit my family and other saints of Chisape Ecclesia, my home meeting-place. I am so pleased and full of joy to meet in this way every month, and for this I praise God. This year we are looking at the prophecy given through the hand writing on the wall. The kingdom of man is finished – may Jesus come soon.

We are standing firm on Gospel preaching, and nothing will move us from this. We must put the plough deep in the soil and give fully to the work of the Lord, because we know that our labour in the Lord is not in vain.

Your fellow sufferer, fellow soldier, fellow pilgrim and fellow supplicant of the mercy of God unto eternal life in the Hope we share.

Bro. Stanford Kuuzha


Consecrate your entire life to Christ. “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” (Rom.12:1) Then tell others about Jesus Christ, “Whoever shall confess me before others, I will confess also before my Father who is in heaven” (Matt.10:32). “But you are a chosen generation…that you should tell others of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvellous light.” (1Peter 2:9) Yes, the world of this day is full of crucial hardships and painful sufferings, but as Christians, let us stand firmly unto God and tell others about Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Don’t retreat. Yes, we are sons and daughters in the family of God. We have the privilege and authority of Christ’s name. Why then are so many Christians living defeated lives? Where is our victory in Christ? The words sound good – where are the works? Peter wrote to those who soon would be facing a time of great distress and severe testing. His words therefore are very personal, powerful and practical. “Be watchful and careful. Your enemy the devil prowls and roams around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour – to tear apart and eat. Be firm in the faith, and resist him…” (1Pet.5:8,9.)

Bro. Joseph Zishechi


Thank you for the Gospel News and the calendar for this year.

I was facing an eyesight problem last year from June to October, but now it’s far better. Please will you always pray for me, but what I know is by faith I will be healed, as that is what happened to the woman we read of in Luke 8:43-48. She was healed because she had faith in Jesus Christ. I have now had this problem for 10 years, but I thank God for the life I still have.

Sis. E. Chigiji

Sis. Chigiji’s children, Hillary and Blessing.

God turns our mourning into dancing; God tries to find us happiness even when we disobey Him. In Luke chapter 15, the father in the story accepts his prodigal son. The son had distanced himself from the father, and spent all he had on earthly pleasures.

So many run from Godly calling and labour for things which are only material. We should come to our senses as the prodigal son did. He was disgusted by feeding the pigs: he humbled himself and went back home to his father. So let us do the same, and say to God, ‘Father, forgive us for we have disobeyed you.’

Our God is longing to accept us. Isaiah 40:26 says, ‘Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number; He calleth them all by names by the greatness of His might; for that He is strong in power, not one faileth.’ Our God is great, so we should use our freewill to obey Him, as He is a God of love.

Bre. Sylvester and Patrick Chakaipa.


Thank you so much for the books, Bible Basics, and literature about women: I was very pleased to receive them to help with preaching. I will give these to serious students.

It seems drought has attacked our province Manicaland - most maize crops are scorched by the sun.

Bro. Gilbert Tevere


I received your letter, but I was not fit to write a reply as I was in poor health. It was difficult for me to do anything, as I was so very weak in all my joints, shivering and unable to hold anything – it took me a period of time to recover. But through God’s power I am now recovered, and thank our Heavenly Father.

Thank you for your news about the signs of the times: I like them very much as they always encourage me with some of the Bible warnings – some events have happened and there are some to come. I really find them interesting to read.

I am halfway through reading the book you sent me, The Real Christ. To me it is not the book you just read as a history book, it needs careful reading & reasoning to get more understanding and knowledge. That’s how slowly I’m reading it. Thank you for all your help.

Bro. Maxwell Mlakah


We had a wonderful Breaking of Bread with the brothers on 24th January 2010, when some visitors had just come to our meeting. We used to preach and drop some Christadelphian papers. If God wills, maybe they are going to join, and we hope to have more people in our ecclesia.

Some people are willing to join us, but the problem is in our church there is no help with every funeral or burial, which is why we are not having a lot of people: afterwards they leave for this reason. I am giving you this news, as we have to think what to do about this.

Think clearly and exercise self-control, look forward to special blessings that will come to you at the return of Jesus Christ. Obey God because you are His children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of doing evil – you didn’t know any better then, but now, you must be holy in everything you do, just as God, who chose you to be His children, is holy. God Himself has said, ‘You must be holy because I am holy;’ and remember that the Heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favourites. When He judges, He will judge or reward you according to what you did on this earth. So you must live in reverent fear of Him. Read every day His word and pray always, so that you stay on His right hand.

Bro. Henry Kushata


I was granted a one-acre piece of land in which I planted a maize crop, which has just recovered from almost a month of dryness (1 Jan. to about 23 Jan.) We had no rain during this period, and most crops wilted from the intense heat. I am also rearing the rural chicken breed which is doing well. All things being equal, I hope to try guinea fowl turkeys and/or ducks, and possibly rabbits, if I find some to start with.

OBITUARY: It was with great sorrow that we learnt of the falling asleep (on 13th October ’09) of Bro. Fred Milburn, who was once a resident brother in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe. He was a great tutor and influence during my years as a student. I worked with him as a newly baptised brother, and afterwards, and I found his zeal for the Lord’s vineyard irreplaceable. I am sure he will be missed by all who knew him. He now awaits the resurrection, having diligently given his all for the work of preaching to both new and old converts. It is also sad to hear of his wife, Sis. Nancy, now being unwell. We just hope our good Lord will look after her, and we thank the Christadelphian Care Homes which have accepted the task of looking after her. They were such wonderful, cheerful characters.

Bro. Itai Tembo


There were mountains that you climbed in 2009, and with regard to some of them you do not know how you made it. Some people had been counting down their number of days, but here we are today. So this shows that our God is greater than all trials and tribulations we may meet on the way.

As you walk today, in 2010, don’t go alone, don’t leave your God behind, go with Him and win all the battles. May 2010 be a year of success, prosperity and love. I love you so much with all my being. What we must remember is that ‘the Lord is my Shepherd,’ as we read in David’s Psalm 23.

Bro. Kuvarega Mavuvo


I wish to continue receiving your magazine – it is good and uplifting, with teaching as well as good advice.

I am very sorry about the home school post boxes, which are sometimes only collected once in two months. I have talked to the T.I.C. of the school, and hope things will change to better conditions.

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