news from south africa

The baptism of Sister Gugu Buthelezi, putting on the saving Name of our Lord Jesus Christ in baptism at Yeoville ecclesia before a good crowd of witnesses. Sis. Gugu has been a faithful friend since the opening of the BEC and ecclesia. She learnt the Truth from several brethren and sisters and especially from our Brother Johnny who was able to instruct her in Zulu. We are delighted to welcome her as a new Sister in Christ and pray God’s rich blessing and gracious care over her.

Sister Gugu


I have been meaning to write for some time now as I wanted to thank you for sending Gospel News all the way to me in Cape Town. We get good use out of one copy as I distribute it to a few of the brethren in Cape Town when I am done with it.

I wanted to reply to the “News from France” section in the April-June magazine. Bro Masoud was looking for Bro Deogratias Karegea. Well his email address is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Would you be able to pass this info on?

I have very little news except that I am still very happy at the Cape Town ecclesia which is small , but we are joined by the Winelands eccelsia every fortnight, so that boosts our numbers a little. Guests are always welcome! I hope to visit London some day soon and see you all.

Sis Jenni Botha


A person might relieve hunger pangs by eating rubbish food. Similarly we could fill up on activities or philosophies that seem to satisfy our spiritual appetite. But just as surely as a poor diet leads to malnutrition, disease, or worse, failing to satisfy our spiritual needs properly will ultimately result in harm.

If, however, we develop a relationship with Jesus and God, seek to do His will and follow His guidance, we will find the truth behind the Bible’s words, ‘Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need.’ Read Matthew 5:3.

(My ‘Phone no. is 0737851467 for brothers and sisters who are in South Africa.)

Bro. Kuvarega Mavlivo

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