news from tanzania


LEAPING: is the sign of Victory and Joy

We will win only if we endure in his righteousness and good deeds.

There are several references to leaping which we would like to look at. Leaping in His Righteousness Mark 10:46-52(v.50): The blind man throwing his cloak as he jumped up and went to Jesus.

2 Samuel 6:12-19(v.14) and David danced, whirling round before Yahweh with all his might… (v.16 Michal, daughter of Saul was watching from the window when she saw King David leaping and whirling round before Yahweh.

Acts 3:8, Peter and John …..and he leaping up stood and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.

Luke 1:41-42…Now it happened that as soon as Elizabeth heard Mary’s greetings the child leapt in her womb.

Isaiah 35:4-(6)…..Then the lame will leap like a deer and the tongue of the dumb sing for joy.

But how shall we leap for joy? Surely if we will continue in faith and love and holiness. Surely we will prosper God’s gloriousness in the eternal life, in which we will leap and leap and leap and leap for joy in His glory.

What a happy day for the righteous people and what a miserable day for unrighteous ones!

Bro. Martin Silwani


Am doing well but we saw a very tragic incident here in Musoma where 17 people from the same clan were killed including a three days old baby and her mum, a situation whereby her mum’s breast was cut off and put in the baby’s mouth when all dead. This happens just because of revenge which started three years back. The burial is taking place today by the government. It’s awful. Pray for me and Bev as we are in Musoma and everybody is frightend.

Monica Later writes: Yesterday night it rained so heavily and at least five people died. Three were children, there different houses fell down and caused the damages. Some are injured and in hospital.

Those who killed the 17 people were caught and they are in custody. I met Kevin last Monday and he is doing well.

Sis Monica Achieng


I spent almost a year doing tailoring, and recently someone was needed to teach English at the school here, at final-year secondary school level. So I sacrificed learning tailoring to help some of my fellow inmates prepare for their exams – our equivalent of your Cambridge GCE ‘O’ Level exam.

The case in which lawyers tried to get fixed lengths of sentences for us was dismissed in early January. The lawyers plan to appeal the judge’s decision before our local appeal court, and if unsuccessful there, before our country’s highest court, the Privy Council in London.

Although I’m disappointed, I have accepted God’s will, still hoping that He will give us success in one of our appeals.

I will continue working on my main aim of making myself a better person in God’s sight, trying to keep myself ready for our Master’s return.

Bro. George Constantine

COMMENT: You have set a good Christian example, George, in helping others at the expense of your own training as a taylor. I wondered if you liked the job, whether the authorities would assist you in getting some teacher-taining and on release employ you on the Prison’s Educational Staff.

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