news from malawi

Thank you for the good work of the Lord that you are doing for your own and other individuals' betterment. We pray that CAT will have the ability so that they may reach all corners of the earth with the real massage from  ALMIGHTY GOD which He spoke and is still speaking in the Bible. I do admire you guy’s but one day if it is not tomorrow, I will be a giant like you, ministering the Truth to the world.

Bro Ishmael Makwinja


Here in Malawi God’s work is spreading nearly all over the country. In Balaka in particular God has blessed us with another five new members and our church is growing spiritually and physically, so please pray for us as we need your help in so many ways such as Sunday School books, Bibles and finance, so that we are able to build our own Church. As of now we are still using rooms at a school. Thank you for the “Present Day Events” which continues to tell us what is happening around the world.

Bro. Micky Mbawe

Those of us who follow Christ in this life will be kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth. We will rule over settlements of various sizes and numbers; one will rule over ten cities and another over five. Christ will share his rulership over the earth with us and princes shall rule in judgement.

When we are tempted, we are forced to choose between sin and obedience to God and often we choose to disobey God. Christ had the same choices but always chose to be obedient; he had the possibility of sinning although he never actually did. We have shown that the seed of David promises in 2 Sam.7:12-16 was definitely Christ, verse 14 speaks of Christ’s possibility of sinning.

We must walk like Jesus. We must pray like Jesus and we must pray every day.

The victory of Jesus – “He was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin

The promises of the Old Testament:-

  1. In the Garden of Eden.

  2. To Noah.

  3. To Abraham.

  4. To David.

Bro. Lyton John


Let me apologise for my silence. It is true that you have not heard from me for a long time. This does not mean I am not interested in receiving Gospel News. I like that booklet because it’s where we share our faith. Contributions from brothers and sisters help all readers come close to their Master, the Lord Jesus. The only reason for my silence is that I had nothing to share with brothers and sisters. I always say what our Almighty Father has revealed to me and wherever presented, the message should bear fruit. You may agree with me that people need to be told the truth, the only truth that can set them free. This truth is found in the Holy Book – the Bible. The message from this book is straightforward, pointing forward to how we can live in harmony with the Father.

I have temporarily changed my mailing address as I am doing my studies in the city of Blantyre. May I please ask you to send me some copies of Bible Basics and other Christian literature and also a Bible. Let me not forget to thank you for the support you have been rendering to me. Whenever there is a meeting in Zomba please try to inform me.

Bro. Stuart Bingala


Gospel News takes me round the world and I learn what other brothers and sisters put into action and what they learn from the scriptures, so please continue to send me Gospel News and other Christadelphian literature. Could you please send me some reading glasses and I appreciate the prepaid reply envelope you sent. I take it as a lesson to help others so that they feel as I feel when helped.

Bro. Stuart Maramba Gondwe


Thank you for the work you are doing because as newly developing seeds we need support so that we can grow and mature with the Word of God. I am half way through the book you sent me, Christendom Astray from the Bible and I am finding it very helpful. I would be glad to receive a dictionary.

Bro. Lucky Foster Mbalale

Photo: Bro. Lucky Mbalale


I am really blessed with the words of encouragement from you, which are helping me to grow spiritually. I would like also to thank you for the books sent to me, which have helped me a lot and it is my prayer that you will be able to send some books which deal with the Devil and its origin. I want to encourage my fellow Christians to hold fast to the faith which we have in Jesus Christ, our only Saviour, and to do our best to please God.

Bro. Suzgo Simwaka

Photo: Bro. Suzgo Simwaka


Greetings in the Name of Jesus and I hope you are well. I am a member of the Christadelphian Church in Malawi, aged 29. I joined the Christadelphians last year in South Africa, while I was there searching for a job and I am now in Malawi. I would like to ask you to send me more Bible Basics in English, English Bibles if possible and Christian booklets.

Bro. Samuel Getiam


I would like to ask you to join me in prayer about how I can manage to find school fees for my son, as you know that education is a very crucial thing these days. I have sent a photo of myself with friends. I am the one in a jacket, second from the left. It was a study day about Bible doctrines and I was teaching from Heb.11:1-11. These people want to know if it is possible to establish a Christadelphian ministry here.

Bro. Lameck Niwawala

Photo: Bro. Lameck and friends

Part of a substantial congregation at Migowi who, as a group, are seriously looking into our beliefs and considering joining us. Their prayerhouse is in the background and Bro Austin is standing at the far left.

Some of the senior women of the congregation.


Thanks a lot for the new book entitled “The Acts of the Apostles”, as well as the news updates. “Gospel News” helps to encourage people, give a focus and convert some of them to be born again in the Lord. The new book will help me to know the meanings of people’s names and places through the whole book of Acts. So sorry to hear about the falling value of the £, however this points forward to the economic crisis in the last days whereby the Kingdom of God is about to be set up.

Bro. Kenneth Maganger


It has been very nice to hear from you again. I would like to thank you for all that you did for me like replying to my letter and sending me a very nice Bible Basic ruler with an envelope inside that letter. I think that everything starting from that letter might be very useful and helpful to me and even to others too. We remain only with hope and trust in Him, the Mighty God, to work on that issue. I am also interested in having a copy of “The Real Christ” and also if you could send a copy for the Sisters’ Class. This would be very interesting and important for them.

God has been very gracious and He is still loving and caring for us as some parts of this country have harvested a lot of grain, no matter it cannot be the whole country. We expect to have a Regional Bible School but I do not think I will be able to attend because it is right down in the southern part of Malawi and would be too expensive to attend.

Bro. Dutch Mphaya


I would like to let you know that I was admitted to the Chikwawa District Hospital to the T.B. Ward from 16th-29th June. I am now home and feel alright, although I must continue to take medication for six months and must not work hard during that time. Please pray for me.

Thank you for sending me a book abour organic farming, and also leaflets which tell us of signs of the times which are being fulfilled, which means that the Kingdom of God ruled by the King, Jesus, His, Son, is at the door. I am happy and give thanks for your advice that I should not go around to other communities. My desire is to follow what Jesus, his disciples and other believers did, and for this reason I pray to God day and night that He will help me and all my relatives. You may also pray for us not to be deceived by worldly people around us and our own lusts, which are, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, which come not from the Lord but are of this world. I would also like to share with my brothers and sisters worldwide, through Gospel News, what is happening here in Malawi.

Bro. Robert Folley


May you please send me five or more copies of Gospel News for July – September 2009 as many of my friends have been interested to read it and at the same time see my picture in there. They see it as something wonderful. Also if there are more copies of the leaflets about the Sabbath, Catholicism and others that you sent some time ago I would be glad of those. Now I know what Judaism is all about and when I compare the S.D.A. and Judaism they are parallel but not the same; the way they keep their Sabbath is different.

Early this month I went to see the two teachers who have seven families with them. Unfortunately one teacher has drawn the seven families into another denomination, leaving one teacher and another man who are still interested in Christadelphian beliefs. You see, people are very interested in our books but they find it difficult to be baptised. They read our books and they do not want to part with them and some comment that our books are straightforward as regards the truth. I hope and pray that more will be called by the Lord and accept the truth.

Bro. A.D. Liwawa

Photo: Bro A.D.Liwawa with his reading glasses.


I am a new member of the Christadelphians and I do gather with my fellow Christadelphian members at Senga Bay. I have my own address but for the mean time you can use: The Christadelphian World Wide, P.O. Box 2, Salima, Malawi.

Bro. Ishmael Makwinja


Wonderful greetings in the Hope of Israel, which we share. I would like to thank you and confirm that I did receive the “Present Day Events” and “God’s Purpose Revealed in Promises”, which I found contained some very important material. I would like to request a copy of “The Real Christ” and also some copies for our Sisters’ Class as it contains over 400 pages of solid material, very suitable for reading round at a Bible Class.

Bro. Henderson Sosola


I was baptised in Chinamwali Christadelphian Centre by Bro. Chikape. Can you please help me with a copy of “Where there is no Doctor” and also I would like to receive Gospel News and booklets relating to the coming Kingdom.

Sis. Aida Kalingoma

Comment : We have sent out a considerable number of “Where there is No Doctor”, which is an excellent book: however, owing to costs, we will not be sending out any more for the time being. MH

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