news from nigeria


Photo: The picture was taken at the CYC held at Klarri and shows those who attended from Enugu Ecclesia. We were fortunate to have one of our candidates baptised out of the six baptised during the CYC.

Preparing the Camp meal


Please continue to send Gospel News to my address. May our Heavenly Father reward CAT for the good work they are doing in the garden of God around the world. We are working and it is the Son of God that can bless our efforts. May He do so when He returns.


Gospel News has been a source of encouragement to all readers. We in Nigeria  see it as a reminder of the TRUE knowledge of the gospel and also as a guiding rule for true followership towards the end times. How i wish i could contribute in ssome way in propagating this good news. I am encouraged, please keep the flag flying.

Bro David Ugbai


I receive our Gospel News with much happiness. Hearing news about brothers and sisters around the world helps us a lot to keep on moving with faith and constant hope in this isolated area. I therefore appeal for more books. I already have Christendom Astray, Bible Basics, James and other Studies, Bible Basics for Moslems and The Death of the Cross; so please kindly send other books to us, if possible.

We have just come back from Aba, where we attended a three-day Bible exposition entitled “The Invisible Hand of God in World Affairs”. In fact the programme was all that we needed in these last days and was for those who really want or seek for the Truth. The lecturers were Bre. T.K. Ndukwe, M.K. Erne, Peter Kalu and Ibeka Thomas. During the activity my two children were about to die, but God said, “No” and used the brethren and sisters to save their lives. In fact, I don’t know what could have become of me without the brethren at Aba Ecclesia because I had no money with me, as I have not received my due salary for some months now. My prayer is for Yahweh to pay back in full the brethren in Aba Ecclesia. To the household of Bro. Ibeka Thomas, I thank you in the love of Yahweh and your loving wife, after whom I have named my daughter (Comfort).

I humbly appeal to the C.B.M. to help us to combat malaria here. We need mosquito nets or anything else to fight the epidemic caused by the mosquito. We are trying our best to reach people through preaching and leaflets and in the end the Truth must surely triumph, so keep praying for us as we do for all brethren and sisters all over the world, till Jerusalem will become a harbour for those who love the Truth. I am suffering from high blood pressure but I thank God that it is coming down to 150 over 102 following the treatment I am receiving, so I plead for your prayers.

Bro. Uka Egwu


I want to express my gratitude to you all for the effort of making sure that the good news of the Kingdom of God reaches everybody. As I have moved, please send all my letters, books and other reading materials to my new address – No 52 Nnaji Street, Uwani, Enugu.

Bro. Emmanuel Iweha

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