news from kenya


Greetings from Western Kenya, hoping you are in peace as we wait the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. There is always a sign of the times in the air – the weather has changed desperately and there is a great decline in the farm output. Kenya alone expected 33,000,000 bags of maize according to a special report (meaning that from our population of 35m people, one bag per man) now the Cereal Board has only half of it and there is no sign of rain – a sign of famine.

God is always interested in his people and God is very interested in Kenya and controls it. My survey is only a thirst for more hearts to give in and incline to the Truth. A nation of 40 million people if compared to a Christadelphian figure of about two thousand people! Many Kenyans own a Bible but are not believers. Believers often meditate and exult in it. Catholics take the lead with many followers who still believe in the trinity, sprinkling of infants and going to heaven, beliefs that are outside the Bible. As Paul writes to Timothy, they will not listen to the Truth.

Bro. Otieno Anyals


I apologise for the long silence but please pardon me as I was away for quite a long time to advance my career. I am now back at my normal address. Bro. Richard from Bungoma promised to communicate with you so that you could get me a tutor but I have so far not heard from one, please assist me. Bro. Pius Bitalo, Bro. Hesborn Onyinso and Sis. Elizabeth Asikoyo send their greetings and thanks for the literature that you send to us.

Sis. Imelda Makokha

Photo: Sis. Imelda Makokha (in checked dress) being recognised for preaching to students and workmates.


Our ecclesia now has 20 members and I would like to request copies of Bible Basics in Swahili, Teach me Thy Way and Revision Studies to assist us with our preaching to those who wish to be baptised. I am looking forward to teaching four students who will be baptised at the end of the year and I will be glad of your support. I also inform you that at the end of this year we plan to open a new ecclesia in Bwake sub-location, God willing.

In Kenya we have seen violence, which has never occurred before since this country existed. Youths who were protesting blocked some of the roads in Kibera and more than 100 were killed; thousands were displaced and buildings were destroyed. In other parts of the country where youths were protesting, police fired tear gas at dozens of them and shot several times in the air to disperse them. Furthermore, this violence is not only in Kenya, but also in Zimbabwe. This shows me that Jesus is coming soon. Our Lord Jesus Christ teaches us in the Bible that the “last days” generation will witness these signs as we read in Luke 21:9-10, Luke 21:20-27 and Luke 17:30-37. “To this man, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembles at my word.” Isaiah 66:2.

Bro. Maina George Wabwire

Photo: Bro. Phopiano Otia and Bro. Maina Wabwire

I take this opportunity to thank you for being concerned with replying to my request and for all that you have done for me and other brothers and sisters all over the country. I also wish to thank Bro. Trevor Hughes, who is our linkman in Kenya and who organised the Conference on 10th-12th April. It was very interesting and we got wonderful lessons from Bro. Alan from the talk entitled “David in the Cave”. I personally learnt a lot of lessons to guide me from this episode in David’s life and how he escaped being captured by Saul. God performs wonderful miracles which show us that He will protect us and lift us up in our lives.

Bro. Boniface Juma

Photo: Bro. Boniface Juma

I have received the letter from you asking about Gospel News and I do wish to continue to receive it, thank you.

Bro. Emmanuel Kundu

Photo: Bro. Emmanuel Kundu

Hi brother, I hope you are fine and doing well in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Here in Kenya I am also fine. Thanks very much for I got the book you sent me which I hope will do much for me and other brothers and sisters in helping us to have much more insight of the meanings of the words satan, devil and evil. May God bless you abundantly for your generosity.

Bro. Griffin Wafula


Thank you very much for the good work of supplying us with Gospel News, as we can read articles from different brothers and sisters from ecclesias all over the world. The economic situation has caused an increase in food prices, which is causing a lot of pain to common people in Kenya. We pray for Jesus’ return to establish his everlasting Kingdom.

Bro. Jacob and Sis. Jacklyne Wanjala

I was baptised in 1995. When I received the Gospel I believed the things concerning God’s Kingdom, which is to be established on the earth very soon. It has built my faith on a strong foundation for daily life. In addition, by borrowing from Bro. David Wanjala, I have read Bible Basics and Gospel News, which have good lessons, which are profitable. Thank you very much for your generous idea of sending such literature. This has influenced brothers and sisters worldwide to develop a spark in their minds that causes them to realise a hope for salvation in God’s Kingdom. Furthermore, the quotation from Mark 16:15 is being fulfilled.

Finally, it is the first time, with my wife, who is preparing for baptism, that we write to you with joy in our hearts requesting a copy of Gospel News. I will be happy to be linked to you so that we also will be strengthened in God’s Word as we await the return of our Lord Jesus.

Bro. Jacob Waliaula

Photo: Bro. Jacob Waliaula with his wife Valentine and sons Malvine and Movine.


I am sorry to let you know that on 26th July I was attacked by robbers on my way home and robbed of all my personal belongings; my identity card, cell-phone, torch, plus 1000 ksh. I was not harmed very much although I am now down with malaria fever. Our vegetation has failed due to lack of enough rain. The contacts which I supervise are gradually growing spiritually.

The rule of God’s Kingdom, which is soon to come, will be an abundance of peace. Psalm 72:7-8. “In his days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth. He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth.” Phil. 4:9. “The God of peace shall be with you.” We find some hints in Phil. 4:4-5, “Always rejoice in the Lord. Once more I will say, Rejoice. Let your reasonableness become known to all men. The Lord is near.” The more we know God the more fully we shall do His will, that in turn will bring us satisfaction and inner peace.

Bro. Jacob Okoth


To all brethren throughout the entire universe, let us put on the spiritual armour and wage war against corruption. This evil is making the rich families wealthier and the poor poorer. Corruption is making people worship money and forget their Creator. The poor have no rights; modern slavery is based on bribes and corruption in the names of trade and profit. David refused to be given land free from Araunah (threshing floor), to build an altar for the Lord. He gave Araunah his right and paid for the threshing floor. (1 Chron.21:24-25).

We need to inform the world that everything in the world belongs to God. He has provided it to make the world habitable and it is the responsibility of human beings to share it fairly. “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness” (2 Pet. 1:3). People should not participate in corrupt activities caused by worldly evil desires as we are told in 2 Peter 1:4. Human beings should practice goodness, self-control, perseverance, brotherly kindness, love and godliness. 2 Pet. 1:5-7. It is our duty to tell the world of this great news, saying it openly to the ecclesias, preaching to our neighbours, expressing concern and warning nations to change in the press and world media.

We have to be effective and productive to avoid being short sighted. This world is almost changing to another Sodom and Gomorrah. We need to alert the world that Jesus is at the door, plead with the world to accept Jesus and change. We all look forward to entering the Kingdom of God. May the Lord God of heaven and earth, the God of Abraham, send our Saviour, Jesus Christ, soon.

I send my thanks and appreciation for the copies of Bible Basics that you have sent me; I have given one to Bro. Charles Munyi of Ikutha ecclesia and the other nine to interested brothers. Joseph promised to ask Bro. Trevor Hughes to order 15 more copies of Bible Basics in English and five more in Kiswahili, so that we could use them to prepare the youth in Bible Classes to know about the Gospel. Please inform me how these arrangements are going.

Bro. Harrison Mbebe


I am very pleased about the progress made in Latvia and many countries in the Eastern Block. It is also impressive to find Christadelphians even in Egypt and Sudan. Let the Gospel be preached to all corners of the world before the Lord returns. We need Christ so much at the moment. As you know, I am still faced with problems at home and I cannot stay there, as I am not wanted. One morning I was attacked by robbers who stabbed me on my left arm, took my I.D. card and my cell phone, fled and threw the I.D. card by the roadside. I immediately ran to the nearby dispensary for first aid. The wound has healed. Imagine no one came to my rescue as I was shouting for help.

Kenya has shed much blood during the recent violence and has to taste the wrath of God. There have been no rains, no harvests and many rivers are drying up because the forests are destroyed. Even some lakes, like Lake Nakuru that holds flamingos is drying, forcing the birds to migrate, likewise Lakes Turkana and Baringo. The Kenya we used to see is changing its image due to bad government. Kenya is a sick and failed state with corruption at the highest level, lack of security in the towns, unemployment, famine and drought among other problems.

Bro. Lawrence K’Owiti


The main point of this letter is to inform my fellow brethren that my address is now: Bro. Richard Oduma, c/o C.B.M. Kenya, P.O.Box 925, Kisumu, Code 40010. On behalf of Kisumu Ecclesia we ask for your daily prayers. Please continue to send us Christadelphian literature regarding our beliefs. Again we would like to request you to send more copies of Bible Basics for our contacts, God Willing.

Bro. Richard Oduma


Thank you very much for the books for preaching. They really encourage us in every way as we learn about the Word of God. We wish also to let you know that we are very happy at the way you are doing this work. We are also happy as we were helped to buy a new plot. May God bless you as we are awaiting our Lord’s return to establish his everlasting Kingdom on earth.

Bro. Patrick Sawa

Photo: Makhonge brethren constructing a shade on a new plot.
From left – Bre. Jacob Wakhabu, Joseph Khaela, Patrick Sawa, Zablon Murandafu, David Wanjala, Andrew Wakhabu and Moses Wekesa.

Photo: Bro, Emmanuel Sichangi


We are very happy that our brethren from the UK have been able to send us funds to help us as we have a famine here in Kenya. May our Lord bless them.

Bro. Daniel Ogembo

As a Christadelphian brother, I would like to ask all our brothers and sisters worldwide to take care of our preaching work to those who have not yet heard the message and to pass on the Truth and faith which we have received. I always try to use my time to preach and yesterday I went to a school for orphans to pass the message on to those who were there. I pray that I may be rewarded when Jesus returns to set up his Kingdom.

Bro. Jared Oketch

Photo: Centre Bro. Jared


Many thanks for the Gospel News. May the good God continue to help, provide and protect you. Your fellow solder in the conquest of self and the advancement of the Gospel.

Bro. Joseph Onyango


What sins are forgiven at baptism? The sins forgiven us at baptism are our own sins, of which we alone are guilty. As to the sins of Adam which brought death, it is neither scriptural or reasonable to speak of our being forgiven for them. Romans 5:12. The evil springing from our connection with Adam will not be cured, healed or forgiven till death is “swallowed up in victory” at the resurrection. 2 Cor.15:54.

Will Adam be raised? Was the sentence he received to eternal death? The sentence he received was to “return to the dust.” Gen.3:19, which sentence was duly carried out, certainly. The fact of his being clothed with the skins of a slain (sacrificial) animal, shows that he was eligible, with the whole human race, for the salvation to be provided in the woman’s ‘seed’. Gen.3:21. There was nothing in this to prevent Adam’s resurrection if the way were afterwards opened, but if not, none of the human race could rise, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Rom.3:23, for all were equally involved in the sentence.

Bro. Walter Barasa Wasike


I would like you to help me with a Bible and more books, which would give me more knowledge and enable me to teach Christians more about God.

Bro. Rashid Nanjira

Photos: Bro. Rashid Nanjira;  Sis. Nanjira


I received your letters, religious pamphlets, Elpis Israel and letter of encouragement and exhortation for my spiritual growth, which help to make me strong in the faith. I have now been in the faith for 33 years since I was baptised on 21st August 1976. Please remember to pray for me and my family, especially my children, that they may accept the Truth. You know salvation is a gift from God, God calls people to serve him as he called Abraham, Noah, Moses and Jeremiah. He sent our Saviour, Jesus Christ. We have examples of patriarchs of faith in the book of Hebrews ch.11.

Please pray for God’s message to work in my area, called Sindo. I want this message to bear fruit. Jesus said in Luke 17:26-27, “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of man. They were eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all.” There was another brother here, who died in the Truth, Bro. Richard Laban Olong who was baptised in 1973 in Nairobi. I need your prayer so that this area of Sindo, should respond and join me to reveal the Truth to other people. I believe your prayer will be answered and the people of Sindo will be able to see me as a devout, living witness for the Truth.

Life in Christ after baptism is one of the hardest tests for a brother and sister. Here are some of the experiences I have encountered for 33 years in the Faith. You must read God’s Word daily preferably by using the Bible Companion for spiritual growth You must have fellowship together in breaking bread and drinking wine. You must be a strong witness for the truth and above all you must live a life of sacrifice to serve God for the rest of your life. You must pray for the Kingdom to come. You must accept that you will be tested in your life. You must be able to tell people what you stand for, you must be strong and courageous, your life must reflect the image of God as shown by our Saviour, Jesus Christ and you must show the character of a true Christian.

When you read the Bible try to learn the characters of the people who served God in their life and the benefits they received and those who refused to listen and obey the voice of God and the punishment given to the disobedient. When you go to preach the gospel please respect the faith of others, show that you love them and don’t just start by telling them that they don’t go to heaven. First make them feel welcome, start by explaining why God exists, that He is the Creator, God is One God and that He loves everybody, whether they are Christian, non-Christian or Moslem. God is love, God is eternal, immortal, merciful and everything belongs to Him. God is the Creator of the rich and the poor, Prov.22:2. God is the cause of good and bad things happening and has a plan for us. The God of the Bible wants us to live together as members of one family. God has a great plan, which is revealed when we listen to His voice through the Bible. God uses everything, including plants, animals and mankind to show His power.

In conclusion, of my 33 years in the Faith, I have not yet received what I was promised, but look forward to eternal life, which God who cannot lie, has promised us, Titus 1:2, “In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began and at the proper time manifested in His Word through the preaching with which I have been entrusted by the command of God our Saviour, through Jesus Christ.”

Bro. John Owalo Onani


I am taking this opportunity to thank all those who joined hands to make this Magazine. It is of great help to me and my family and has a lot of Bible teaching. I am requesting if it is possible there is a possibility some copies of Bible Basics, as most of our contacts are in much need of them. May the Lord bless and keep you as we look forward to the time when we will all rejoice together in the Kingdom, in the mercy of our Lord.

Gospel News builds me up spiritually and I will also build up others through the same.

Bro. Samuel Masara

We all made the right decision when you went into the waters of baptism. Don’t be overwhelmed with the pressures of life. Chance comes to all true Christians at God’s own given time. The Bible is our map to follow until we reach our destination. It promises us life now and in the world to come. No other book sees beyond what we have now. It stands alone among other books and calls us to be separate from the world – why worry? Matt.6:33 – “Seek ye first the Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” Thank you for the well researched manuscripts on signs of the times; please keep updating me.

Bro. Joseph Onyango

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