news from kenya
We are experiencing short rains and people are harvesting ground-nuts and burning ripe corns. Already it seems that next year there will be famine because this year’s harvest has not been that good.
I feel good when I receive replies from you but when you keep quiet, then I get discouraged. It’s now three months that I have undergone temptations that have helped me to gain strength (I am blessed with a part-time job now.)
Sis Imelda Makokha
I am very grateful to hear that you have reprinted the Kiswahili Bible Basics. This is especially important in Kenya because the common language is Kiswahili. So if you can send me a copy, I would be very grateful.
In the Bible we find that many people ran away to Egypt to either secure their life or for famine but not to settle. Let us look at the example of our father, Abraham, after he settled in Canaan. There was a famine which forced him to leave that land and go to Egypt (Genesis 12:9-12). While he was there he lied to the king of Egypt in order to protect his wife.
A second example is Jacob’s family who went to Egypt after Joseph, and enjoyed five good years. But afterwards, the new Pharaoh did not know Joseph (Genesis 42:1-6, 43:1,2). The people of Israel were made to do forced labour, to make bricks and build houses. Pharaoh became scared of the numbers of the Israelites and finally killed all the baby boys who were born (Exodus 1:8,11,12).
Another example is that of Jesus Christ. At the time of his birth, the Roman Empire was ruling and king Herod began searching in order to kill the new-born king, Jesus. But God sent an angel to Joseph, to tell him to escape to Egypt to avoid the child being killed (Matthew 2:7-16).
On all these three occasions, Egypt was a good place to escape trouble.
Bro Boniface Juma
We have been going through the books you gave us and we have found much pleasure in reading them.
In Kenya, much violence is being used in these political times.
On the other hand, job opportunities are becoming scarcer each day. At the same time, training colleges have been motivated to charge higher prices and only the rich can train.
My tribe has a saying that if a mad man walks naked, it is his kinsmen who feel ashamed, not himself. Therefore if I walk naked, you being my kinsmen in Christ, will feel ashamed.
Bro Laban Kisaka
Greetings in Jesus’ name. Thank you for the books concerning the position of sisters in the fellowship, two dictionaries and Glad Tidings. We hope to benefit a lot from them as books of this kind are rarely found. It is now upon ourselves to clearly understand our position in God’s fellowship and be contented, because it is not by man’s favour but by God’s grace. I have some questions for Sis. Cindy and others who are also experienced, so please, I kindly request you to allow me to communicate with them by letting me know how I can contact them direct.
Sis. Carolyne Wabwile
It is good to have the books you send to me. I really feel spiritually well because of what I am getting from them. More people are moving up and down like leaves in the wind because they don’t have the Word of Life. In Kenya it is the Year of Campaign but people do not know which way to go and that has made me remain courageous. I also urge all Christians to follow the right course because one day God will change us from mortal to spiritual bodies. Otherwise, brother, I have converted many to God’s Way. In fact I had six people who were preparing for interview but the problem is that I need revision study books and I urge you to assist me with these and other study books that you think may help the children of God.
I would like to inform you that the books you are sending us are actually helping us a great deal, they are the books we are using to teach people. For instance, converting somebody like Bro Leonard Wanjala into our faith was not an easy task, somebody having a higher degree in education than some of us and at the same time being a Pastor of a Church (one with more than four hundred believers). It took time before he abandoned his church and decided to be baptised again. Right now, he is a brother sharing the one hope with us. And it is the books you sent us that strengthened his faith.
Another example is Bro Justus Simiyu of Kaptama Ecclesia. He was also a pastor in PEFA church, He took two years before he finally agreed to be re-baptised. And it is because of the books you sent us.
So what if you stopped sending us the parcels? how should we convert more people? I know I have the ability to do it, but the books you send us always give proper guidance on how to make our pilgrimage to the Bible. For instance, now we need some more Bible Companions due to an increasing population. I know the work ahead of us is neither mine nor yours: it is the Lord’s. And a person who will run up to the last moment is the one who will be rewarded. We still have a long journey to go and let us not lose hope. As the saying goes, “Prayer flies where eagles never flew”
So, brother, the books you have been sending us have been of great importance to the ecclesia. They have been helping us to tell our ideas to the Gentiles. As you know, a good salesman is somebody who can convince a bald-headed man to buy a comb, a blind person to buy a mirror and a toothless person to buy toothpaste – and, indeed, we have done it through the assistance of the books.
My people have a saying that “a water pot breaks at the door steps”, meaning that something may move on just well and get damaged when it is about to arrive at its destination. Therefore as we are about to enter God’s kingdom, let nothing disrupt us and pull us apart. So I am appealing to you to continue sending us those parcels and we are discussing an appropriate way to receive them.
Bro Laban Kisaka
I am thankful to God for His kindness and goodness to us in keeping us well and uniting us in our remembrance of our absent Master. I am very happy to have your letter and Gospel News and so happy to see worldwide news which gives us more encouragement. We are all on the race to the Kingdom. God has set His video camera taping our movements, characters and actions. Let us recall the parable of the talents in Matt.25:14-30. Jesus used this parable to demonstrate our faith and the way we can do the will of God by spreading the word and bringing Him many followers, as Jesus himself did. If we use our talents rather than sit and do nothing verse 23 will apply to us and we will be blessed in the Kingdom. As Ecc.11:1 says, “Cast your bread upon the waters for after many days you will find it again.”
Sis. Florence and Bro. Isaac Wafula with their family and sheep
I am very impressed with a sister and her team for the action for us as Kibisi sisters. She cast the bread in 1999. As an ecclesia we decided to farm, set up a group and decided to rear sheep. In 2001 we bought a sheep; it was very small but in 2003 it produced twins. See the miracle of God as right now every sister has her own sheep. How happy I am with my family, Ecc.11:2,6, “Give a portion to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land…. Sow your seed in the morning and at the evening let not your hands be idle for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that or whether both will do equally well.”
Sis. Florence Wafula
It has been wonderful to get reading glasses, so I say much thanks for what has been done for me. I am seeing well, and I can read the Bible, something I have been longing to do for a long time. So I pray God to guide you in whatever you may do as we wait for our Master’s return.
People around the globe are leading their lives in ways that do not please our God. Many times they try to solve problems without depending on the power of our Lord. And because the world is crying and faint, the world has been defiled and all the people in it. So we need behaviour change from bad to God, Isaiah 24:4. We should change and leave the old deeds because we need the truth, and the sooner we stick to it, the better, Acts 3:17-19.
All is done by God who, through Christ, changed us from enemies into His friends. Eventually He will make many others to be His friends, because the message will be for the whole human race, 2 Corinthians 5:18.19.
Bro Patrick Sawa
As we came to the end of 2007, we noticed many clear signs of the end times as prophesied in the Mt. Olivet prophecy. Earthquakes in many diverse places, people living in fear (like Iranian bombs), pestilences, cyclones, famine and drought such as never was, nations rising against nations, the gospel going unto all nations as a witness to the restoration of the Kingdom of Israel. May the Lord quicken the times to the return of Christ to set up the kingdom where justice, equality and fairness will reign. I would like to request a dictionary/thesaurus to help us in our English which is a second language in Kenya. My prayers are for many afar off afflicted with problems of every kind, diseases, bereavement, that sooner rather than later the Master will return and the problems become history.
Well, I am very happy to have received the books requested ie Bible Basics in Kiswahili language and the Thesaurus/Dictionary. Thanks a lot and may our Heavenly Father bless you evermore. Please send me more materials, God willing. We now lack English Bibles and other materials eg story books, etc. Bro Samwell Masawa
At the inauguration of the Miwani Ecclesia Hall Left to right: Bre Lawrence K’owiti, Alex Ojwang Abuya, Nelson Otieno Anyals. Bro Lawrence K’owiti
Nyandenga Ecclesial Hall Kibanda Bre John Onani, Daniel Ogemba, Kornel Oliech
Bro Samwell Masawa, a member of Kababu Ecclesia, South Nyanza Area.
I hope that you are all well and holding fast to the doctrines of the gospel. Our prayer is to see a peaceful world without violence at all. Nevertheless, this is impossible with man. Only God can set up a peaceful kingdom. I pray that He may send His son soon to deliver mankind from this unworthy universe.
Our prayer is that no-one should perish, but all have everlasting life in Jesus our Lord. Our responsibility is to encourage all to believe (Hebrews 10:19-25). Let us take up that responsibility to encourage brothers and sisters as we see the day of the Lord is coming. Hebrews gives us a good exhortation, with a duty to see that we all encourage one another and meet together in fellowship in the Breaking of Bread. We must grow in faith and the hope that is built on the Rock, Jesus, and remain strong.
Let brothers and sisters all over serve with all our souls and hearts, and give holy service to our Father. Our hope that He who began a good work in us will soon in us will soon accomplish it (Philippians 1:6). He has kept aside something good for those who are the heirs of the promises (Hebrews 11:39-40).
Bro Gideon Mukeku
This time I would reflect on God’s commands from the time of creation or, rather, Genesis. From my study of the Bible I have come to see our God as the first Prophet, as He prophesied for creation when He used the words “Let there be …” (Genesis 1:3 and so on). Also in Genesis 2:16,17, “And the Lord God commanded the man, ’You are free to eat from any tree in the garden: but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.”
The reason why I take this prophecy is that it had not taken place, and it took time before it happened when the eating of the fruit itself brought the death of Adam and Eve and inaugurated the death of mankind.
Let us hold fast to the faith, no matter what situation we are in. Let us pull ourselves together with Paul’s words, “What can separate us from the love of God?” Is it hunger, sickness, nakedness, poverty or riches? none of these can separate us, God knows us and He is aware of all that we are undergoing. “Pray continually”. I have written this with a lot of thanks for sending me the dictionary and Kiswahilil Bible Basics. In fact my hobby is reading and letter-writing and this will do me great favour in passing the faith to my friends who cannot understand English. I don’t know whether you already have a Kikuyu copy or if it is in process; let me know, for I can offer some help in writing it.
Bro Peter Njuguna
Our Life and Practices: Life – the breath God gave man (Genesis 2:7) has a great influence in our Christian life today. Our practices imply the same.
Titus 3:8, it is our role to believe and act accordingly for it is profitable towards life in Christ. It is a command that we must check our way of life eg 1 Peter 2 21. taking Christ as an example in our lives. “Do good for all” (Galatians 6:10).
We should not direct our lives to the love of the world because whoever loves the world is an enemy to our Father in heaven:
* Romans 12:2: “Do not follow the world”
* 1 John 2:15: “Whoever loves the world, loving God is not possible”
* James 4:4: “Parents you don’t know being a friend of the world is being an enemy to God”
* Romans 8:7: “For bodily desires are evil to God (from worldly influence).
We Christadelphians should leave out the world’s influences. We should practise:
1, Follow peace with everyone, wherever you are (Hebrews 12:14). This will enhance unity in the ecclesia and even in the nation. In the present world, the cursed earth, Genesis 3:7, many nations are waging war due to lack of unity and peace.
2, Agree with your adversary promptly, bearing in mind that you must love your enemy (Matthew 5:25,44; 1 Corinthians 6:7) for the sake of peace.
3, What binds us all: ‘Love’ (Matthew 22:39; Romans 12:9,10; 2 Peter1:7).
Practising all of these makes a clear indication that we are truly preparing for the second coming of our Saviour – and we see the signs of the times all around us.
Bro Isaac Lugonzo
May the Lord bless you in spreading His word, you should develop the ministry to enrich and encourage brethren and sisters to grow spiritually. I felt very excited when I saw my articles published in Gospel News.
Sis Lydiah Fuchaka
Sis Lydiah with the Sisters Class
I try to be brief in my writing because I feel I do not want to be a bore to our readers. A brief message to me is always more beneficial to the edifying of the soul than a lengthy piece.
Am keeping well here at Kobujoi. The weather is also fine, good sunshine and enough rainfall at the moment. We continue in our prayers for the soon return of our Lord and Saviour to get rid of the greed and hate we see cultivated in the minds of people.
Bro Geoffrey Chirchir
We wish to thank you for Gospel News, Kiswahili Bible Basics, English Dictionaries, Glad Tidings and the article about current affairs in the Middle East. God is in control of everything and so we feel safe in His arms.
Headlines in Kenya are full of political affairs after the 9th Parliament has been dissolved last month. The struggle lies between the Government party PNU, formed after NARC and the opposition ODM party. The participants are launching campaigns for the race to civic, parliamentary and presidential seats. The breaking news is that a certain Pentecostal Church leader, Pastor Pius Muiru, with his KPP party is looking for parliament and presidency. He rebukes other parties including the government for the high level of corruption in the country. He promises the civilians that they God-fearing MPs and President to get rid of all sorts of corruption. Does a Christian take part in politics? This is a question we are asking ourselves. Christians are good shepherds to look after the flock in churches but not engage in politics. God has promised to send Jesus back again to establish God’s Kingdom on earth, where love, peace and joy with flourish, to be enjoyed by the elect. We ask for God’s providence during these perilous times.
Before we conclude, we would like to share with you the idea of how we can improve on the preaching activities in this country, Kenya, and our ecclesial area in particular. Many brothers are endeavouring to translate lessons into the local language (Bukusu). There are still obstacles in our way.
We wish to have a radio cassette and some tapes to have the lessons taped in the local language for local natives to understand the Bible clearly. Non-Christadelphians are using foreign languages as an advantage to confuse many. We look forward to organising out-reaches in different areas, and enlighten other people. Thereafter, for those interested shall buy these tapes at affordable prices to for our fares, lunch and printing leaflets.
Please, kindly help us with this important missionary work. Thanks.
Bro Manasseh and Sis DoricusWamamili
Comment. An excellent idea.
Gospel News is very interesting and helpful to my family. But it’s too costly for me to buy stamps for sending to you. I would like to tell you that the word of God is our daily meal.
The photo shows my house in great need of repair. I look after several orphans as well as my family in this, but cannot afford to repair it as well as feed all – so I am in need of help to do this.
Bro Javed Oketch
I am glad to read some of the four books sent to me and more so Gospel News, and other booklets. I am currently at Nairobi (since 2004) from my home ecclesia, Lema, in Central Province (Area).
Sis Eunice Ndeti
I always remember you in my prayers, and remember all the difficulties you encounter to ensure that all the four corners of the earth at least receive Gospel News and many other booklets.
All in all, everything we wish for is not what comes our way, otherwise we may not always thank God for anything and everything we receive.
Visiting brothers and sisters is one of the fundamental characteristics of the disciples of Jesus that we should learn. It encourages and strengthens everyone.
Kenya is growing strong spiritually and – particularly - the true faith of Christadelphia is now widespread despite its unique nature. We had a good Bible School and National Youth Camp.
Bro Gideon Mukeku
Jesus’ coming is imminent as we see what is happening around the world as predicted by Jesus himself. We are living in the last days. Hosea 4:6 tells us that we should have knowledge about God if we expect to be in his Kingdom. James 3:13 tells us that after being equipped with knowledge we should show our works in the meekness of wisdom. 1 Pet.1:6,7 tells us that we should supplement our knowledge by faith and virtue. Please send me a dictionary and other relevant literature concerning the coming Kingdom.
Bro. Joseph K. Luseno
Miwani Ecclesia has nine members, five sisters and four brothers. We also have 25 Sunday School children and seventeen friends. We have recently leased half an acre of land worth Ksh2,500 (about £20). On this, Miwani sisters, widows and orphans’ group will be involved in planting cassava, and there is also a tree nursery project. The main objective of these projects is to aid those who come from unfortunate homes and just loiter around Miwani. They may eventually turn out to become destitute if help is not available to them.
At the moment we have two baptised widows as members of Miwani Ecclesia, and five orphans as well as thirteen unfortunate children (who would otherwise be destitute), in the Sunday School.
Bro Peter Omuny
Miwani Ecclesia at their Memorial Service in the rented hall.
Miwani, Cassava project.
Mombasa Ecclesia taken after a Memorial Service in 2005, from left to right – Bro. Thomas Radido, Sis. Pamela Radido (wife of Bro. Thomas), Sis Hellen Akelo, Bro. Timothy Nguli, Sis. Lydia Radido and Bro. Edward Kunina.
Last year we had a Youth Camp in Nairobi, joined by youths from Tanzania and Uganda. I met Bro Tim Evans, the Tanzania Linkman. I also met Bro Philip Lawrence who assists Welfare issues, and the CBM has helped me to get specialized treatment for my chronic leg ulcer. I spent 14 days in hospital and now I am feeling well although still on medication. May the Almighty God bless those who strive to preach the glad tidings in various places in the world. I am still planning to settle in Australia.
Bro Samuel Watako
Nakuru Family
I always feel great while remembering what the Lord did to me late 1994, September 26th, when I knew that I was a sinner, hence I got a true understanding of the Bible especially a quote from Heb.2:3, “How shall we escape from God’s wrath if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed to us by those who heard him.” However, this is a fact that should not be forgotten to put into practice; you find that one who has been baptised and a partaker of the Lord’s table is still continuing to be tempted by the selfish desires that are found in Gal.5:19-21 and even participating in having more than one wife and further growing of cash crops, e.g. Bhang (Marijuana), etc.
Generally, what I am trying to urge the “umbrella house” of the Lord, thus Christadelphian brethren, is that it will not be easy by so saying that we are going to inherit the new Kingdom to come; what each one of us needs is to confess and repent over sin. John 3:7-8. One might ask me what I am trying to bring home? Please let me assure you that, (1 Cor.13:1,13) I do love you in the Lord! I need you, too, brethren to taste what I tasted by the year mentioned above. My hope is always to continue growing in the faith. I am therefore requesting to be assisted with the following books.
Last but not least may I give thanks to C.A.T for the great favour and support we at Okumbo Ecclesia received.
Since our ecclesia was initiated we had been worshipping at a rented building but now we have managed to raise up a semi-permanent building which is now helpful for our ecclesial purposes.
Bro. Nike Juma
I was very happy to receive the literature and it is really helping me. The book “Why I Am Not a Pentecostal” gives me a strong foundation of faith.
Concerning the Sunday School materials, I would be very happy to have more.
On the same note, I thought to establish a Christadelphian library at our nearest centre where people can have the literature, and if possible be introduced to the course and understand the truth. It can also help me attend to some questions, since in our area there are many people who were doing the course but don’t see the meaning.
Bro Alan Ketozo
Despite all problems I am trying to translate What Is The Gospel? into Kiswahili, Bukusu and Kamba languages. I will try to work carefully. May God bless!
Bro. Simeon Kituyi
I am very pleased to hear that you and other brothers and sisters are in the hope waiting for Christ’s return. In Kenya, the harvest of food crops was good and we thank God for that.
You informed me through Gospel News that the new edition of Kiswahili Bible Basics is available. That is good news that there is an easy translation for us to read. So I request some copies.
Bro George Ndiege
Thank you very much for your encouraging letter.
We have a new government and we pray that our Almighty Lord shields us.
There is, of course, worry since peace is not prevailing in some parts of the country, especially Mount Kenya region where several lives have perished.
Bro Moses E Maleya
Greetings in the Lord's name. The situation here is very worse. Every day bad reports are heard about the developments. Two people were killed through clashes and bro. Martin's house has been burnt with all house contents. Bro. Martin is residing at my place and we are sharing the small food I purchased days back. Bro. Martin's father had died and he was left with his mother and a brother. This has grown my family to 13 so we have a very great food shortage for this family. Also bro Nicholas met a group of violent clashers and was beaten and his bicycle was burnt at the road barriers they planted. He is now in the hospital.
Bro. Samwell Masawa
[Carelinks have sent aid to Kenya]
Bro. Samwell received assistance with thanks. I will let you know the progress. I am happy to have you all in brotherhood with all your compassion and empathy towards the political crisis here.
Bro. James Nyangute
Thank you for the reading materials which you have sent in constant supply. I am very much thankful for Bible Basics for Moslems.
Brethren, I have material problems that are really causing friction in my Christian life. I am married with three children and the kind of odd jobs I am doing cannot sustain my family. I am working as a lab man in a private clinic. Since the government introduced free medical services in government health institutions, sometimes we go a whole week without receiving even a single patient, because they can now opt for free services in government hospitals. My wife now sees me as the cause of all this depravity in the house. I am in a quagmire, brethren, and I am requesting you to lift me out of this filth.
I have a suggestion which is subject to objection. Because overseas brethren are more materially well off than we brethren here, why not start some income-generating project to be overseen by needy brethren here. I know that would require some feasibility study, with written proposals, but it is just a notion that I would like you to give some thought to. It is more of giving the hook than the fish.
The UK brethren have already supported us with their welfare and famine provisions. I am thankful for this.
Bro Joseph Onyango
The servants of the tenants of a rich estate-owner had gotten into heavy debts. Their master had willingly granted them one loan after another, so the money had been easily acquired – and quickly spent. Some effort was made to repay the loan, but because of their expensive habits, they constantly needed new loans. However, this did not seem to bother most of them.
One day, a poster outside the manager’s office caught their eyes. It announced that anyone with a loan should pay before 10 o’clock in the master’s office. That meant all the debts had to be settled. The announcement was discussed. Some just shrugged their shoulders and went away and settled to the task of declaring they would humiliate themselves by admitting that they could not pay their debts. Others argued the owner would certainly not press them into paying at all. Still others maintained that it was probably a trap of some kind.
The morning hours were almost gone, when an elderly servant with his bill of debt in his hand resolutely knocked on the door. A few minutes later he came out, his face aglow. In his hands was the cleared bill; for the first time in his life he was free from debt.
Realising that the announcement was true, the indebted servants now thronged the entrance to the office, but as the clock struck 10 o’clock, the door was locked in their faces. No-one could now get in. The time of grace had expired. Shortly afterwards, one by one the indebted servants were cast into prison since they could not pay their master’s demand for payment. (Is this story not likened to Jesus, and becoming free from sin?)
Let me tell you, brothers and sisters, something worse than prison awaits those who have not had their bills of debts cleared before God before the time of grace has expired: “Seek the Lord while he may be found, call on him while he is near” Is 56:6. I would like to break the good news concerning my studies. Bro Samwell Masawa has already connected me to a personal tutor, Bro Ivan Mabey in England. I have already sent some papers for marking. The lessons together with the New Year calendar are really nourishing my life spiritually as we wait for Jesus to come and establish God’s kingdom
Bro Benjamin Munyeo Mwatu
Bro Mwatu with interested friends.
Newly baptised Brethren and Sisters at Tongaren
You have done well to send me the Bible reading planner. The book is good for questions and answers on daily reading to help readers understand. Thank you very much for the booklets of Revision Studies which you sent to me. These will help us in our Tailoring School for Bible lessons.
Yesterday we received the printed booklets of Bukusu Hymns from Bro Trevor Hughes which we translated, it is the first hymn book to be printed. We started with 20 songs and, God willing, we shall translate more.
Last week we baptised eight members for Tongorek Ecclesia and one for Turbo Ecclesia in the Mabusi River Tongaren as the photo indicates. We wish them a nice journey as they start their walk towards the coming Kingdom, which will be established on earth in the future. May God guide and bless them all.
Bro Sikolia Kapa
When James recommended the brethren to anoint a sick brother with oil and pray over him with a view to his recovery, notice that he told them, “To call the elder of the church” (James 5:14,15). Presently, there may be official brethren bearing the title of ‘elder’, but they are not the order of men James had during his time when he wrote the words in question.
The elders of the church in James’ days were not only elders in name and office, but elders, or super iors, in power, having the gifts of the Holy Spirit at their disposal. They were the divinely-appointed and divinely-endowed overseas of the ecclesia (Acts 20:17,28).
Bro Walter Wasike
Bro Walter Wasike
Greetings in the love of God, the Father of our Lord Jesus, the future King of the world, as prophesied in Zechariah 14. It is my pleasure and love of God that I get every article you send me and that has kept my faith up. Thank you very much for the transcript of the public debate, “Are the Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit possessed today?” Let me say, as a believer who believed by faith, without seeing or feeling, first, we should know and understand Romans 14:17. Surely we heard the Word of God by being corrected, taught and instructed in righteousness (2 Tim.3:16-17), so that we (you and me) would be perfected unto good works. The opposing debater and those of the same beliefs, know that we were Gentiles in the flesh, Eph.2:11. Without Christ’s s hed blood, that is his death, which was buying us from our sin, we were nothing.
Bro. Edward Kunikina