news from malawi


Here in my district, we are able to gather together every Sunday, but we don’t have enough local hymn books or Bibles for everyone to use during Memorial Services. So I write to ask if you can help my ecclesia, Bolero, with hymn books (Chichewa) and Bibles (Tumbuka).
Bro Lukanga Nyomiro

Bro Lukanga Nyomiro translating a lealet into Tumbuka 

I have repented now and I am striving to love God with my whole being. I must put God and His Son first in my service that God may bless me. In all that I do, I just be a faithful and wise servant, doing the Lord’s will with all my heart, keeping my Saviour’s commandments, which involve loving and caring for my brothers and sisters as though they were Christ himself.

Bro Luke Cha inga

Bro Luke Cha inga


Thank you so much for sending me Gospel News and booklets which help my life to mature spiritually. These booklets about the Bible reveal God’s kingdom promised to Abraham, David and Jesus which will be fulfilled (God willing) in our days.
Bro Diverson Folley


Thank you for the parcel I received containing books on seed production and farming conservation which will improve our agriculture, which is the common way of getting our daily food. Thank for sending me Introducing Bibles Basics, & Teach Me Thy Way, which I had been requesting since 2004 so I am very happy indeed.

Christadelphian of Gonda Ecclesia near the Garden of Millet. From the left, Bre Fredson, Blandon, Folley, McDonald, Yohane, Robert. Two boys in front: Bro Msamaken (in uniform) with Bro Diverson Folley’s sons. Front (girls from the right): Luwiza, Evelin, Grace (daughter of Bro Folley). Back (women from the right): Mrs McDonald, Mrs Yohane, Mrs Blanden.

I appreciate the signs of the times leaflets which help me and others to know the times, we are living in. It also helps us to be strong and of good courage (Joshua 1:6). Read Mark 13:9-13, Revelation 2:10 says Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer and also Matthew 24:12, 13 says. “And because iniquity shall abound the love of the same shall wax cold. But he that shall endure… the same shall be saved”.
Folley Robert


I showed the two books you sent to one of the Government Medical Officers and I was told that they are very useful indeed, but I have no authority to give any medicine to anyone without authorization from the Government. At present, I have just been temporarily employed as a village Health worker in the Ministry of Health.

A medical office has advised me that I must compete with school leavers in order to qualify for permanent work in the Ministry. He said that I must therefore go for the Advanced GCE levels, as every year thousands of students are finishing their education and are competing for an established vacancy. So I have to use the chance that God has given me.

He chose the subjects that I must study if an opportunity allows: Biology and Human Biology, Physics. He said if I go for these subjects, then I can be employed permanently in the Ministry of Health.

So my request is to ask if there is a chance for me to study these two subjects so that I might secure my job? If I don’t do this I will have no chance to continue my work with the Government..
Bro Harmony Ntchalachala

Your work has inspired many in Malawi through the information you send and Gospel News. I have a lot more testimonies from brethren who are converts from Muslim to Christianity, due to the simplicity of the gospel and the hope it offers.
Bro. Pickmore Swira


Remember what the apostle Paul said “We entreat you not to accept the grace of God in vain”. For he says, “At the acceptable time I have listened to you and helped you on the day of salvation”.

Behold, now is the acceptable time, behold now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:1,2). For all of us, as brothers and sisters in Christ, now is the day.
Bro Michael Chisanga

Bro Michael Chisanga and Friend


I would like to thank you so much for sending me some world news. Clearly as you support each event with a Bible verse, these are the signs of our Lord Jesus Christ’s coming. I would like to continue having this kind of literature, and please continue sending Gospel News.
Bro Wiseman Munyoro


I am very sorry for taking so long without writing to you. This has been due to several circumstances. The major one was the sudden death of my very close Brother in Christ, Albert Nyirenda, who was in the Truth for barely three years. Albert was 64 years old and it was the sad duty of the four of us to put him to rest in the Lord. However, our mourning is not like that of others who have no hope. We know that our brother will rise from the dead when Jesus comes again.
Bro. Sylvester Tembo


As I write this letter, I am at Chikwawa District Hospital to receive TB treatment for about six months. This is the last month and then they will allow me to go home. So, brother, I am asking you to send Gospel News and other books. And, please, I am asking you and your team over there in England to make healing prayer for this disease.
Bro Harlod Temboh


Many thanks for keeping on sending me the magazines. By reading the articles by brethren and sisters, I feel that I become close to them. Brother, I am not in good health. I have been suffering from chest pains for  8–9 months. I cannot go to private hospitals because of finance. I visited a nearby clinic to see the nurse, but they only give me aspirin or sometimes panadol, but this won’t stop my problem. I am also failing to meet with Bre at Chilumba because of this. I do know that one day God will solve my problem for Luke states, “Pray always and faint not.”
Bro Joel Singini


It is my greatest joy to know that Bible Basics is being produced in other languages including Chichewa. I am trying to improve my language and also to see again the great truth of which I am unsure that I am worthy.
Bro Joel Harawa


We, as human beings, sometimes act as Jeremiah was answered, Jer.44:15-18, Lev.26:43. Has it been that we are living like the sons of Rechab who were following the justice of their parents, Jer.35:5-8. Here in Malawi we are in summer time when the trees shed their leaves. The sun is overhead the Capricorn Tropic which is a very harsh condition to work in as it is so hot. The name Nakalata means somebody who has a letter. He/she must be a receiver or a writer. ‘Na’, means ‘a person’ and Kalata means ‘a letter’. The word comes from Chichewa, a common language for communication here in Malawi.
Bro R.W.Kalowa

Bro. R.W. Kalowa and his family

Thoughts of the Judgement Seat

I stood quite near the Judgement Seat, head bowed in bitter shame,
Within my head words echoed loud, ‘I had myself to blame.’
I saw the King and standing there, beheld His Glorious face,
At His right hand in joy supreme, the saints saved by His grace,
Engulfed in grief, alone, afraid, would I now plead in vain?
The words re-echoed louder now, so real within my brain,
“Here was the One who’d gone before, the One I had longed to see”.
Said angels serving near the throne, “The Master calleth Thee.”
To give account – things done and said, the reason I was asked,
“Why I neglected things of God, and often passed them by.”
I then recalled how oft I said ,“Today I have no time,
I’ll do it -yes, another day,” and that had been my crime.
How could I answer full of guilt, but Jesus knew and said,
“No time to do the things of God? No time to bow your head?
“No time to kneel in daily prayer or wait for Him who heard?
No time to pause and meditate the riches of His word?
“No time to visit poor or sick? No time to write and give
The stranger in the gate a word of hope that he might live?
“Yet you had time for other tasks and time to exercise,
Your mental powers on other things and home to supervise.
“You’d plenty time to read and talk of things that mattered not,
But things that mattered most of God, you simply just forgot!”
That was enough, I heard no more, though words continued long.
My talent lay neglected there, to Him it did belong, But I’d forgotten it was His and put it on one side.
And now before the throne it lay, my face I tried to hide,
The saints remained there on His right, of once by sin bereft,
But I was now amongst the ones upon the Judge’s left,
Those words were still within my brain, verdict on guilty crime,
No place, No hope, No righteous crown, for YOU I had no time.
A DREAM YOU SAY – yes, but how real, and what relief to wake,
To find I STILL HAD TIME TO SPEND before the Judgement break,
For he the Saviour, who was scorned, up Calvary’s hill did climb,

Bro Lukanga Nyomiro (Rumphi, Malawi)


Please continue to send Gospel News. I have no hesitation in introducing to you Bro James Mphelo who is also interested in receiving Gospel News. I need more preaching materials, Truth’s literature and Glad Tidings magazine.

Let us all work together towards unity. Please pray for me.
Bro Henderson M Sosola


Thank you for the encouragement you show to me - you never tire of giving it. Last year there were three brothers and three sisters from the UK. We were happy to hear such helpful words of God.
Bro Smart Lombe

Photo: Bre Smart Lombe, Senior and Junior

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