news from zimbabwe

The name Jeshuran means ‘the upright one’ and is a poetic variant of the name Israel (Deut.32.15; 33.5). The tendency of the flesh in times of prosperity is to become self-sufficient and self-reliant and so indifferent to its spiritual responsibilities. The Israel of God, both literal and spiritual, can wax fat and so become indifferent to God’s ways “Jeshuran grew fat and kicked; filled with food, he became heavy and sleek He abandoned the God who made him and rejected the Rock his Saviour” (Deut.32:15).  As we follow the Jews’ history, soon after leaving Egypt they rebelled – even worshipping a golden calf – in spite of God’s wonderful deliverance from Egypt. Joshua had cause to reprove them and warn them that if they followed other gods, God would cause them to perish from the land (Joshua 23:14-16). After Joshua’s death everyone did what was right in their own eyes and consequently they fell into the hands of their enemies (Judges 3:7-8). The same fate awaits spiritual Israel if they do not seriously take heed of God’s word.

Let us try to escape from the family of Adam to the family of God by faith and obedience. Many people ask themselves why or what is wrong with the world? All these things are happening because of Adam.  When Adam sinned he did not know that great trouble was starting from him for the generations to come. When God said “Look, man is like us knowing good and evil”, the word evil means bad or trouble.  We see this when God promised Adam suffering in Gen. 3:17-18. This was because of disobedience. In addition to that, on Adam’s family God put a big punishment not a reward as others think. God gave Adam and Eve a simple law that led to death. (Gen.2:16-17). So how can we escape from the death (of Adam’s family)? When God saw that man had done wrong he was filled with pity and love. He did not leave man to die for ever.  He solved things by the hard way of sending His only son, Jesus (John 3:16). Everyone who believes in him and is baptised can be saved. This grace by God is given freely and openly to any who put themseles into the family of God by this means. By being born we are in Adam’s family that dies and perishes. When we are baptized we die to the family of Adam and rise to the family of God. When we say we believe in the doctor do we sit and look upon the child who is sick. Can that child be healed or die? We have to do something, and it is the same to us; we say we believe in Christ, we must do our best with our powers and abilities. My brother and sister let us escape the family of Adam and be grafted into the family of God and we will be saved from dying for ever (Rev.5:9-10).
Bro.Dzingai Sumberera

Many thanks for your letter, the notes and the book ‘Judgment to Come: A Biblical Discussion’. Also the ‘Present Day Events’ leaflet. I hope and pray that you and the entire family are in good health. We held a very good South Zimbabwe, Sub-Committee meeting at the Bulawayo Hall. It was a good time of fellowship as we had time to discuss matters about how we can make the truth known in our areas. If the book ‘The Last Days’ is still available or a secondhand one, could you try to send me one?
Bro. Ambrose Tanyepana

I would first of all like to thank my Heavenly Father for His compassion on me during my illness. I started to be ill during 1999 when I was pregnant and the illness persisted until the second child, Pinky, was born on 21 November 2002. During the birth of this child I nearly died and also during the pregnancy I couldn’t find rest.  So I would like to thank my husband and God’s help; he was so kind to me paying all the fees for the private doctors and for the government clinics. Sometimes I was speaking by myself saying ‘May God take my soul’, so that I should find rest, but just because He knows the day it couldn’t be done, now I am alive I praise God for that. I delivered at a local clinic, Pelandaba, and on the second day I was taken to Mpilo half dead and I was in intensive care. Ailan also was ill during his birth; he was on and off to Mpilo until he turned six years, but now he is a fit seven-year-old. I struggled with this child and so I am thankful for the help of his father and for God’s help because he is alive. Pinky has no problems; she is a fit and fine 4 year old.  So may God be with my family until Jesus comes.
Sister Memory Mukarati Tshuma

I have enjoyed the content of the text, “What is the Bible?” I have learnt a lot about the Bible which is God’s word. This includes the Bible definition and a clear picture of how it originated. However, this text is manna (gift) from heaven and I hadn’t expected such appropriate notes and they are very educative.  It actually serves to explain the Bible to a newly converted Christian.  Please will you kindly give me more notes from Bro. Stanley Blackstone, UK His notes are helpful to us believers of the word. Furthermore, life seems to be getting complicated, i.e. some manufacturing industries and firms are closing down. It is also an indication that denotes the signs of the times. The taxes are getting higher each time and jobs are difficult to get. It seems that we are heading for a depression i.e. a hard nut to crack. In addition to all that, I rely on a self job (shoe repairing) project and it is not paying very much for the family. The capital is very insufficient to run such an industry at home. However, it requires a bit of promotion to boost the business transaction. The same applies to Christianity, it requires the daily Bible-reading, that is Christianity cultivation. Christianity is enriched by putting Scriptures into practice, for an example, “Love your neighbour as you love yourself.”  Will you kindly help me with the following– “Jesus is the Son of God”.
Bro. Jospeh Mucheri

For we don’t know the hour, minute or even the second, but Jesus is coming very soon. We must be prepared and always alert. So brothers and sisters I urge you to be faithful, obedient, righteous, humble and not lovers of worthless things, but lovers of the word and good works for God, love each other wholeheartedly and above all follow all the commandments.  Read Mark 13:32-37. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Sister Legina Mbewe who fell asleep in Christ. Legina will be sadly missed by all those who had the privilege of knowing her. Our only comfort is that, by God’s grace, we will meet her when Jesus Christ returns. “The Lord gave and now He has taken away, may His Name be praised”. (Job 1:21).
Sis. Memory Lunando

Photo: Sis. Memory Lunando and family

Thank you for the book “Speaking about Jesus”. In fact I was in Mozambique and I talked about introducing a class for English for beginners and quite a number of people were interested but the condition will be that we will only register those who are on our Bible correspondence course, to reduce the work. Quite a number of people are so keen to read and to listen to our preaching. As I am writing I am visiting a group of students at Maronga and I managed to give a talk about baptism and our salvation and I am pleased because 10 people attended and the number requesting our Bible correspondence has been increased. P.S. Please send me notes on the daily readings.
Bro. Moses Dhlakama

Thank you very much for your letter which I received five days ago and for the return envelope that keeps me in touch with you as often as possible.  Thank you also for the enclosed
magazines which I like very much. Keep on with the good work whenever possible.  If you have some more magazines that you are willing to give may I please have them. I also have received the “Present Day Events” magazine, which is a good one. If you have the book on “How To Grow A Balanced Diet” may you please help me with it, that is if some of its chapters are not covered in the book, “Where There Is No Doctor”. Please all brethren around the world let us pray so that we do not see more blood being shed in the Iran issue for in most wars the poor are the ones who die, so let us pray for the precious lives of these people. God’s will may save them from a possible war.
Bro. Marison Tafirenyika

Thank you for your letter, I was so happy receiving it.  No more words can explain my joy and peace at this time. I am amazed at how you keep going in the work of leading people like me to Jesus and caring for us, despite all opposition. I am simply very grateful and pray for God’s blessings upon you. I have received all that you sent, “Where women have no doctor”, the book of the Moslems and self study material for vegetable production for drought mitigation in rural communities , very good indeed, thank you. My wife and I sang together hymn 335, ‘God be with you till we meet again! neath his wings securely hide you, daily manna still provide you, keep love’s banner floating o’er you, smite death’s threatening wave before you, God be with you till we meet again’ Amen. I am working hard in the vineyard, preaching with the help of Bible Basics. Some younger people are responding very well. I thank God for His guidance in my preaching effort.  The language used in the Shona Bible Basics language is new from the old Bible, so I have asked for new translation Shona Bibles to help my students in their study of Bible Basics and answering questions at the end of each subject. These Books will be easily understood in their study of the Bible. If they finish the course they return them back to me for others to study from them.
Bro. Stanford Kuuzha

Photo: Bro. Standford Kuuzha

God called Abram to leave Ur and to go to a place he was to be shown. He left his city life and entered into a wandering life.  He had faith. The spirit of God was with Abram. We were also called from worldly things. We were chosen to carry His word to the ends of the earth and to reveal it to every hidden corner. We are supposed to carry the word in a Jesus-like manner. If we look back, as Lot’s wife did, we will fail. Romans 6:1-6, “How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?” Paul asked. v. 6, because: “Knowing this, that our old man died with him on the cross that the corruptible body would be done away with and get freed from the bondage of sin.” Let us put on the newness and walk in it – till the end of time. Jesus’ return is nearing. We are in an era where signs of his return are happening – so keep the hold tight.
Bro. Steven Tedza

Last year Bro. Waston Kamota and I sat down to discuss about interviews to be carried out in Kariba. We boarded the bus at Magunje. On the way to Kariba through the game park we saw some wild animals moving in groups. The question which came to my mind was: Why do different types of animals move in groups together? but they are all animals? But those animals which fear carnivore animals were grazing near elephants for protection. It is just the same for brethren and sisters of every ecclesia to work for the coming King and by doing so will have heavenly protection. The following day we carried out our interviews. Student Naomi Mhondiwa passed and was baptized on the Sunday morning and given the right hand of fellowship. For success, trust in God. As with the call of Cyrus, the way was prepared by God who said He would give him the treasures of darkness and riches stored in secret places (Isa 45:3). So when we have chosen to work for the Lord, let us do it sincerely, for if it is not wholehearted it will be to no avail..
Bro. Ngoni Chikwata

With the hope and same faith we share - which I trust is what we are wearing to enter the Kingdom of God - greetings also to every brother and sister striving to spread the Word to every far corner of the world. Thank you for the books. I also received Glad Tidings and a newsletter. I am in isolation, so I find these books encouraging and they also revive my fellowship.  I enjoy reading Gospel News and writing some articles. I also ask for “How To Grow a Balanced Diet”. I have, “Where There Is No Doctor.” The book is so helpful to many since it tells the diseases and the remedy. I stay a distance, of 23 km. from the nearest hospital, Karoi, so you see the importance of such books to the isolated.  I also want to send greetings to all brethren and sisters around the world and to remind everyone of the signs of the times which tell us the Son of God is near. Are you singing the songs of preparation to receive Jesus Christ? If yes, my friend, sing loud with joy, Show it on your face and labour to serve Jesus Christ only. We were ‘called’ for a purpose to serve Him so don’t let us hide the light under the table, let it shine in the house. The Word (the Bible) was given to us and now we have the Way. It is crucial to take others with us; to teach this Gospel to this corrupt world. Pray for them, God will bless our work. I also encourage the baptized not to turn back. We have heard of Lot’s wife and the turn that was fatal to her life and the salt that she later became. Yes, we are in the safest hands of a Good Shepherd so never look back. All our sins have been forgiven. We are as an infant feeding on new food and will grow fast. Learn the Word of God and you will see how it works, Amen.
Bro. Steven Tedza

I am saddened to hear of the falling asleep of Sis. Cecelia Oppong, (Bro. Joseph’s Sister wife). Though she fell asleep in Christ it is still a great loss to the Christadelphian community. I came to know Bro. Joseph and his family through the exhortations and letters of encouragement that he has written in Gospel News. I first look for and read everything by Bro. Joseph Oppong, which has drawn me very close to him. I send Bro. Joseph my condolences let him know that he is not alone in his time of loss. His Sister wife who has fought the good fight, has finished the race and has kept the faith. There is now one thing in store for her, that is, the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge will award her on that day, not only to her alone but also to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all who have longed for his appearing, Paul of Tarsus included. What now is left is to see those faithful servants in the very soon coming Kingdom of God, that is if we follow their footsteps. These walked with God, they spoke to God and lived a righteous life. Paul laying down his facts about the dead being raised wrote to the Corinthians, (1 Cor. 15:12-20) saying, “For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins” (vs16-17). The Christian faith is that the dead in Christ will be raised when Jesus comes back to set up God’s Kingdom.  When this Kingdom is set, we will see the dead in Christ, provided we have walked in their footsteps. Luke 12:32, Jesus says “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the Kingdom.” It is in this Kingdom where we are going to see his dead servants but also all who have longed for his appearing.
Bro. Norman Kamutikaoma

Brother I beg you to send me ‘Introducing to Bible Basics’. I have got 37 students and in the UK they are running short of tutors. You will know that Chivi has collapsed as an ecclesia for a long time but I am trying my best to re-establish it. So far we have four Sisters and I, one brother. If you have other books like ‘Speaking about Jesus’ which is a very good book for my Sunday School, I would be grateful. I am preparing to send you some photos of the students and the Sunday School.
Bro. Vheremu Ngara

Loving people is not easy. Such people as back-stabbers, truth-benders, money-grabbers and vow-breakers are even harder to trust, let alone love. A wise writer says, “The secret to loving is living loved’. Following are some thoughts on love that I know some will appreciate:

God loves you personally, powerfully, passionately. 

Others have promised and failed. 

But God has promised and succeeded.

He loves you with an unfailing love.

And His love, if you will let it, can fill you

And leave you with a love worth giving.

God offers authentic love.

His devotion is the real deal.

But He won’t give you the genuine

Until you surrender the limitations.

Get yourself out of your eye

By getting your eye off yourself.

Quit starting at that little self

And focus on your great Saviour

Today’s thoughts are tomorrow’s actions.

Today’s jealousy is tomorrow’s temper tantrum.

Today’s bigotry is tomorrow’s hate crime.

Today’s anger is tomorrow’s abuse.

Today’s lust is tomorrow’s adultery.

Today’s greed is tomorrow’s embezzlement.

Today’s guilt is tomorrow’s fear.
Bro. James Zvitete

Please publish my new postal address – Telex One Exchange, Box 358, Kadoma, Zimbabwe.  I have just moved to Kadoma with my family due to work transfers and commitments and hope to start up a new ecclesia, God willing. Because of your worldwide distribution I hope it will be of great help if you publish the address.  My old address was – 23780/4 Umvovo, Box 642, Chegutu. I will always cherish the support and the overall work you are putting up with in the Lord’s vineyard and hope we shall be with him whose right it is – Jesus Christ when he returns.
Bro. Itai P. Tembo

Photo: Chegutu ecclesia a few years ago, minus two brothers who have since fallen asleep in the Lord  

Above: The fruits of fishing for men, the Chegutu ecclesia now (2006) less our Sister Legina who fell asleep in Christ 24 Dec,2005

Below: Bro. Chakumanda Kondowe, Bro. Itai Tembo, holding son, Lemmington and Sis. Esnath Bro. Itai’s wife.

I am delighted to report the baptisms of Innocent, Faith and Susan and this has seen Kariba ecclesia grow as more and more people are accepting the truth. Kariba has a high number of students doing Bible lessons and I hope most of them, if not all, will find their way to the truth before the return of our Lord.
Bro. Witness Majecha


Above the Kariba ecclesia

Below; Taken soon after the baptism of Naome in Lake Kariba. Standing left to right:  Naome’s mother, Sis. Naome, Bro. Witness and Emmanuel Kneeling left to right: Bro. Ngoni and Weston

I advise you that God has given to his ecclesia, Kariba, four more members, three Sisters and one Brother. John 17, the Lord Jesus’ prayer. I also ask for your prayers in our endeavour to do the Lord’s work (Matt. 10).  But I fear the pride of human nature that whenever God calls those, He has called more disciples to spread the gospel of the Kingdom of God who are proud of what is not their power. Whenever I read Luke 10:17 and verse 20 - “However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your name is written in heaven”, I think, please brother, what can I do to fully know that my name is written in heaven? My loving brother, warm greetings in the same hope of the Lord Jesus Christ coming with his Kingdom for which we are labouring that we may be in it. We are praying that this day will be to us not of destruction but of joy. I still look forward that I and the ecclesia may get all the spiritual encouragement, but each one of us must work for our names to be written in the Book of Life. Also loving greetings to the brothers in the name of our Lord Jesus.
Bro. David Mhondiwa

As a farmer I produce vegetables pumping water from a dip well. The bucket pump was donated by Plan International. My family get a living from selling vegetables every two weeks at Nkayi Business Centre. Life was hard in 2005, there was no grain in the country and we received grain from the World Food Program.
Bro. Melusi Ndlovu

I am writing to let you know that the big box of literature has arrived safely and the reading glasses and I did find my size and have given the others to those who needed them and they send many thanks.  On one trip to Mozambique we had some difficulties in crossing some of the river, where Bro. Moses Dklakama lost his glasses.

Our journey was very successful and fruitful and I am expecting one or two baptisms. It was a wonderful time at our seminar which was attended by five ecclesias – Rimbi, Mutema, Triangle, Masvingo Town and host Masvingo Rural. We spent the whole weekend studying the book of Hebrews. There were five speakers and Bro. Moses gave a talk on preaching which high-lighted many.
Bro. Admire M. Museba

Pharisees are a group of Jews of Christ’s day who were very careful to keep the small points of the Law without really understanding what God was teaching in the Law. They thought they were very righteous.  Publicans were people who collected taxes for the Roman rulers and who were hated and looked on adversly by all their fellows. Pharisees thought they were not like all the wicked men and not like the Publicans. They listed all the good things they thought they did. The Publicans knew they were sinners. Jesus said we should do what the Pharisees teach but not do their deeds. Read Luke 18:9-14 about the Pharisee’s prayer and the Publican’s prayer. The Publican asked for mercy from God as he was a sinner but the Pharisee thought he was righteous, but was not righteous in God’s eyes. Today we have our friends who think they are righteous and don’t want to connect friendship with others because they are not pure Christians.
Bro. Gilbert Tevere

Our Heavenly Father graciously provided us with a double portion of joy on 12th June when Chioniso Saina and Progress Saina were baptized during our memorial service. Chioniso and Progress are sisters and we pray to our gracious Father for their safe journey to His Kingdom. We also welcomed the following brethren to the Lord’s table for the month of May. Bro. Arone Muchanga (Mozambique), Bro. Patrick Mandivinga (Mutema), Bro. Rhobson Sithole (Bulawayo) and for the month of June Bro. Dzingai Sumburera (Bulawayo), Bro. Patrick Mandivinga (Mutema) and Bro. Rhobson Sithole (Bulawayo) and several Bible students plus friends. Our hall was full. On 10th June we held a memorial service for Sister Joyce Dhlakama, who recently fell asleep in Christ. On this occasion we had an opportunity to distribute 113 leaflets and give two talks, the first one was, “Who are the Christadelphians and what are their beliefs?” and the second was, “Who caused death and what will be the hope of the saints?” I want to thank Brothers Patrick and Freddy for a job well done. I also want to take this chance to thank the Christadelphian Advancement Trust for the literature received which finds its way into different homes and who knows what may come of this in future. All of us involved are extremely grateful for the help we receive from you. God willing, next week we are going to visit Mozambique with Sister Evelyn to establish a class for English for beginners, based on the book “Talking about Jesus”. Praying always that more will be moved to accept the true gospel before the return of our Master. We look forward to hearing from you.
Bro. Moses Dhlakama

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