news from zambia

When we say we want to be a missionary we must be willing to take the word of God where it has not been preached before, to follow the work that Jesus left for us. Let us look at what Jesus said about the Apostle Paul. He sent Ananias to put his hands on Paul, “Go thy way for he is a chosen vessel unto me”. (Acts 9:15). We are chosen vessels. Let us go into the world and preach as Jesus is with us all the time. We should not relax in preaching the gospel because it should be like the mustard seed in us.
Bro. Edward Mutale

Greetings to you in our Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour,  for whom we are waiting patiently to bring peace on this evil and violent world. Come Lord. Thank you very much for the tapes which are full of good news because my wife, Diana, and kids and I love to hear the exhortations.  Please try to send anything interesting. Last week when I started thinking about Romans ch. 14, I came to find out that what the Bible says is somehow different from what human beings think. If we study Romans 14 and 15 carefully strong ought to take care of the weak, not the other way round. The gardener takes more care of the weak plants so that they can be strong. The thing we need to realize is that each one of us has his own time and season for spiritual growth just as the plant does. Each one of us has gone through a stage of being fed on milk and maybe in some ways some of us are still there. Please let us just encourage each other because the Saviour is coming. Romans 15:1-8 says encouragingly that the strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak and not to please themselves.
Bro. Alfred Bwalya

I seem to have some difficulties in my life. I am not managing to look after my children and myself. My wife separated from my home leaving me with three children.  The eldest girl is being looked after by my cousin in another district, the boy is with me and the other one is with her grandma. I don’t like my children to be like this.
Bro. Amos Chikanda

On behalf of Kabompo ecclesia we are very grateful to receive the tapes and Bible Basics. The idea of goat keeping is very helpful because the labour required for the animals is less and profitable to the needs of the ecclesia. Kabompo ecclesia is sad to announce the disfellowship of Bro. Reuben Kambeu who was the founder of our ecclelsia.  We are praying that the light of the Lord will shine in his heart that he may return to the true way.
Bro. Charles Muhupu

May the Lord our God, God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Israel bless you in the good work you are doing on His behalf and continue to sustain you to be suitable in His eternal purposes at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank you for the book, “Bible Basics for Moslems”. I am a happy man when I defend the word of God truthfully. For example, on the subject of Lucifer, Isaiah 14:12-14. Almost everyone in our country thinks that this is Satan except for the Christadelphians. I was challenged by a Seventh Day Adventist Church member over this. I took it up boldly and confidently knowing very well that the information given to me through Bible Basics was very true. My opposer had it that Lucifer was the fallen angel (Satan) but I plainly told him that it was speaking of the King of Babylon (v4). With my small missile, the ordinary New International Version, without concordance, read through the chapter.  He happened to be convinced. He consulted his big King James Version, with a concordance, and I saw him look down quietly and disappointingly.  His action told me that he realized that some people have erroneously thought of Lucifer as Satan. Then he said he would visit me at our church.  Some people base their facts on the doctrines of their church because of their big congregations. He said, ‘O.K, you are true about Satan but we still differ about where we will be when Jesus comes.’ He said then that they would go to heaven. But since now we are in different towns I am sending him messages about where we will be when Jesus comes.  Indeed, some people have derived their doctrines by copying other books, such as that for Moslems, without carefully studying the Bible. Some don’t want to be taken aback about the truth because false doctrines have established them in big monies. Let us all afford to the word of God the truth it deserves. Brothers over there, you set us in the right direction and you can’t leave us just at baptismal level, but assist us with more and more material. We have received some books from you and they are right up in our library and I have gone through some of them and they are marvellous.
Bro. Francis Mukabe

Thank you for your literature and advice; they will be of great help to me especially and many other people within and outside my community. May the Lord bless this giving hand. Your literature is a light to most of us new preachers for it helps in the preparation of tapes for discussion. I have committed my daughter into the great good hands of the Lord my God and His Son Jesus to handle the matter for me in these trying moments, especially in the time of joblessness. Thank you for Bro. Levin’s “Legalism and Faith, it has cleared my doubts regarding a lot of (then) unknown issues. I can now see why I can take a Moslem as a fitting example of John’s epistles concerning denial of the Name of Jesus as the Son of God – sign of an anti-Christ. My experience during the nine years that I stayed and worked and passed most of the time with them on different occasions, also sidelines with this literature. I thank God for their conversion I read about in Gospel News.
Bro. Boniface Simpanzye

The special booklet about the eyes is indeed an eye-opener – not only to me but also to many hypertension people around here. People, including health workers, made photocopies of the pamphlet. Thanks once again. I experience most of these symptoms mentioned in the papers. It is very difficult to keep up a special diet because to start with we are in employment as casuals.  The pay we get at the month end is a mockery. If you have not seen total suffering of people who are merely surviving by the grace of God you can experience it here. In Zambia today, when a person receives a visitor it is a burden. It is very, very saddening to learn of Nelson’s death. He is the one who informed me of Sister Joyce Mwango and her husband’s deaths. When I rang his home I received the sad news. He will be very difficult to replace. He was an honest and a down-to-earth brother. We shall live to remember his peace-loving voice and passion for humanity.  Through his works and honesty he managed to build a very strong Kitwe ecclesia. I wish our other brothers could see that there is more sense in team work than in leadership works. We have confusions in some ecclesias because brothers are only interested in leading the ecclesia blindly.  Brother Nelson Bwalya had time to listen, help build and encourage our brothers and sisters. Others have no time. I am encouraging our Sister Mrs. Nelson Bwalya, to be strong and to be encouraged by Jesus’ promise that “I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am , there ye may be also”. We have a problem of AIDS. In every place you go 2 out of 5 persons are HIV positive. People are so ignorant about going for V.C.T. (voluntary counseling and testing), and are simply dying in their homes. My daughter is very keen to read the book, “Where There Is No Doctor”. She is good at sciences. On 5 June 2006 she was 15. Time flies. Keep on sending me books. I only read for 30 minutes or less, then I stop because my vision just goes white and I stop seeing anything. Of course news from the Middle East is worrying us all - suicide bombers, assassinations etc. Yes, if we don’t open up our Bibles then we will not even know why these people are fighting over a small piece of land. As Africans, we have also started to value land. There has been controversy over the topics, the gift of the Holy Spirit and Satan, people don’t really understand them and seem to be in great difficulty. I am humbly begging you to send me more books, especially those that extensively discus the Holy Spirit and Satan.
Sis. Jane Daka

Greetings to you in the Master’s name. How are you there, together with brothers and sisters in Christ? With us here it’s only me who is feeling some pains in the chest. I am leaving everything in the hands of our Almighty God. I am glad to have read the newly introduced goat project. I am interested and willing to have that project as an individual. The project is fantastic and promising because our families will be direct beneficiaries in the sense that once goats are slaughtered they will be given meat for protein gain and as a mixed diet, while the community will be indirect beneficiaries by selling them the very meat and even to sell the whole animal. This project will enable our children to grow healthy and eradicate malnutrition in family members. The project will also enable our children to go to school (to pay school monies), pay medical fees, since this is a very big problem in our country. Most people are dying due to lack of medical fees and buying some home necessities. Clothing is a very big problem and food provision. All those mentioned can be solved once goats are sold.  Goats are disease resistant and they multiply so rapidly, for instance, if you have 2-3 female goats you will find that in two years’ time you may have 12-18 goats (young ones) and these young ones (females) will be on heat within 24 weeks after birth and also give birth after 24 weeks again, which is very encouraging. Once you have farmed goats, automatically you have the bank, for us who are not in employment goat farming is a very good asset which is a perpetual developing project. I hope and trust my name will be highly considered.

We are very joyous to announce the baptisms of the following brethren: David Monta, Bernard Kabwe, Bempo H. Mupim, Paul Mukonda, Phillip Chikange and Mwaso Titus.  These brethren were baptized by Brother John Kasanda in the presence of Bro David Nicholls of U.K. Our late Brother Nelson Bwalya gave a few words of encouragement to our brothers and sisters. This is not to say that once we are baptized we are saved, unless we continue in the faith we will not be saved. All believers are members of the church of God and are helping to build it. Everyone has an effect or influence on everyone else in the assembly. This influence may be good or bad. We may help others spiritually or sometimes be a hindrance to them. The now late Bro. Nelson Bwalya was industrious as far as the Word of God was concerned and he was a brother who used to understand the basic teaching of the Bible and he was a philanthropist, so to speak. Every believer has some gift from the Lord and has opportunity to earn a reward but some waste their time, do more harm than good in the church, or seek glory for themselves.  These will lose the reward they might have had.
Bro. James Kambobe

I felt very pleased to find a parcel of books at the Post Office, “Bible Basics”, “Where Women Have No Doctor” and recently “Legalism Vs Faith”. Thank you very much for these very expensive books, they will be a treasure to the brothers and sisters here. I am also very pleased to learn that Bro. Blackstone has produced a series of notes on the daily readings. These notes are really helpful. The world is indeed moving fast and with extremes. The rains in Zambia this year have been so heavy that springs of water in some places are gushing out, breaking walls, and many people have lost houses. My house has developed multiple heavy cracks and it is quite dangerous to continue living in it. The rains are often accompanied by very strong winds which are destructive to the weak foundations of most homes. Many fields have been washed away which means shortage of food. While these sad things are happening there are also good things taking place. My son, Elvin Muntemba Jnr. was baptized into the saving name by our Bro. Nelson Bwalya in Kitwe on 12th March 2006. I am happy because this now makes us two in this area. In yesterday’s third reading we see the Lord appointed seventy others and divided them into twos ahead of him. Two is a good number for witnessing (Luke 10:1).
Bro. Elvin P. Muntemba


Photo: Bro. Elvin Muntemba Jnr.


The Livingstone ecclesia is well. Some parts of the province were hit by the floods which left people homeless. The government and organizations are doing a wonderful work to save people. This happened before in 1950. I give thanks to God for the wonderful work you are
doing in the mission field in spreading with Word of God worldwide. May the grace of God be with you all the time. Please send me the literature and reading materials – “Where There Is No Doctor”, “Glad Tidings”, “Have You Read The Book Of Jonah”, “Christ In The Old Testament” and any other books. “Where There Is No Doctor” will help me and the community as our homes are 7kms away from a clinic.
Bro. Caphes Sikanyika

I am sorry to inform you that I had a double impact funeral: my mother fell asleep, and after 13 days my daughter fell asleep at the same place. This kind of state gives me pain, but when we go to the Bible there are these kinds of tragedies, e.g. Job lost all he had, children and wealth at the same time. The key to all the problems is prayer. Since God is the one who does all things we should pray to Him so that He can cover our problems.
Bro. Ben Matale

I want to thank you for the audio tapes, Bible Companion and “Where There Is No Doctor”. These materials have also helped the people around my community, especially “Where There Is No Doctor”; even some health workers at our small health center are benefiting from it. That is why I am sending this request to you if you can consider sending me the book “How To Grow A Balanced Diet”. I know that here in Africa, and Zambia in particular, the reason why most deaths occur is because people are not healthy. This is most in children under five years old and is due to an inadequate balanced diet. If people are taught how to grow their own food in a well manageable way I think this can help reduce some deaths. Again I say so because a person cannot get well with good medicine and without good food; these two move together. I have enclosed a photo which I took with a brother in which I am holding the book which you sent me, “Where There Is No Doctor”.
Bro. John Kakinga

Photo: Bro. John Kakinga holding the book and Bro. Ben Matale of Livingstone

Thank you very much for your letter with good news about the signs of the times which are pointing forward to the second coming of our Lord and Redeemer. It is unwise to ignore these signs which are alerting us every day showing the nearness of his coming. It has been researched and discovered that out of 10 million people in Zambia, 1.5m. are HIV and AIDS positive and only a fraction of them takes ARVs. This is a great commission you are doing updating us with such information, because ignorance will never be a defence in the great Day. Brother Blackstone sent me the daily reading notes for April, May and June. I hope he will remember to send me the complete notes so that I may re-use them next year, God willing. As you may know, in the southern hemisphere we are experiencing long nights and short days. I do piece work for an Indian and the same has affected my ecclesial attendance because we usually knock off very late. I always ask God to send Jesus Christ to come and establish the ever joyful Kingdom.  I thank you so much for the literature you always send me for it enlightens and strengthens me in my lonely life. Please keep it up. Therefore I request the newly printed book “Wrested Scriptures” which gives the answers to many misunderstood Bible verses. Brethren in Australia always send me “The Present Day Events”, it is just that I am not exposed to computers. They say postage is more expensive.
Bro. Jaxon Kalumba Jnr.

I was baptized on 3rd September 2000 by Bro. Arnold Kunda. Bro. Herbert is the one who taught me the lessons. I was interviewed by Bro. Martin Tembo, Bro. Fred Kayata and Bro. Arnold Kunda. Afterwards I applied for a correspondence course and I was given a tutor. I did up to 25 lessons and my tutor stopped sending them. It is now almost 2 years since I received any lessons. I tried to ask some brethren who are responsible for this issue and was told that my tutor was very and unable to continue teaching me. Yes, okay, but, please, if possible help me, I want to carry on learning, I can’t stay without learning the Word of God just because my tutor he/she is old.
Bro. Ephraim Mwanje Mambwe

I have received the pair of bifocal glasses you arranged with Sis Jackie Banford and I have written to her thanking her for them. I received the ‘Present Day Events’ and ‘New Israel Politics’. I also received the reading glasses for which I thank CAT.
Bro. Davies S. Nthara

Luke 16:13/ God and Money – I have a friend who said “I have the world in my pocket.” What he meant was that he has a lot of money in his pocket or in his bank account, and can go anywhere he wishes to go, he can buy and eat everything he wants to eat, he can marry many women, forgetting that he cannot buy or bribe salvation.  He is like the rich fool we read about in Luke ch. 12 who forgot to prepare his life. Psalm 20:7 declares, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses.” “If you win the whole world and then lose your life, what will you gain?” Nothing.” (Luke 9:25). Jeremiah wrote, “Blessed is the man that trusteth in Yahweh and whose hope Yahweh is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit” (Jer. 17:7-8). Everyday when we get up from our bed, the first thing we think is about what we are going to eat, what we are going to drink, what we are going to wear.  Philippians 3:19 says “Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach and their glory is in their shame.” They forget their God is their Provider. In conclusion Matthew 6:31-33, “So do not worry, saying, What shall we eat? Or, What shall we drink? Or, What shall we wear? For the pagans run after all these things and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Bro. Fred Mumba

Thank you so much for your advice on a further step to do with my Motor Mechanics course. I very much agree with you that the world is moving faster and the momentum of events increasing. People are acquiring more and more knowledge and ‘fleshly desires’ getting more and more strong. We have been hearing of dreadful events, watching all kinds of pictures on televisions and hearing on radio news of so many events in the Middle East and surrounding areas and Israel being in most headlines in every news. We are now hearing of the banning of importing of birds (any kind) from any country, into Zambia, due to the bird flu pandemic. We have also heard of various diseases/illnesses such as HIV/AIDS, especially here in Africa, and quite a number of diseases in other countries. I was reading Leviticus 26 and I noticed from v. 14 going down, that “the Lord will bring upon men and women wasting diseases, that would even affect their sight…”. I had to think of the current situation and because that punishment was due to ‘disobedience’ could it be true that the prophecy has seen its fulfillment in our days?

I have recently received from Bro. Ken Miles the pack containing another set of studies on ‘What we Believe’ – to do with YAHWEH and other names of the Deity. I really enjoyed the lessons and last time we had one on GOD MANIFESTATION. It was so nice and I hope all the brethren and sisters who receive them do enjoy them too. He enclosed all of them in one big envelope to minimize the postage costs. He used to send quite a lot to individuals but is now sending them to me to distribute. Instead of £2 to each person, x 20 people, now he is spending less than £10 to all of us. His lessons are so uplifting and we hope to be receiving nine of each from him. We all look forward to receiving the Gospel News magazine. Some brethren/sisters were complaining of not receiving the magazine but I told them that they needed to write to you, so that they can be included on the waiting list. I hope by now they have sent you letters – let me know.
Bro. Silas K. Chishimba

I am happy to tell you Phaides, our daughter, has a baby girl. This is my first grand-daughter from my son-in-law, who is a student in Christ. We have been walking from Kankoyo to Kamuchanga for ten years, so now we have found a place at Mutamba High School, just for a classroom for our meeting on Sundays for myself and Bro. Kantongo Davies plus those brothers who have stopped coming for breaking of bread on Sunday because of the distance. The head of this school said we have to pay k.38,000 per month. We have been paying from our own for two months (6 pounds, the equivalent of a weeks wages). Bro. Katongo and Sis. Elizabeth, myself and my wife Cathrine, plus students and our children all go to this class.  One bad thing which  Zambia Electricity, (ZESCO), has done is to switch off power from our house because we had nothing to pay them. As we are all aware troubles in the world still continue this year. With all our hope depending upon the coming of our Lord to put things right we therefore must support each other on our walk to the Kingdom.
Bro. Charles and Sis. Cathrine Daka

Tour of North-western Province, in particular Solwezi, via Mwinilunga. to see the students.  I met up with our late Bro. Nelson for the journey to Mwinilunga, a 9-hour journey. We went to the nearest guest house where we spent a night. Our student came to meet us at the guest house as Bro. Nelson Bwalya had arranged.  Thanks to our Lord the interview took place and went well, but the baptism did not take place then due to the flooding of the river and had to be postpone. We had some discussion on the book of Genesis. Ou late Bro. Nelson was the speaker and explained. He also quoted 1 Peter 1:10-12 and he also explained who the Christadelphians are (Matt 23:1-10) and what they believe and we ended up with a prayer and our student left. Next day we left Mwinilunga at 7:25 hrs for Solwezi and arrived at 14.43 hrs and went straight to see Bro. Lotala and in the evening we had our daily readings. Next day with Bro. Lotala we left to meet our brethren so that we could break bread and after that we left Solwezi for Kitwe via Ndola.
Bro. Harris N. Mulongesha

 Photo: Bro. Harris N. Nulongesha

Loving greetings in our Master’s Name. I hope and trust this letter will find you in good health. Here everyone is fine.  Well, I have written this letter to you because I want you to assist me with the book “Principles of Christian Marriage”. I am really in need of this book but I don’t know where to get it and that is why I have asked you so that you can send me one.
Sister Esther Muntete

A few thoughts on how to treat the elderly.

Have respect to them – “Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father… older women as mothers” (1 Tim. 5:1-2).

Pay much attention to them when they are speaking. - “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger” (James 1:19).

Be sympathetic – “Live in harmony with one another, be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult” (1 Peter 3:8-9).

Let them be involved in whatever you are doing – “Share with God’s people who are in need. Practise hospitality” (Romans 12:13).

Help them – “If any one has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth” (1 John 3:17-18).

Be patient – “….clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” (Col. 3:12).

If we look after older people as in the above statement it means that we have totally respected the higher measures that are being outlined in God’s Word, the Bible, as it is stated in Leviticus 19:32.
Bro. Evans Mwansa

The word of the Lord says blessed are the hands that give and I pray that the Lord’s good hands be open to you in everything you are doing. I always pray for our brothers and sisters who are on the run from their country due to persecution. May the Lord God’s good hands be with you all the time as the Lord says in Joshua 1:5-7 “I will be with you, I will not leave you or forsake you.” Thanks be to the Lord for what He has done in your life wherever you are. In the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Corinthians he shows the Corinthians the example towards the Word of God. Ask yourself, Am I a letter to others like Paul was? 2 Cor. 3:2 says, “Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need like some people letters of recommendation to you or from you?” “You yourselves are our letters, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody”. 1 Cor. 9:2, “Even though I may not be an apostle to others, surely I am to you, for you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord”.  Brothers and sisters, count yourself, wherever you may be to be a letter to others.” Brothers and sisters, if we do not follow the Lord’s commands then we must not count ourselves with the Apostle Paul.
Bro. Harris N. Mulongesha

I am fine and I read a lot of God’s book including the books which you send me. I have learnt a lot of things by reading and studying the Word of God and I try to understand it and preach it to others so that at the end no one could say they didn’t hear the message. With everything that surpasses our understanding let us use it to try and acquire more knowledge about the power and character of God and the fulfillment of prophecy. If we are in great pain or problems let us call on Jesus because we are no longer called servants of Jesus Christ.  We are friends of Jesus if we keep on following his ways; because he died for us, he alone is our mediator. Brothers and sisters there is a time for everything. Read Eccl 3:1-8, “A time to be born and a time to die”. Read also Luke 12:23. Jesus Christ gave us a command to love each other and we must not quarrel with anyone and avoid fault-finding.  We must also practice self control and avoid unprofitable arguments. When troubles come we must not be shaken or moved. We must put everything in prayer. Read Psalm 33:16-22. “No king is saved by the size of his army, no warrior escapes by his great strength. But the eyes of the Lord are upon those who fear him, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. May the Name of our Lord be exalted, let us exalt his Name together.” Thanks brothers, for sending me “Bible Basics for Moslems”.

I am looking forward to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to judge this world, “For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with a loud voice of an archangel and with the sound of the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first” 1 Thess. 4:16-18. Therefore, brothers and sisters, we must encourage one another with the Word of God every day. We must read the Bible daily. “God will bring justice to the elect who cry day and night.” Luke 18:7-8. I would also like more of the Moslem books for brethren and sisters, please send me some. I also thank you for Christadelphian Logos magazine published in Australia, I will write to them, so then they might send me a regular free copy. Thanks to Duncan Heaster, who has been to China and baptized ten students. Let us keep on sowing, we should not feel discouraged because we are the light of the world. I also thank him for his educative, informative editorial: Spiritual growth. We are asked to die with our Lord Jesus Christ through baptism, to share something of his death, the type and nature of death which he had. In our daily lives, what you can really do for a person who is dying is to die with him. Remembering how he refused the pain killer, I have remembered nursing my blood brother who passed away when he was telling me to bring him some water to drink, I died with him. That is a very good teaching to us today, to die with our Lord Jesus Christ, let us copy our Lord Jesus Christ, read John 15:13-14, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you.”

I enclose a photo taken at the Ndola meeting, while singing our favorite song- ‘God is so good, is so good to me’.
Bro. James Mwanza

Photo: At Ndola ecclesia left to right – Bre. Overseas Mwangase, Kelly Simayumbula (Kafue eccl.), Denis Kombe, Harry Mulongesha and James Mwanza

I am writing to thank you for making more copies of Conservation Farming Methods. I have just distributed some copies locally and sent some to Kafue/Kasaka ecclesias for the brethren and sisters there. I only hope they will find these very useful and beneficial. I am yet to send some to Kalomo as well as Mazabuka as soon as I get the addresses, and will send to others that might need them.
Bro. Wilfred Chimbomba

I have now received the parcel of my leaflets, which you have managed to have printed in Tonga language. God is great who has enabled you to finish such hard work within a short period of time; may His Name be praised. Soon I will start sending some copies of leaflets to my brothers and sisters in Kafue, Monze, Goma, Kalomo and Livingstone ecclesias. Some I will be distributing to students and other interested people in our community. I was very pleased to receive the book “Where There Is No Doctor” and a copy of the “Current Present Day Events”. I wrote to the Gospel Publicity League in Australia and I am happy to inform you that I have now received four copies of “Present Day Events” from Australia. I believe they may be sending me other interesting preaching leaflets. On the HIV/AIDS problem in Zambia, what you hear is true. The government is trying to assist the sick people by bringing things into the country from donor countries, church organizations and N.G.O.s to sensitise people to the dangers of this killer disease. We could have joined the race as an ecclesia to organize some gatherings on both spreading the good news concerning the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ as well as preaching some hints on HIV/AIDS prevention; this kind of task requires money that is why we are unable to join the move. The book that you have just printed called ‘Wrested Scriptures’ I am sure will be of great help and interest. I should love to have a copy of this when you start mailing to brothers and sisters. I believe Duncan had a big job in Asia where he managed to have a good number of contacts some of whomare expected to be baptized – that is great; praise the Lord. I also now have six contacts whom I have started teaching 1-12 Bible course lessons.
Bro. Joseph Mulawo

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