news from uganda

Since joining the Christadelphians I have brought many fellow friends to the Truth and we preach the word of the Lord. We were concerned as we increased in number and at the Uganda AGM it was decided to confirm us as an ecclesia in an area called Kitoda. We beg you to help us with books for teaching the Sunday School, ‘Glad Tidings’ magazine, plus any other reading matter that will help us to grow spiritually. We are five in number.
Bro. Shisia Benard

Two most important words are ‘faith’ and ‘hope’. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. So, brothers and sisters everywhere, let us work for the truly good life when Jesus comes (read Hebrews 11). This is not for leaders only, but all must do the work of God. Read James 2:1-5 and vs. 20-26. Consequently faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of God (Rom 10:17).
Bro. Patrick Muboli

Photo: Bro. Patrick Muboli

I was very grateful when I received the public debate that you sent – ‘Are the Miraculous Holy Spirit Gifts Possessed Today?’ (Bro. Duncan (Christadelphian) vs. Mr. Liliekas (Charismatic/Evangelical Christian), which reflected to the truth that the miraculous holy spirit gifts do not exist today. It is only the Bible, which is the breath of God, that is to say, God speaking directly to us through His Word which teaches us the way of salvation.  I really learned much from the booklet which widened my understanding about the subject; we also shared it with other brothers and sisters, even some Bible students found it very useful because many people think that miraculous Holy Spirit gifts are still existing today. People are being misled by some evangelicals who say they have got the miraculous  gifts, that they are able to heal the sick, but I have not seen them raising a dead person as Jesus did, including Lazarus.
Bro. Isaac Bulea Cox

Jesus said that he who believes and is baptised shall be saved (Mark 16:16). But what exactly must we believe? The full text of Ephesians 2:11-13 is well worth considering, for it gives a comprehensive explanation of our position before God before we were baptised into Christ: “Therefore remember that you were once Gentiles in the flesh, who are called uncircumcision made in the flesh by hands; that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.  But now, in Christ Jesus, you who once were far off have been made near by the blood of Christ”.
Bro. Colin Bwire

I wish to request more copies of Bible Basics for brothers and sisters who have requested them from me. I am really interested in studying God’s work and extending it to those who really need the message. I want to inform you that I have had much help and spiritual correction on things I formerly believed. I was really worried about satan, but not now. I was not sure where heaven was, but now I am very sure. I have also understood properly about salvation and many other things. I have read Bible Basics and it has really helped me.
Bro. Boniface Masakala

I am happy to have the magazine and your encouragement; all the articles are very good and build us up in the love of God and it brings together all the brethren world wide. I was glad to see, in the December issue, a picture of myself being baptised. My thanks go to my long-time tutor, Sister Anne Hutchson, before she retired from writing last year, and also to Sue Mathias who first introduced me to the Bible postal course when they were in Uganda.  Brother, I don’t know if you can help me get a friend from UK, not necessarily a tutor, but just a pen-pal.
Bro. Sunday Moses

Comment: Since Brother Sunday wrote the above our Sister Anne has recently fallen asleep in Christ. One of the thrills of the Kingdom will be for you and her to meet face to face in all the splendour of Divine glory.

I am glad to report that we are appreciative of the work you do in supplying Gospel News magazine together with other literature, especially the ones we received recently; we must admit that they are of great value and we have all grown in faith.  The calendars have also been directing us to read daily from the Bible.  There are also others who need to be put on your list for receiving magazines etc.
Bro. Shibita Robert

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