news from tanzania

We thank you for the effort put into ensuring that Gospel News is produced and sent to us on time. What a privilege we have to receive such a wonderful source of supplementary Scripture knowledge, the cost of which we would never be able to meet at this end of the world! Ipinda ecclesia was started in 1992 when a brother who was baptised in Morogoro (a town some 1000kms away) came to live in this area. Ipinda was the first ecclesia to be established in this vast region of Southern Tanzania. Since then the ecclesia has been actively engaged in spreading the gospel to neighbours and outlying villages. The struggle has resulted in the formation of four other ecclesias namely Kanga, Tenende, Kyela and Makwale.

Over the years we have been receiving a considerable number of CIL exhortations, lectures and Bible studies, Sunday School material, etc.. They all are a good source of learning and teaching which many a brother and sister here at Ipinda and neighbouring ecclesias would like to read for themselves were it not for the language barrier.It is our view that if translated into Swahili the underprivileged many would be able to study them and increase their understanding of the scriptures. The trouble is we do not have the equipment to enable us to accomplish this ourselves. We would be glad and grateful if any brother, sister or ecclesia in our entire brotherhood, who are thinking of getting rid of their well-used computer, scanner and printer would let us have the same so that we could begin implementing the task of translating into Swahili. We have a good hall at Ipinda, fitted with running water and installed with electricity. We hope the hall will offer a suitable place for carrying out the task we would like to embark upon.
Bro. Justin Mwakasege

Those of us at the Nyarugusu camp recently received a photo of the late Bro. Arthur East and Sis. Muriel East of beloved memory. We were very glad to see the picture. Please is there a personal tutor for me who could further my Bible studies in the French language?
Bro. Umandama Akulu

I want to request the Bible Companion (daily reading tables). Let me thank you for sending me the magazines and books etc., which are so helpful in my spiritual life. The problem we have in our ecclesia is that since we started we do not have any support money for bread and wine for the Lord’s supper, nor a Post Office box. I know after being baptised it is my right to get bread and wine. How can a son, born, grow without getting porridge and food? Bro. Obedi Joshua

I hereby notify you that Ilomba ecclesia has got a new address: Ilomba Ecclesia, P.O. Box 1257, Mbeya, Tanzania, E.A. On behalf of the Sisters of Iiomba ecclesia I request a copy of ‘Where Women Have No Doctor’. When our Sisters saw this mentioned in Gospel News they were very excited, hoping that if they added that book to their library it would help them much, as some of them know English. They have promised to translate it for their fellow Sisters.
Bro. James Mwangomo 

In June we were visited by our Linkman Bro Roger Wood. We talked a lot about the development of our ecclesia. We also discussed our proposals so that we may stop dependence on UK for even small things such as bread and wine. We are sure the projects we presented, especially a dispensary, could make us self reliant in the near future to the extent of building other ecclesial halls from the same source.

As you may recall, I once told you that it is better we start relying upon ourselves before you stop assisting us. I thought a dispensary, a tailoring mart and a Sunday school (kindergarten) would be able to achieve this objective. Bro Roger has directed that the Sunday School be conducted in the ecclesial halls we have built, together with kindergarten activities.
Bro Raphael Mkeya

Photo: Bro. Joctor with his friend looking at their maize Shamba

All things here are OK, thanks to the mercy of God. I would like to take this opportunity of expressing my great apprciation to you for sending me the book, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’; it is very useful for those in every walk of life.
Bro. Nkonge Mwakatage

We were glad to receive the Bible Reader’s Calendar; it is a good witness to the Truth, one of the best preaching tools. Our address is still the same and we still need Gospel News. Letters etc. are received late, as we are far away from our capital city, Dar-es-Salaam. The roads are so very bad, but are the only means of transport that we remote people depend on. So, keep sending Gospel News as before – even more often if possible!
Bro. Samwel Nindi

I still encourage you in the work you are doing in preaching the second coming of our Master and I hope that God Himself will pay you when His only-begotten Son comes to earth to rule over the whole world. I am very happy still receiving Gospel News which informs me of other brothers world wide. Here is my address Mr. Bernard Wabene w’Tkola, Box 132,Uvinza, Kigoma, Tanzania, E.A.
Bro. Bernard Wabene w’Tkola

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