news from belarus

We were sorry not to get an invitation to a recent meeting held in Belarus by visitors. But we are preaching still, and I have Brother Maksim staying at my place over the summer.
Sis. Larisa

We really are looking forward to receiving wheelchairs from Bro Duncan as we find it now impossible to get around; we keep on reading and hoping that Jesus will return soon.
Bro Valerij & Bro Sasha

Comment: Our two brethren are invalids as a result of nuclear radiation.

Please pray for us here as things are so hard. We live on the 5th and top floor of our block, and we have such aggressive neighbours who threaten to kill us. The children are scared to go out and go down the stairs to get outside. We have just so many problems, it’s hard to explain, but please pray for us. In addition, my health is weak, as you know I am an invalid from the atomic radiation.
Bro. Aleksandr

I break bread, but I think much of the great responsibility that comes from eating the symbol of His body and blood, and being called upon to partake of this! I feel very sober about it.
Bro. Edik

I am eagerly looking forward to starting on the Carelinks chicken project here and also raising rabbits. I am preparing everything. I want to publicly complement Sister Cindy on how well and how quickly she has learnt our Russian language! God bless you all for taking such concern with a small farmer like me.
Bro. Ivan

Things are as usual for us here, but I am so busy with our land, trying to grow as much as possible so that I and the grandchildren can survive over the winter. We think and talk of you often and I try to teach them from the daily reading of the Bible.
Sis Nina

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