news from uganda

My sincere thanks to Bro. Roy Boyd for sending me material which has helped me to grow spiritually and also for his letters which have all helped me in hard times in my life.  I cannot forget Bro. Duncan, too, for the Sunday School material and other spiritual materials he has given me.  May God reward them.  So I pray  that other Brothers and Sisters will build up their fellow Brothers and Sisters and students.
Bro. Mayende Sifunda

I have received your letter, the English Bible Basics and Gospel News, GN really acts as a TV, bringing all the brothers and sisters world wide together, in speaking and seeing each other.  I thank our Father in heaven for inspiring you all to do this work and thank you for your support and love to fellow brothers and sisters.  Gospel News is also a means of spreading God’s word to others;  let us not use it for ourselves alone, but to help bring other people to a knowledge of Jesus Christ. It acts as a bridge linking those in isolation to the very many brothers and sisters on this earth. May this continue. Please send Bible Basics in Kiswaheli as I have some contacts who do not understand English very well.  Unemployment is rampant;  we are poor and always have problems of sickness and we cannot afford the charges of hospitals. I rely on self-help projects and through radionics I get some money for school fees for my children.  I thank God who gave me that knowledge and may I increase it.  Pray for me that more people bring me their radios for repair.  This makes me think of the words of our Lord in Matt. 6, not to worry about what to eat and drink.  Pray for us as we pray for you.  We must read the Bible constantly and with prayer, lest Jesus Christ comes suddenly. Let us not be like the five maids who had kept their lamps but without parafin.  This parable can be compared to brothers and sisters who keep Bibles without reading them constantly. Glory be to God who has all majesty, power and authority.
Bro Issac Bulea Cox

All the human sufferings are signs that were prophesied would forerun the coming of our Master, Jesus.  We should indeed be on the watch for his coming. In my last letter I requested that you helped us with some Bible Basics;  there is, indeed, a great need for them as I have now started opening up new areas for the truth.  All the help you extend to us, especially Bible literature, is always received with tears of joy.
Bro Godwin Mugasi

We are very happy with all the programmes that are going on in the various countries, especially Uganda.  We must make a greater endeavour to work together spreading the gospel before our Lord returns to the earth.
Bro. Samuel Godwin

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