news from zambia

Precious greetings to you in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  I would like to inform you that the money sent was used to purchase a bicycle which I use to visit and teach the students in distant areas and for which I really give thanks through our Lord Jesus Christ.  I desire our brethren to live peaceably and hold on to the teachings daily, which shows me they have fallen in love with Christ.  It is my task to pray for them daily so that no one should come out of the hand of Christ. I would love it if we as brethren be one in Christ, then we shall be called Christians, because we are doing the work which God wants us to do. We should work and follow His commandments, then we shall inherit the Kingdom of God.  Please send me some books to edify me and to teach every day.
Bro. Edward Mutale

Most of us cannot afford the price of stamps; it is such a problem here when you consider that we live in rural areas of Zambia and most of us are unemployed.  It will help a lot if you send us a stamp each time so that maybe we can write something for the many readers of Gospel News which teaches us a lot.

Photo:  At Fringilla Farm


About the drought-resistant crops. I know the ones you have mentioned. The other one is yam.
Bro. Charles Muhupu

I must apologise for the delay in writing to you.  This is because life lately has been hectic for me.  The first term college work was a little pressing. Imagine going through calculus plus the whole load of assignments and exams.  I am now doing teaching practice at a school known as Neem-Tree Basic without any allowance from the Zambian government.  I have taken on two students at Mukobeko Maximum Prison so that they send their Bible Basics lessons directly to me.  Also I hope to meet Emmanuel any time now so that, God willing, he will begin to attend the meetings as, according to his letter, he has interest in God’s Word.  Lately I have had several brothers and sisters write to me to thank me for my articles and I am lost for words and I thank you, for I feel without Gospel News I would not have improved my writing.  I am glad you are trying to satisfy the ever increasing number of people abroad wishing to learn English.  In fact, I like your idea of producing a book with practical lessons on learning to read English by reading the Bible.  Imagine reading the Word of God as you are trying to get your English lessons right.  I feel it is much fun.  Any time you happen to have another project on writing get me involved i.e. give me guidelines on anything to write and let’s see what I can do.
Bro. Lapulani Malata

We are all waiting to receive our Lord Jesus Christ to come and judge each and every person according to the works that he or she has done on earth.  Brothers, let us pull up our socks, this is not the time of reading newspapers in the streets.  This is the time of reading the Bible and understanding what you are reading.  This should be our daily study as we are all waiting for our Master to come.  As we don’t know the day nor the hour he is coming, will he find us reading the Bible? Thank you very much for the public debate book which has interested me and also for the Bible reading calendars. We still need more.
Bro. Lameck Mtonga

The messages written in Gospel News have been of great use to me.  Here in Kalomo we are working extra hard in our outreach ministry.  In June last some of us made a trip to Kalomo South visiting three places there – Katanga, Kanyanga and Simwatachela.  From Kalomo town to Katanga one can travel by catching lifts, such as from lorries.  From there to Simwatachela one has to make it on foot.  From Katanga mission is a turning leading to Kanyanga;  this distance is long and there are no vehicles, the only thing you can get if you have some luggage is a ‘scotch cat’ (driven by oxen) or by booking a bicycle.  Failure to get either of these means a walk for nine solid hours non-stop.  At the end of each journey you experience hunger, thirst, leg pains and extreme tiredness.  At all these places there are a number of students;  some had finished their studies and were awaiting  interviews.  Our Linkman, Bro. Andrew Walker,  assigned me to travel to these places once a month to deliver their mails since my post box is used by these students.  In the month of August (5th to 11th) I made a second visit, then a third (15th to 18th.) May God bless His word and His labourers. Thanks to the Lord who has shown mercy and lovingkindness to our Brothers and Sisters in Iran and Afghanistan as we hear the report of baptisms in the Islamic world.  We pray that the hand of the Lord will be with you all in every dangerous place as you and we journey to the Kingdom; I know it is not so easy in this evil world. 1 Peter 1:3-9: Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade, kept in heaven for you and me, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.  In this you greatly rejoice though now for a little while you have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.  Those have come so that your faith, of greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire, may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed.  Though you have not seen him, you love him are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls. Even so come, Lord.
Bro. Harry Hambula

I received the Bible Reader’s calendar for 2006;  I was very blessed, and most of our friends need them. I hope to continue receiving Gospel News, I always get encouragement from Isaiah 54:5, “For my Maker is my husband, the Lord Almighty is His Name, the Holy One of Israel is my Redeemer, He is called the God of all the earth”.  He is the Provider of my daily needs; He takes good care of my health and my two loving children.  May His Name be glorified for ever and ever.  Amen.  May the living God above bless every one of us for the encouragement we give and get from the Bible. needs; He takes good care of my health and my two loving children.  May His Name be glorified for ever and ever.  Amen.  May the living God above bless every one of us for the encouragement we give and get from the Bible.
Sis. Juliet Mweetwa

Many thanks for the help received from the Brothers. The ‘Present Day Events’ news sheet on the signs of the times is most interesting and I make photo copies for others. Travel to see others is difficult and so expensive; we are in need of a bicycle so that students and members can be contacted. I hope and pray that this letter will find you in good health.  My wife and I are quite fine.  Will you kindly send me some reading glasses?  I enclose the prescription as they are very expensive here..  Here in Kasama Ecclesia some people like very much the Bible Basics you have sent me. I do not have any left to take to Milima Prison as I am doing a lot of work here in Kasama concerning Christadelphian Bible teaching and have given literature plus some leaflets and Glad Tidings to several workers in Kasama.  Please try to send me some more books in English and Bemba.  My wife, my family and Sunday School join me in sending our love to you and your family.  May our living God keep you safe.
Bro. Joshua Mushili

Alas, it has been necessary to withdraw fellowship from Sister Dyllis Musonda who left us and joined Watch Tower and then joined the Bahai faith.  Efforts by brethren to bring her back have so far been fruitless. Meanwhile on 4 July 2005 we were blessed with the baptism of Bro. JOHN MWEWA of Mushota Kawambwa East, a sub branch of Kazembe Ecclesia, when Bro. David Nicholls, Sis Linda Nicholls, Bro. Nelson Bwalya and Bro. Z. Muntete visited the area.  Right hand of fellowship was extended to Bro John Mwewa by Bro. David Nicholls. Elizabeth and I were overwhelmed to read your letter, we were as happy as if we could jump out of our skins.  May our Lord bless you for your task to serve God in spreading Gospel News to its readers world-wide. May He keep you healthy and strong until the return of His anointed Son, none other than the Lord Jesus Christ.  Please include me as a student of that newly introduced 16 lesson course based on the Gospel of Mark.  I am very eager to learn the Word of God set apart time to read every day as a habit and Sis Elizabeth helps me to maintain this time.  I thank God for allowing this in my life.
Bro. John Kasanda

I am happy to inform you that I am on my way to the southern part of Congo to the small town of Mokambo near Mufulira town. I spent the night at Bro. Francis Mbalanga’s home, then next day I went to Mufulira.  After the memorial service, I will proceed to Mokambo where I will spend one week.  I lost my sister, who passed away two weeks ago, so I am coming to visit my relatives for that purpose.  I will take this opportunity to share the word of Truth with my relatives and non-relatives.  I hope that God will do something for His glory.  In Luke 15:7 Jesus said, “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner whorepents than over ninety nine righteous persons who do not need to repent”.  We rejoiced with the heavenly host on 17th April 2005, when Bro. GOLDEN NDOVU was baptized.  He has become a member of our body, we thank our heavenly Father for His love.  This same month Bro. Francis Mbalanga of Chingola ecclesia decided to print calendars containing  Christadelphian Bible Mission labels, in an effort to make known our fellowship to the Zambian people.  The idea came after he realized that since 1971, when the Truth came to Zambia, the Christadelphian ecclesia is still unknown by most Zambian people.  We joined him by distributing these calendars in all towns of the Copperbelt province.  He also made the announcement of this activity to the Radio Cengelo of Kitwe.  The campaign was successful as the Zambian public asked questions on what Christadelphian means and what they believe.  I hope that God will make His Word to be known in all Zambia.
Bro. Robert Mpundu Miwele

This photo was taken after the memorial meeting on 3rd April 2005.
Standing left to right. Bro. David Kawba (Kapiri)  Bro. Chabala Geoffrey (Mufulira) and Bro. Harris Mulongesha (Ndola).
Front left to right: Bro. Silas Chishimba (Mufulira), two sisters and a student from Ndola Ecclesia.

“But whoever lives by the truth comes to the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God” (John 3:21). Light is a challenge that lasts all our lives and all our natural ways need to be examined in the Light.  “The unfolding of Your words gives light, it gives understanding to the simple” (Psalm 119:130).  Our understanding of the work of God continually changes spiritual direction and will lead us to live a different way of life, in the light, we must always live in the light (John 2:10, Prov. 6:23, Psalm 119:105).

Thank you for the parcels.  I received the books on Revelation and a parcel of clothes, thank you very much indeed.  Bre. Mubaya and Alex Mutale also received their parcels.  I accompanied Bro. David Nicholls and Sister Linda Nicholls for the mission trip to Luapula and Northern Province and we were blessed with three baptisms, a couple in Kasama and also a blind man in Kazembe.  The C.B.M. asked me to visit North Western Province, this is Kabompo and Solwezi, so you can see I do have the opportunity of visiting various places.  I am very glad to see that Bro. Duncan is back writing in Gospel News, thanks be to God.  My greetings to your ecclesia.
Bro. Nelson Bwalya

My testimony:  I spent most of my years in the church CMML and used to do the same job as Bro. Nelson Bwalya, that of selling books.   Bro. Nelson preached to me the good news, but I did not believe him. However, after a long time I started thinking of what he used to tell me and came to believe that what he told me was the truth.  Then I left my former church and started listening carefully to what Bro. Nelson shared with me about the Gospel.  I started the lessons.  After learning the truth I was baptised and started sharing the truth with others in Garneton township where I stay.  I do thank all brothers and sisters who visited us in Garneton.  We are building up the ecclesia which is called the Christadelphian Hall.  Most of my family are now baptised.
Bro. Darkwell Mubanga

Jesus Christ must return to this earth as King in power and great glory to judge this present evil world and set it to rights, as the apostle Paul says, “In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now He commands all people everywhere to repent.  For He has set a day when He will judge the world with justice by the man He has appointed.  He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead” (Acts 17:30,31 NIV).  His second  coming will not be a hidden event, but one of which the whole world will be aware.  The prophets foretold that it will be at the time of distress in the world (Micah 4; Zech. 14:2,3,9), when the people will focus on the Middle East and on Israel.  The Lord will deliver Israel from her troubles, then he will reign from Jerusalem over a world-wide kingdom – the Kingdom of God on earth.  “The Lord will be King over the whole earth.  In that day there will be one Lord, and his name one” (Zech. 14:9).  “He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High.  The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David.  And he will reign over the house of Jacob Jacob for ever;  his Kingdom will never end” (Luke 1:32,33).  “In the time of those kings the God of heaven will set up a Kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure for ever” (Dan. 2:44).  “The Lord will reign for ever and ever” (Ex. 15:18).  Our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.  Will we be there?
Bro. Reuben Njamba

I was very glad to receive your letter and the parcel; the garments were suitable for the children and most acceptable.  Some of the children who had them are orphans.
Bro. Alex Mutale

Comment:  We were given several hundred new garments for children and have sent them to various ecclesias world-wide.  These clothes were new children’s school uniforms, but the Schools decided to change the uniform, so the Brother who supplied them to the Schools was left with a substantial redundant stock.  However, his loss has been the gain of many children.  It has not been possible to give to all ecclesias, but should there be another opportunity we will supply to children of other ecclesias.  The Christmas before last it was possible to give a new sweatshirt to all the children in a Russian orphanage – the only present they had. So, if any of you know of similar good clothing going ‘spare’, let us know.  MH

Thank you very much for the book, ‘How to Grow a Balanced Diet’, it is very good for us small farmers and reveals quite a lot of ideas which we did not know of.
Bro. Elvin P. Muntemba

I was so elated to know from the letter you wrote to me that I passed with flying colours the “New Life in Christ” course. A lot of brothers and sisters here did not know that Pardon Changwe is a pastor somewhere in a Pentecostal Church; I feel so sorry for him even as I continue praying for him.  Can you please help me with Bro. Edmond Store’s address, I just have an extreme interest in knowing about how he is living with the orphan children and if they are in school.  The Gospel News magazine is always close to my heart and Bro. Duncan’s articles are my favourite because they are so real.  At  this year’s Fringilla camp meeting I had a really wonderful time listening to Bro. Michael Owen and having quality times with my friends and talking to other Brothers and Sisters.  Bro. Michael has already sent me the notes of his talks which I asked for and I am so happy.  By God’s grace I am happy to inform you that our Sunday School and Youth League are doing great after the graduation of Asenath, Jane and Alex from Sunday School to being Sisters and a Brother and Anita and Stephen from being mere youths to becoming a Brother and Sister..  I pray that we catch more people from this world with the Kingdom net (the gospel) like our Lord Jesus did.
Sis. Bevelyn Tembo

I write to request a copy of “Beyond Bible Basics”.  I did request this before but you asked me to borrow from my ecclesia, which I did, and returned it to the ecclesial library.  Now I feel that I need to research the book more and gain much knowledge in spiritual matters.  I look forward to receiving the book and hope and trust that you will respond favourably and promptly.
Bro. Christopher C. Nkandu

Loving greetings in our soon coming Lord Jesus Christ.  I thank you so much for your letter and a copy of Gospel News, also a handout of Present Day Events.  I always praise God for the good work CAT are doing by disseminating the true gospel news in the world and encouraging us all as we await our Lord’s second coming.  The great work will be rewarded at his coming.  Happily I had a wonderful Bush Camp where I learnt new things from brothers and sisters, especially the talks of Bro. Michael Owen.  I heard about the terrorist attacks in UK a good number died without hearing and accepting the truth.  Keep on informing us about such events for they are a sign of his coming and God’s purpose with the earth to be fulfilled.
Bro. Jaxon Kalumba Jnr.

I received Gospel News for July-Sept 2005 after giving you my new address.  I also received a booklet entitled “Bible Basics for Moslems” which sounded very amusing and was very educative after going through it.  Please keep it up and continue with the same spirit.  Sadly I did not attend the July-August Bush Camp because I have been engulfed with some problems.  My wife has been complaining of some abdominal pains which started early in February 2005 to date, that is why we have been transferred from Kazembe to Mansa General Hospital.  But the problem is still the same and we are just praying to Almighty God and leaving everything in His hands.
Bro. James Mwando Kambobe

Looking at four devastating events, namely September 11th 2002 in the USA, the war between the USA. and Iraq, the Tsunami and now hearing of Bird Flu, has really touched me, more especially concerning the mass destruction of people’s lives in all these instances.  More people across the world are expected to lose their lives as the result of the anticipated Bird Flu.  Pertaining to the rate at which the influenza changes, scientists have predicted the pandemic (word means world-wide distribution) could cause 7 million sicknesses and 2 million+ deaths in due course, as the forthcoming outbreak is self-styled to afflict people world-wide.  This is coercion and awes almost everyone, more especially in developing countries because we saw how our friends suffered because they had no advanced medical facilities and highly structured transport network, then if it happens to strike amongst the developing countries, it is God’s to salvage, because casualties would be more than expected.

This has terrorized our brethren and sisters in most parts of the world, but let it not be so, because these calamities are just vivid mass life consumers, but the kind of death is the same in everyday life as each of us witness in our local environment.  With everything that surpasses our understanding, let us use it to try and acquire more knowledge about the power and the character of God and the fulfilment of prophecy.  As much as I believe, those people who died in the earlier mentioned calamities knew not what was before them and would have fled to save their lives. Let us who are still alive take advantage of these practical breathtaking examples to prepare for sudden death or Christ’s coming, so that we may enter the glory of his Kingdom.
Bro. Geoffrey and Sis. Sandra Chabala

I would like to ask you how to manage in sending deaf people to school or churches.  I don’t know if you have any in your ecclesia.  I have a son who is deaf, Mike Mumba, aged 17 years, now doing Grade 8 at St. Joseph’s in Kalulushi which is a Catholic school.  Is there any organisation dealing with disabled people which helps them with sign language, books for education, or Christadelphian books in sign language?
Bro Fred Mumba

Our Master, after he rose from the dead, commanded the apostles, saying, “Go, preach the gospel to every creature;  he that believes and is immersed shall be saved, and he that believes not shall be condemned.  Lo, I am with you always, until the end of the world”. My brother, please, I am here and want to serve the Lord, so send me some books and I can translate them into Bemba and Nyanja.
Bro. Charles M. Daka

I really thank you for the book, also update news on signs of the (end) times, especially issues such as AIDS and a report on children’s suffering by UNICEF 2005, which is so touching. Such work is appealing as this really needs particular attention like our Christadelphian missionaries are doing to reach the unreached and then share hardship with those in need of attention, help as well as care and love, with disaster relief funds.  Last Sunday we were visited by Bro. Maxwell Choongo of Kasaka on his Bible campaign outreach programme. We had a nice time, where we studied the Signs of the End of the Age from the book of Matthew ch. 24.  This is indeed a good reminder to us all who labour in the Lord. We should not sit back and pretend everything will take care of itself or perhaps forget what the Bible says.  We also had a good Bible study together. We need to cut across linguistic, social and religious barriers.  God will actually bring rest to a weary world.So many thanks for the booklet, ‘Did Jesus Christ Really Come Down From Heaven?’  This is of great concern, especially around us.  We are all concerned about so much poverty, drought and hunger.  This drought situation and poverty levels have actually culminated into poor attendance at my pre-school, having gone down to five pupils this term against 22 which I had last term.  With prayer and faith everything will be under God’s control.
Bro. Wilfred Chilomba

I was happy to hear that you had two Sisters from Latvia visiting you.  We should teach others the word of the living God because we are the salt of the earth, the representatives of God.  We continue hoping for the things we have not seen, but walk by faith not by sight.  There is nothing that can separate us from the love of Christ, not tribulation, distress, persecution or famine. I enclose a photo taken at the Fringilla bush camp last August, where we learnt a lot.
Bro. James Mwanza

So many thanks for the booklet, ‘Did Jesus Christ Really Come Down From Heaven?’  This is of great concern, especially around us.  We are all concerned about so much poverty, drought and hunger.  This drought situation and poverty levels have actually culminated into poor attendance at my pre-school, having gone down to five pupils this term against 22 which I had last term.  With prayer and faith everything will be under God’s control.
Bro. Wilfred Chilomba

Arriving at Changa Changa motel, I found Bro. Nelson Bwalya giving an exhortation and telling brothers and sisters to read the book of Revelation and he gave an example from Rev. 17:18 to support his exhortation.  I am very happy that Bro. Nelson Bwalya visited Solwezi twice when he baptised on both occasions, making Solwezi move from isolation to  a full-time ecclesia.  We now number 11 – 10 Brothers and one Sister.
Bro. Joseph Kapimpa

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