news from tanzania

It has been a long time since I have written to Gospel News. In fact my family and I are doing well. I was away from  Dar-es-Salaam visiting Congo visitin Lubumbashi,Kipushi and Kalemie. With God's blessing we held an eight day seminar in both Lubumbashi and Kipushi, during which many people came to listen to us. They actually  came to know who the Christadelphians are, their faith and their beliefs. Two were baptised from both Kipushi  and Lubumbashi. We then travelled to Kalemie, where we had a warm welcome, and as the result of our visit ten were baptised. May our Heavenly Father be with the newly baptised Brethren and Sisters. We particularly thank all the Brethren and Sisters who willingly contribute financially to our travelling to spread the Word of God.
Bre Vincent & James Ibandje

I am Samuel Alinoti, a Brother at Rutale ecclesia, Kigoma, in Tanzania. Now i am at Kasulu for my studies.I am schooling at Kasulu Teachers’ Training College. There is no ecclesia here at Kasulu town, therefore I am not able to share fellowship with brethren and sisters. I am trying to teach the truth to the community around our college as well as my college mates. I thank God that there are some who have shown interest in knowing the truth, some are receiving our forty lesson Course. I meet with them and discuss the Bible regularly. We ask for prayers from brethren and sisters all over the world in this work so that these friends can know the truth in these last days. I request Gospel News magazine and advice from brethren and sisters on how i can go on with this work.Can you publish this message in GN? My college address is PO BOX 3, KASULU, TZ.
Bro Samuel Alinoti

KIGOMA (Rutale Ecclesia)
I am grateful for your letter and newspaper you sent me.  I very much hope that you will continue sending to me.  I delayed responding as I was admitted to hospital and operated on for hernia.  I thank my God that I am going on well, this was from January to May 2005.  I hereby ask you to continue sending me more and more scripture books, pamphlets etc. to enable me to deepen my faith.  Brethren and sisters of our ecclesia warmly salute you, hoping that you going on well with the work of God
Bro. Paros Yunus

We congratulate you for the heavy task you undertake in spreading the holy word of our Lord.  The things you send us always awaken our minds.  We received ‘Basic Bible Principles’, accompanied by an English Bible.  Thanks a lot.   Regarding our Sunday School, we again thank you for the positive advice and intend writing to the Children’s Fund for further details.  We receive Gospel News and its contents are appreciated.  We have launched a new strategy of house-to-house evangelism with the aim of teaching the pure word among and within the Islamic community in which we live.  We have convinced almost 80% of them and hope that one day they will be baptised.  Please pray for us so that, God willing, we succeed in this new ‘career!’ Last but not least, as many of us live in rural areas where there is no proper medication, may you please send us the book, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’.  Salutations from all brothers and sisters of our ecclesia.
Bro. Jerome Bukambo

We are fine enough here to carry out our daily activities.  We thank God for enabling us to deal with new challenges in life.  I would like to comment on the greater job being done of spreading the gospel news;  our Almighty God will always provide.  The Gospel News magazine which I receive is of the greatest importance to me because the contents are very useful for the current life and for the promised eternal life to come.
Bro. Nkonge Mwakatage

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