news from malawi

I would like to thank you for everything you send to me here. I would beg you to send me an English Bible; I need this Bible because of the material you send me written in English. So if you can send this to me everything will be understood.
Bro. R. Mapseru

Although the books took a very long time to reach me I am very glad to have received them safely, I and my Sister wife thank you very much for them. I realise now that some books are very useful in our farming work and you have really sent me a very useful book, ‘How To Grow a Balanced Diet’ and also the book, ‘Where There is No Doctor’. My farming work is seasonal and at other parts of the year I have nothing to do, so I have plenty of time to read the books you send me. I have very few books on my shelf and I have read them all. Had it been that I had received the book, ‘How To Grow a Balanced Diet’ in the past, I think by now I would have alleviated our hunger situations.
Bro. Harmony Ntchalachala 

Sis. Malita and I agreed to be as one body in 1979 and now we have got nine children, which shows us that God still protects and guides us. My message for these last days is found in Psalms 1:1, 2 Timothy 3:1, 2 Peter 3:1. I send greetings to all brothers and sisters.
Bro. H. Benito

Photo: Bro Benito and Sis. Malita

I was in Zomba for a month to encourage a number of brothers and sisters and it was all very nice. Also I was in Balaka for one-and-a-half months where I attended some gatherings and everything was good. In Balaka there were a number of JWs and I found one member to whom I would like you to send two Bible Basics. Also, if you have a Chechewa copy, please send me one. Lastly, if you have any ‘lectures’ on Revelation chs 1-11 please also try to send them to me.
Bro. Finley G. Nkomelah

I say thank you for your letter and for Gospel News; it is good, and I read it day and night. It tells of the sudden coming of our Saviour, Jesus, and also deals with our fellow brethren and sisters in different countries. I am a man of 35 years and am married to Elizabeth and we have children, girls and boys. I have problems with some verses in the Bible, so please help me.
Bro. Charles Kasonya 

I am encouraging you to send more literature so that we can grow in our spiritual life. We need Bibles in Chichewa because there are some brothers and sisters who do not speak or understand English well and do not have Chichewa Bibles. In addition, could you also provide me with a Bible in English.
Bro. Maxwell M. Tebulo

I have noticed that many Pentecostal and charismatic churches are ‘speaking in tongues’, but, alas, contrary to the Bible teachings – in other words, baseless from the Bible. Please be alert! Prophecy started in the Old Testament as well as Mark 16:17, "And these signs will follow those who believe; In my name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues." Acts 2:4-8: "They (the apostles) were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other
tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans? And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?" Indeed, the scripture quoted signifies the beginning of speaking in tongues. The marvel was that people from "every nation under heaven" heard the apostles speaking in their own native tongue. God inspired the apostle Paul to give guidance on the speaking in tongues, "I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied: for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying" (1 Cor. 14:5). Speaking in tongues was to be done in an orderly manner, and be interpreted, so that the church could be edified. Brothers and sisters, don’t be carried away with false teachings, always consult the Bible which is our guide and not human beings’ thoughts. Those who disregard the provisions of 1 Corinthians 14 should read again 2 Timothy 3:16: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness". Bro. Morris Assani 

I am teaching the orphans I told you about last year and caring for them. Any second-hand clothes for them will be gratefully received. Whatever hardship there may be, we will stand still and pray to our God without ceasing, as He hears prayers.
Bro. Edmond N. Store

Photo: The orphan children Bro. Store is caring for.

I am greatly appreciative of the teachings that you present to me; this indeed helps me to gain and extend my knowledge. My humble gratitude should be extended to my tutor, Bro. Keith J. Lowe, who guided me into the Bible; he confronted me with everything in the 40 lessons without getting tired. I progressed well. My brother is also getting on OK with the course. Although I am isolated, I have many friends at Nipiri Secondary School where I am in form 3, but I fail to convince them of the truth, since I do not have enough materials, even a Bible. I would appreciate it if you could send me five Bible Basics and more reading matter immediately.
Bro Lanjesi Chiyani

Photo: Bro Lanjesi Chiyani

I am a boy aged 19 years and a Christadelphian. I am still at school and have also developed the habit of reading Gospel News and also tracts. With the good news I come across whilst reading the magazine, plus the tracts, I have come to the point of urging you to send me some more books.
Bro. Tholesi Nazombe 

Before I was converted to the truth I did not know that God can really heal, but when I started reading the Magazine I found that God is the only one who can do so. Brother, continue sending me Gospel News as I so much enjoy reading it, especially the letters from brothers and sisters. Even when I can’t meet with others (as my circumstances are hard at this time) I feel one with them. I can see how we all suffer and how that everything is moving towards the return of Jesus and the coming of the Kingdom. Brother, if possible, please send me a Bible, I haven’t one.
Bro. Thom M. Bicycle

I am your fellow labourer in the service of the Lord and a member of Sengabay Ecclesia in Salima, I was baptised in May 2003 after learning the truth from Bro.Duncan Heaster's beautiful work packed in Bible Basics. As we are busy preaching the gospel to "all the creatures", there is great need that we, as pioneers, need to know the Word of Truth in depth by reading the Bible for deeper knowledge. After reading through some of the pamphlets written and published by you, I have all the confidence that they can lead an eager reader to the truth as it is in Jesus. Please send me some more to share with others.
Bro. George Nkhoma

I was so glad when I received your letter and rejoiced. I appeal to you to send me material monthly. Please, my request is for you to send me a Bible and, if possible,  cassettes for my mother, who lives with us and is blind, so that she may learn of God and grow spiritually.
Bro. Eleck Bryala

Photo: Bro. Bryala with his wife, mother and children

Here in Malawi there is only poverty. Thank you very much for sending the Magazine which I am happy to have, keep sending it to me. Can you send me a Bible in Chichewa as I am unable to read carefully the words of God without this Bible. I shall be very grateful if you can assist me.
Bro. S.G. Zaliwa

The problems which we face here are as follows: (1) We pray under the tree due to lack of money. Sometimes we are unable to finish our prayers because of the rainfall in the rainy season. (2) We try to build our church, but due to the heavy rain it collapses, because we are unable to
have the iron sheets required. (3) Because of the heavy rainfall we are unable to harvest bumper yields. As a result there is hunger each year.
Bro. P. Mbingwani

Something is radically wrong with the human race: they hurt each other and themselves; they rob and rape; they swear and steal; they murder and molest; nations oppose nations and there are always wars and rumours of wars. The trouble with man is sin. Our greatest enemy is not ignorance or inflation, debt or deflation, disease or death. Our greatest enemy is sin in the hearts of people. The confusion, suffering and sorrow in the world comes because of sin.

Sin separates us from God (Isa 59:1-2). Nothing else can separate us from God, but sin has great power over us. What is sin? What are its results in human life? Is there any way of escape from its consequences?
Bro. Exvin A. Kasalagwe

Photo: Bro. Exvin A. Kasalagwe

I am very, very glad to receive your magazine concerning Jesus Christ. I am married with three sons and four daughters. Here in Malawi we are poor and do not have money to buy all the Bibles necessary.
Bro. Sittaffa Goba

Above: Bro. Goba with his wife and child.

Below: Two daughters dressed for a special occasion. Note the skill of the Malawian needle-woman.

It is by the grace of God that you are sending me the Magazine and books which are helping me and the Christadelphian church to grow every day. Please continue to pray for us as we are praying for you.
Bro. Smart Lombe

One cannot and should not use force to compel anyone to accept the faith, for faith is a free gift of God (John 6:44,47), It is also wrong to put to death any one for the sake of their erring faith. The ecclesia should use no sword other than the Divine Sword OF God (Eph6:17). The secular kingdom should be separate from the ecclesia and no secular ruler should exercise authority in the ecclesia. The Lord has commanded simply to preach the gospel and not to compel anyone to accept it by force. The true ecclesia of Christ has the testimony that it suffers and endures persecution, but does not inflict persecution on any one.
Bro. MacArthur Salamu

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