news from nigeria

I recieaved the package of the Gospel News with many thanks! Here in Aba ecclesia, we are not experiencing isolation, I think it is a blessing! We have 81 Baptised members and a number of interested friends. When I read about those experiencing disasters, isolation, drought, etc., I feel pity for them.I know I cant help them in any other way but am praying for them. Please can you help me get any pen pal because I love writing people outside my ecclesia...they can write to

I am Peter by name and a reader of Gospel News., I want to commend you for the efforts you have been making in gathering informations worldwide and publishing it. I pray that YHWH will guide you.

'Gospel News' has been my companion for many times. It makes me know that I have brethren all over the world and also encourages me when i read of the hardships my brothers are in, especially those in the Arab countries which are mainly Muslin and the faith they have to overcome them.
Bro Peter Ojike

I thank those who contribute in various ways to produce Gospel News; it acts as a ‘TV’ where we can see ourselves and hear voices of others. Gospel News Magazine is one of the greatest things that happened in Christadelphia, whereby everybody can speak, no matter whether they are black or white. It has helped us to know that Christadelphians are all over the world and we should not bother about how few we may be in our different places; we are all one family (Gal. 6:10.
Bro. Goddy Nwosu 

As Ikwueke Oboro is a newly opened ecclesia we see the work of the truth in these last days as a task while we rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him. This journey which we have started cannot proceed without your support and active prayers of those desirous of strengthening our feeble hands in this faithful labour (Isa 35:3). When God started to form the Israelitish nation, He began with an unknown man, Abraham, and he waited patiently for the Lord. He quietly followed the characteristics of God by keeping His commandments in fear. I take this opportunity to say to all who love our Lord Jesus to follow the footsteps of our father Abraham with confidence and hope. As a new ecclesia, we are still waiting to receive preaching materials from brethren world wide. My wife and I now thank you for your encouragement on our newly opened ecclesia; we desire your earnest prayers for its growth. We apologize for the long delay in thanking you, and may the Almighty God guide you in all your efforts in spreading the preaching materials on us in these last days. In going through Gospel News I came across a book, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’. We would appreciate a copy of this, and while we look every minute to receive your return answer we wait for our Master’s call.
Bro. Friday Enyiogu

Photo: Left (sitting) Bro. F.E. Umesi and right (standing) Bro. F.E. Enyiogu. In front of him is Sis. Janet Enyiogu and Sis. Comfort Umesi. Others are our friends awaiting baptism

I received the 10 copies of Bible Basics and Gospel News; I am thankful to you for everything. A few copies of Bible Basics in the Ibo language will help me a lot when talking to my Ibo contacts in my country home. A number of them belong to the Jehovah’s Witnesses, but with a book written in the Ibo language I think I will bring them to the truth. Please also send me ‘Elpis Israel’ and ‘The Life and Work of Dr. John Thomas’.
Bro. Mike O. Takon

I am sorry I have not written for many months, the reason being pressure of things in Nigeria. Despite that I still focus my attention on the daily readings because the Bible is the only thing that can give me solace while facing predicaments. Please, we are so much in need of Hymn Books in my ecclesia, the few we had have been lacerated.
Bro Osaretin Jolly

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