news from latvia

I am trying to persuade my son Maris to come in to Riga with me to attend the meetings but he won’t be persuaded. I feel that there are at most only a few years for us to wait before Jesus comes and I am hoping my health will last out until then.
Sis. Irena

I am expecting a baby and am very terrified as we have no money to pay the doctor for anything at all, please pray for me.
Sis. Ilona

Thank you for the support I received. Things are hard for me as I am having to work for no money at the moment as someone stole something from our site, and the workers have to work without pay until there is enough money to pay for it. I am talking to other people here about God.
Bro. Mikhail 

I am really so sad not to be able to come to the Bible study weekend. I have to work that shift, and if we miss a shift, then we lose our jobs, there are no excuses allowed - not even for ill health. I remember you all sincerely as my true brothers and family in Jesus Christ.
Bro. Volodya

We are busy now in the summer but still I am reading the many books sent me after my baptism. My favourites are "God’s Truth" by Brother Alan Hayward and the books about prayer, this is what I want to improve.
Sis. Sarmite 

My deepest sorrow is that I couldn’t get to the Bible weekend. I had to work, as there is much work in our factory this summer as we work to process the harvest. I pray for all brothers and sisters whom I know by name, and I read with you each day from the same Bible chapters.
Bro. Normunds

Now it is very rare that I am well enough to come out to the meetings, so I thought I would write. I want to share with you that although I am now almost totally confined to my room, I am with you. I seek to serve God, and if I can only do that with my mind rather than my body, then I shall do so, praying for those of you at the ecclesia as I know you meet together to study and serve the Master.
Sis. Aleksandra

Many thanks to you all for your nice words of consolation and sympathy on the loss of my mother. I was really in need of comfort. I’m really happy to have brothers and sisters like you. My dear mother suffered a lot before her passing away. My only comfort is that by God’s mercy, her sufferings are now over. I keep strong in my faith and look for comfort in God’s word, saying with Job: "The Lord gave and now He has taken away, may His name be praised" (Job 1:21).
Bro. Valdis

Photo: Recent Fraternat at Riga

I am looking forward to the Bible weekend in Riga. Recently I fell and damaged my arm, also my old mother is so sick and has been in the hospital. The problem where we live in the village is that there are no shops, or medical care, and it is hard to get into the town because we have to hitch-hike. I value above all my faith and the hope we surely have.
Sis. Vaira

The situation in this part of Latvia is getting worse and worse; now that all is so expensive in Riga, nobody can afford to move there, all able young people are moving out, and there remain here only those like me, the old and the sick. I enjoyed reading Hebrews chapter 11 in the Bible readings. I re-read it a few times. By faith those men like Abraham did what they did; all I have left is my faith, this is one thing I learnt through losing my health.
Bro. Fyodyor

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