news from kyrgyzstan

It is so nice to receive a letter from another brother. I am trying my best to grow spiritually by reading the literature sent to me. My great dream is to be able to introduce the true Jesus Christ to many people, and to encourage them spiritually to grow and be like Him.
Bro. Ramid

We are continuing to spread the true Gospel. The biggest opposition here is from people who disagree about the devil. This false belief is held strongly in this place, both by the Moslems and by the so-called Christians of Orthodox church. Sometimes it is quite depressing to preach to them. We urgently need more literature. There is a big problem for the brothers in prison who will soon be released. Their families either reject them because of their faith, or they have no families. There is much unemployment and as you may know the economy is in ruins here and the Government always near to collapse. So when they are released, some will have nowhere to live. Let us pray for them.
Bro. Anvar

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