news from trinidad

I had the pleasure of a visit from Bro. Colin Badger from Canada in February; it was truly nice to see him again.  I have received a letter from the lawyer who is handling my case and he said that the review of my case has started.  If he comes up with anything that may possibly benefit me, most likely he will petition our President, asking him to send my case back to the Appeal Court for a hearing.

Once it reaches the Appeal Court, God willing, three judges (after hearing arguments from my lawyer and a lawyer representing the State) will decide if my case has any merit, and if it does, what should be done with me.  The whole process may take a long time, so I have to be patient.  My faith remains firm in our Heavenly Father; I hope that it is His will that I be out of prison in the not too distant future so that I will be able to fellowship with by Brethren and Sisters in the truth.
Bro. George Constantine

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