news from usa

I’m in receipt of the pamphlet, ‘The Truth about the Devil and Satan’.  Thank you very much.  Since I last wrote I have been baptised into Jesus and the one Hope.  The reason for this brief missive is to ask for a copy of the book ‘The Trinity, True or False?’  You sent me a copy before, but I let Bro. D read it.  He’s on a different yard to me and we usually meet every Wednesday to exchange literature.  He’s been waiting to be transferred.  He has not shown up in two weeks.
Bro. K S (Prisoner)

“We have a sister in our ecclesia who taught herself the Truth on the internet, downloading all of Bible Basics. By the time she got in touch with us she was nearly ready to be baptised.  God is indeed still calling out a people for His name. Although we yearn for Jesus to come, we see that it is of God’s mercy in order that others can be saved that he has not yet come.”
Sis Dorothy Link

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