news from jamaica

Your sympathy and encouragement in the loss of Sis Mary are appreciated. Right now, the way is rocky and distressing with nights filled with loneliness, but the everlasting arms are strong and our hope in Christ is sure. The greatest sorrow at the present time is that the beautiful meeting hall of my ecclesia in Kingston has been temporarily closed.  (Owing to problems paying the utilities bills MH.) We do not want the ecclesia Mary served for 50 years to close. So we shall see what the response for help might be.
Bro. Alan Eyre

Photo: Bro. Alan Eyre as a young man Preaching on the English South Coast in 1953. The tall Sister on the left is Sis. Mary Eyre. Alan and Mary have been dynamic preachers for over 50 years together.


Hong Kong group of Brethren and Sisters. Left Bro Andy, Bro Steven, Joshua son of Sis Yvone (next to him) her youngest son Oliver, Bro Isaac and Sis Liberty

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