news from hawaii

I lived on and off in Zambia between 1991 and 1994, it was during this time that I engaged and married Charlotte in Japan. I finally left Zambia for the USA in 1994. I was in graduate school studying meteorology and computer programming at Rutgers University in New Jersey between 1994 and 2000. I then left NJ for Honolulu, Hawaii where I have been working for the US Federal Govt as a meteorologist at the Central Pacific Hurricane Center since 2002. I may leave Hawaii on transfer to Guam (another Island south of Japan) effective April 3rd. I have appealed the transfer.

I lived in Hawaii without fellowship until I Google searched a name I was given by Peter Osborn after he visited me in 2003. I now fellowship with Sister Connie Wiedeman,  the author of "Lies from the Pulpit".  Mike Szabo has just married Fiona from Australia (January) so we are now 4 regular Christadelphians. There is another Sister who joins us once in a while. Starting next week, another Sister just moved from US mainland will be joining us, God willing. So we are growing in Hawaii. Of course the number of Christadelphians in Zambia has grown with those ecclesias in Ndola, Kitwe, Mufulira, Chingola, Lusaka, Kafue and more to be formed in other parts. We do not have an eclessia in Hawaii yet although we meet at Sister Connie's house We are working on that now. I just wanted to remind you that your work for the Lord is still flourishing with blessings.
Bro. Frank Musonda [ex-Zambia]

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