news from uganda

We are very fine with Bro. Godwin Mugasi who is serving us nicely.  I am requesting books and also your prayers, as my work is not going smoothly.  I am a driver, but my boss is not giving me enough money.  Pray that I may get another job.
Bro. Ahabwe Amon


Photo:  Bro. Ahabwe Amon (left) with a Bible student

Thank you for your great help of prayer and also for Gospel News.  Prayer can do great things (James 5:13-18).  Many rebels (LRA) are reporting back home to Government soldiers every two weeks.  Praise God for the power of prayer.  Northern Uganda is now becoming well and fine because of the rebel groups reporting and the Government is planning to send us back home to our village around March or April, our first rainy season, God willing.  As a result of this rebel group’s activities we have great fear of famine from the beginning of the year to July.  The Government has planned to give us houses, and seeds like maize, beans, cassava, but it will all be very late. So, Brothers, pray for us.  Life is still hard; to be in a place which is not your home land is very difficult.  We have been farmers from our youth, but not having farmed our land we have nothing in store for when we are back in our village. Thank you again for your prayers.
Bro. Opio Bosco

I hope you are safe in the hands of our God who has set us aside from the world to do His will.   I request you to send me books to support our Bible study lessons and for preaching the word.  Try to send me what is available please.
Bro. Isaac Cox

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