news from tanzania

We sing here – among other things.  Our choir is comprised of men, women and our youth.  The choir uses traditional instruments and the music is nice and attractive.  The picture I am sending shows the drum, which is the common instrument.  We should be very grateful to have any ideas and any help to modernize our instruments, which will help to enhance our praises to our God.
Bro. Wildens Haruna

Photo: Kasulu Area Ecclesial Choir

I was glad to hear from you, for Gospel News, ‘signs of the times’ and the booklet. We need 10 Kiswahili Bible Basics to use at our Bible study.  We remember you all in our prayers.   We would like to see photographs in colour.    We desire to spread the truth, but lack the Kiswahili Bibles.  Our Bible Seminar was postponed and held on Sept. 16-17, 2004 (instead of Sept. 1-2).  We enjoyed sweet fellowship with our local brethren and sisters from both Lugufu 1/2 ecclesias and also the company of interested friends.  The subjects were:  The Bible – Inspired and Infallible (Bro. Isidore Mwibeleca);  The Fundamental Message of the Bible (Bro. Isidore);  Baptism (Bro. Rehani Pascal);  Christian Marriage (Bro. Amnobe Iyungu);  The Life in Christ (Bro. Lwendo Bulvma).  We thank members of Lugufu 1 for their contribution and Bro. S.M. Harris (Evesham UK) for the exercise books and pens, which were gladly used during the Seminar.  We thank God, our Heavenly Father, for His care, ensuring all went well.
Bro. Isidore Mwibeleca

Comment:  We have considered printing the pictures in colour, but feel the extra money required would be more profitably spent on our preaching activities at the present time.


Photo taken during the Lugufu Seminar

I write to inform you that our Brother Anord Kihunrwa fell asleep in Christ on November 15, 2004, here in Mikumi, after a short illness of malaria. We shall miss our Brother very much.  We were three brethren, so now we remain just two in our ecclesia.  We look forward to the resurrection when we will see our Brother again.
Bro. Robert Mwaseba

My children are well and are doing fine at school as well as the CIL Sunday School lessons.  My missionary work here in Musoma is also going well and I have a contact ready for interview and also some students taking the early lessons in the Bible Course.  About a month ago I received the ‘Exploring the Bible’ Course, which I am now taking. I am planning to go home to Kenya for 3-4 weeks, God willing.  My son Kevin is going to Standard 7, if our Lord remains away; Cherlingstone and Bev are fine and enjoying staying with their grandma.  I worry about Bev. As she is still very young to stay away without me;  it makes me unsettled.   I’m really happy reading and seeing pictures of brethren and sisters world-wide.  I’m also very happy seeing and reading news about the Bible camps, in fact I feel I am also among them!  I am not lonely as I have contacts around me and brethren and sisters.  I got a message from the Mwanza brethren informing me that they had purchased a bicycle for me and will soon bring it to me.  It will really help me in seeing my contacts as they are far away.  Life in Musoma is very difficult as there has been no rainfall for almost six months.
Sis. Monica Achieng


Photo:  Sis. Monica Achieng with Justine, a student.

Our activities are still going well and God Himself is doing well upon his servants here in the Camp, that’s why we are now in good condition.  Some among our Lugufu ecclesial members have been resettled in the USA by UNHCR since April, 2004.  Please continue to send us books, pamphlets etc.  Our source of spirituality depends upon us all fortifying one another.
Bro. W’Ikola Wabene

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