news from zambia

I have some Brothers here who would like very much to start receiving Gospel News.  We ourselves are all brothers and sisters of Christ and always trying to follow in his steps, but when we look back something is always missing. The Bible tells us that we are all sinners and can be made well when we meet Jesus.  But, do some brothers and sisters stop others from meeting Jesus as a Healer?  How can we say to a sick person who wants to meet a doctor, You can’t?  Are we trying to follow Christ’s steps by doing what we think right in our own mind?  No one is righteous no, not even one (Rom. 3:10).  Christ was always talking about forgiveness, not judging others.
Bro. Alfred Bwalya

There is just something about Gospel News that draws me closer to every brother and sister who contributes to its pages.  But the most important thing is that I simply love the way you bring out the conflicting religious values between Christians and non-Christians in Islamic nations.  It is touching to realize how many brothers and sisters are being persecuted for their faith.  Before I sat for my promotional exams on 15th-19th Nov, I approached the College administration and was fortunate enough to be given a portion on the Agriculture Production Unit to work on;  I was cultivating. It was quite a tiring job; worse still I was under pressure – working and at the same time studying for the exams. I am currently considering ‘The Last Days’ and feel that a world-wide famine on the horizon is really part of it.  There is so much that is currently happening in the world that constitutes part of the ‘signs’ of the last days.  Our book library still needs some books. If it is possible for you to supply more, we would be very grateful.
Bro. Lapulani Malata 

KAFUEKing Solomon warned, “To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh” (Ecc. 12:12).  Solomon was not trying to discourage reading, he was just advising us to be selective.  The seventeenth-century French philosopher Rene Descartes  said, ‘When one reads good books it is like having a conversation with men of breeding who lived in the past.  We might even find it a selective conversation, in which the author expresses only his most noble thoughts.”  Not all writers, though, are worth ‘conversing’ with, nor are all their thoughts really ‘noble’. So the oft-quoted Bible principle again comes into play: “Bad associations spoil useful habits” (1 Cor. 15:33).  Yes, the people with whom we associate can mould our personality.  Have you ever spent so much time with a friend that you have found yourself beginning to act, talk and even think like your friend?  Well, reading a book is like spending hours conversing with the one who wrote it  The principle Jesus stated at Matt. 24:15 is thus pertinent  (“Let the reader use discernment”).  Learn to analyze and weigh what you read.  All humans are afflicted with a certain amount of bias and are not always totally honest in their portrayal of facts. Do not, therefore, accept unquestioningly everything you read or hear: “Anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps” (Prov. 14:15).  We should be particularly cautious about reading anything that expounds a philosophy of life - teen magazines, for example.   And what about books that plunge into weighty philosophical questionings?  The Bible warns: “Look out. Perhaps there maybe someone who will carry you off as his prey through the philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men and not according to Christ” (Col. 2:8). The Bible and Bible-based publications such as this offer far better advice (2 Tim. 3:16).
Bro. Lotson Kayuni

Here is a word of encouragement from me, and the message comes from the book of Deut. 31:6-8:  “Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged”. This is the word of encouragement my beloved brethren and sisters.
Bro. Lameck Mtonga 

Gospel News
produces good results in helping brethren, sisters and our youth to get to know each other on our side of the world, as well as those far off, and we want this to continue.  I am sending a picture of our Sunday School in my house;  the number of children is over 60 and they like learning about Jesus. There are also a number of interested contacts in the surrounding areas, but transport makes contact impossible. I really need a bicycle to reach them as the distance is too far to walk.  I have a problem:  What can I do when students have completed the Correspondence Course satisfactorily and want to be baptised?  Should I baptise them?
Bro. Joshua Mushili

Comment:  You need to refer the question of baptisms of suitable candidates to the area representative and Linkman.  As baptism is essential to salvation, once a person has the required knowledge they should be baptised as soon as possible.

I had a brilliant time at the Bush Camp, full of much singing, listening, talking and laughing.  The numbers of young and older ones was greater than that for the year 2003.  I’ve made more great friends and that makes me feel really rich;  we’re keeping in touch through letters like crazy.  Having Christadelphian friends is such a blessing to me that I can’t let go – a very good topic by Bro. Don Styles about being friendly. Your Nov/Dec editorial, ‘More on the Road Ahead’ helped me know more important facts, and I just pray that God will help all of us do our best in making ourselves and others worthy of the eternal life He has in store for us. The ‘Praise the Lord’ six tapes has got some of the sweetest songs I’ve listened to in my life, and the ‘Underneath His Canopy of Blessing’ kind of drives me a bit crazy.  Some here at home say that there’s too much noise in the songs, but I love everything about them – including the noise!
Sis Bevelyn Tembo


Photo: Sis. Bevelyn (‘Lyn’) Tembo

Thank you for the Key Cards and your letter which are educative, spiritual and uplifting.  May we all continue to encourage one another on our way to the Kingdom.  I have friends who are interested in our preaching;  they asked me about the English Bible Basics, so I am asking you to send some copies to me for distribution to them, God willing.
Bro. Paul Chembe

I know that a business is a job, any job, earning you money.  If I want to have a business I must have the capital to start it.  I must have a business plan.  What business am I going to start?  This is similar to working in the Truth; one has to decide what they wish to accomplish, what they need to do it; who will be interested and how to present the case.
Bro. Costa Mwape


Photo:  Bro. Costa Mwape & Sis. Grace Chipata 

My family and I are very thankful that you have continued sending us Gospel News. We have just received the current issue.  As usual, it contains much interesting news from all over the world – updating our knowledge about the way the Gospel is spreading world wide and how the brotherhood is faring in these last times of the kingdoms of men.  We are delighted to hear that Gospel News is continuing as opposed to the rumour about its cessation.  We pray that all of you who are contributing towards its continuity will be blessed with the resources to continue this noble work of preaching to the world and keeping our community well informed about its spiritual wellbeing.  As members in isolation and in a rural area where there is no big hospital, we welcome with gladness the offer of the book, ‘Where There is No Doctor”. We would love to receive a copy – please send us one.  Eunice, the whole family and our small ecclesia join me in sending our love and well wishes in the Lord to you all.  May the God of all comfort bless your labours for His Name and keep you safe for His Kingdom, which we all await with fervour.
Bro. Zacchaeus Muntete

I thank you on behalf of Ndola ecclesia; we do appreciate the effort of promoting the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Some people from other churches ask me why we do not put on ‘uniforms’ like some churches do during memorial services.  We read in “Joel 2:12-13, “Turn to me with all your heart…rend your heart, and not your garments”. ”neither shall they wear a rough garment to deceive” (Zech 13:4).Putting on ‘uniforms’ will not save us, because God looks at the heart of a person not on the outward appearance;  He knows everything about us (read Jer. 1:5; Ps. 139; Eph. 1:44). The Bible also says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit”.  We can do nothing of ourselves.  Phil. 4:6-7 tells us not to worry but to pray, “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.  And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”.  How we start the day can affect the rest of the day.  We should start the day praying to our Lord God through His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.  We should use our leisure time reading the Bible, by so doing we will be using it profitably.  The harvest is great, but the labourers few.  Language differences cannot separate us from the love of God.
Bro. James Mwanza

Photos sent by Bro. Mwanza (a) taken at last year’s Bush Camp at Fringilla in August and (b) taken at the Copperbelt fraternal in October last year.



I really thank you for all materials received.  I appreciate the local Christadelphian community’s efforts to try and reach out.  May God allow this to continue, by His will.  We have experienced drought in the country, except in the Northern parts.  Maybe there will be changes, but weather changes seem to be world wide.
Bro. Wilfred Chibomba


Photo: Bro. Wilfred’s pre-school children


Regarding the baptisms of two Brothers and one Sister who were baptized in a local cow pond, we should not think of the pond itself; we can all recall where our Lord Jesus Christ was born.
Bro. Joseph Kapimpa

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