news from kenya

I am not well and underwent a long period of illness, but this does not hinder me writing or reading the Bible.  We have a hard time talking to the villagers concerning the word of God.  The area here is dry and many people live in extreme poverty.  They get to understand what we say, but what seems important to them is that at the end of this present life they have a decent burial leave alone an everlasting consolation in the future Kingdom.  As a result they turn to their churches that have large welfare groups that offer them support when people die.  Do you have a Bible puzzle book?  I like doing puzzles.  We lack many aids to Bible study like maps/atlases of Bible lands.  Coming to the Middle East peace process, I wonder why PM Ariel Sharon has shown a sign of bending; he started by standing by his guns, but what is in the news recently is a betrayal.  They are just leaders by name, but of no quality.  There's no point in hunting for a man's head and at the same time singing a high tone of attaining peace. The Middle East news bulletins pierce my soul.
Bro Lawrence K’owiti

In our country we are fine and that's spreading the gospel.  I take this opportunity to thank you a lot for Gospel News, it helps me to ginger up my faith; I find it so interesting and it guides me in day-to-day prayers.  My main problem is that I don't have Bible Basics.  I request you to please send it to me.  I have so many non-Christians who are willing to join with me in relation to salvation, but due to shortage of gospel literature I am unable to convince them.
Bro. Sadique Bukhebi 

People in Kenya and the entire world are being encouraged to stand for Jesus, even in difficulties, and some of them from other denominations are turning to our faith through Gospel News.  We are lacking biblical materials like Introducing Bible Basics, Bible Basics, Bible Companions, Bible concordances and other necessary materials.
Bro. Nimrod W. Masula

In some developing countries leisure time is a rare commodity, but in western lands youth often have more time on their hands than they know what to do with.  Whether your leisure time is a blessing or a curse depends upon how you use it.  So I urge my fellow youths, who don't know how to utilise their leisure time, to read the Bible and Bible-based publications; by so doing they will be using it profitably.
Sis. Caminah Simigo

I thank Bro. Rob Splint and Bro. Kituyi who came and shared the baptisms of Bro. Solomon, Bro. Walter and Bro. Patrick.  Wonderful things are being promised by God in His word to this troubled world.  We read in Num. 14:21, "God speaks by saying, But as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of God", and in Ps. 72:18-19:  "Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things, and blessed be his glorious name for ever, and let the whole earth be filled with his glory".  In Habakkuk 2:14, "For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea".  Days go by and the people of this world do not realise that the coming of Jesus Christ is very near. There are so many signs taking place: the return of the Jews to their land (Israel).  2 Peter 2:1-3 says, "There shall be false prophets and false teachers among you, who privately shall bring in damnable heresies through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you".  So we should prepare to live in the new Kingdom, by our daily reading and through baptism – if this hasn't yet been done.
Bro. Solomon Abukira

We received the booklets and Gospel News with great joy.  I did not believe my eyes for a while, for it was the first time I have received a booklet from a brother abroad and more surprising on a free basis.  We are reading the booklets in turn and so far we have learnt much from them; they have directed us to search the Scriptures with a ready mind, preparing ourselves for the Lord's day.
Bro. Eric Wamalwa

I am alone here; it would be good for some brothers to come and visit me, for we can then share the word of God together.  Although alone, I won't step back; I still have my faith.  There are some here who would like to join us.
Sis. Macrine Obuya

There is a saying that goes, "Like father, like son".  The truth about the word of God was given to the children of Israel;  later it came to us Gentiles.  Now we know the truth why do we again walk like the Israelites who were full of hypocrisy? (Matt. 23:25-28).  Because of their wicked behaviour God punished the Israelites in many ways (e.g. taken captives).  If we do not walk in the truth, then we will miss the Kingdom.  Let us prepare ourselves now. Bro Samuel Manita

I am happy to write to you, and thank you for the gospel literature received; it is most encouraging and educative.  I have made up my mind to follow only the knowledge and true way to which you are now leading me, so please send me all the material required for the revelation of all the truth and at the same time connect me to brethren elsewhere.
Sis. Lydia Fuchaka

Mafisini ecclesia is situated South-West from Mombasa-Lunga Lunga Road, some 30km.  We started as a group in 2002 and in April, 2003, we received, through Bible classes, two Brothers and a Sister (sons and a daughter of God), who are growing well in faith while three friends are busy learning to be baptised.  We thank Bro. Sommy Mutunga and Bro. Zakayo for much physical assistance, including daily Bible classes and visits.  However, Mafisini is a very poor area as no food grows well due to sandy soil, so starvation seems almost a normal life.  There are many churches around us here at Mafisini;  we are at the centre, the distance from every church being about 100m.  I almost feel we are like Jerusalem, being the centre of all nations!  When I arrived in Mafisini town where all these churches are situated, every church preached something different.  But when I and the coastal groups arrived and started preaching about the Kingdom of God, all these churches joined together to fight me for they believe the Kingdom of God is in heaven. They started preaching that a certain church had come to the town with devil faith – that no one will go to heaven, and calling me anything they liked.  But that did not stop me preaching the truth.  They did not stop there, they jointly went to the Area Chief and told him about my gospel.  One Sunday during our normal service I was forced to go into his office to explain what I meant by the Kingdom and many other things, e.g. Satan.  I was happy, and prayed God to show me everything I needed.  After two hours indoors with the Chief, he finally agreed with me and my sincere Bible knowledge and promised me that our services would run smoothly.  They are now my friends.  This is how Mafisini ecclesia started.
Bro. Benedict Masai

Photo: Mafisini Ecclesia

We are happy to learn that God's word has reached many people in different corners of the world, and that the number of brothers and sisters is growing wonderfully and also their faith.  We plead with you to continue supplying us with Gospel News.  We also request other magazines.  We received them for some years, but they have now stopped coming;  perhaps this has been brought about by the change of address of the ecclesia.
Bro. Patrick Sawa

Photo: Makhonge youth choir singing at the Youth Camp held at Nalando ecclesia last year (Ps. 144:9-1).

I have got a job, working from 6am to 6pm. I apologise for not writing before.  I received the books which you sent to me last year. Also, in April last year we had the great joy of three Sisters' baptisms in Mombasa ecclesia and I enclose a photograph which was taken outside the school where we meet.  We wish our Sisters a good walk to the Kingdom while waiting for our Lord Jesus.  I want to thank those who took time to translate Bible Basics into Swahili and you for printing it.  Really, Bro. Marcus, it is so much more understandable if one reads in the language they understand well.  You and your army who help teach and supply the word of God encourages many to continue in the faith.  We read in Psalm 68:11, "The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it".  I pray that God our Father will continue to bless the publishing work which serves many who are thirsting for this true faith and concerning the Kingdom of God.  If you still have the Swahili Bible Basics in stock I would like to receive a number of them which will help me and those who do not understand English well.  I am arranging with a Brother to translate one lesson and send it to you to print.  Thank you once more for your co-operation and again excuse my delay in replying to you
Bro. Edward Kunikina

Preaching is the great commission we are commanded to undertake as servants of our Lord until he returns.  The Bible says, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you, and surely I am with you always, to the end of the ages" (Matt. 28:16-20; Mark 16:15).  Don't lose hope, for there is no option in the great commission; it's a command (Col. 1:25).  I am a brother in Christ, aged 22.  I've learnt much in my own Bible study and I still need encouragement and spiritual support.  I would also like to encourage my dear fellow-labourers to: stand firm and hold on to the teachings of our Lord.  Rejoice in suffering for Christ's sake.  Don't be surprised at what is happening; be clear-minded, self-controlled and alert so that you can pray, for the devil is always waiting to devour (2 Thessalonians 2:13-15; 1 Peter 5:9; 1 Peter 4:12-16; 1 Peter 4:7;? 5:8).  Please pray for me so that I may continue fighting a good fight of faith until the end of ages.  Send me some of your books that will help me grow spiritually and morally and also an English pocket Bible, if possible.
Bro. Jared Manera Kidiga

Below: From left to right. Bro. Edward Kunikina; the 3 baptized Sisters, Sis. Hellen Akelo, Lydia Radido (daughter of Bro. Thomas Radido), Carolyne Okulu and Bro. David Aphaxard. 


Thanks a lot for keeping Gospel News going.  Enclosed is a photo of my wife, Sis. Rose and myself in our Nakuru home.  Everybody is well at the Nakuru Town ecclesia.  I am heading a team of five students in Kenya, busy translating past Glad Tidings magazines into five different languages namely  1) Luo  2) Kisii  3) Kikuyu  4) Kiswahili  and 5) Luhya.
Bro. Samuel Wanga

Further to Paul's words to Timothy (1 Tim. 4:12-16), our youth today must show forth a greater maturity than any other generation, for they are called upon to pass through the gravest crisis in the history of the world, and they must meet their destiny with faith, assurance and reality.  It is that kind of faith, hope and promise that makes for the fulfilment of their destiny on earth.  Learn to live according to spiritual discipline and achieve a new balance in life, a balance that is conducive to heroic deeds and a state of complete devotion, and strive for true spiritual excellence.  They must analyse themselves, their potential and the world, with a logic different from the reasoning they have inherited from materialistic societies.  They must see through the eyes of faith, and systematically plan and achieve what is seemingly impossible by those untouched by the fire of their zeal.  The challenge is to live a spiritual life that is whole, pure and purposeful.  They must respond to all requirements of being a Christadelphian youth in this moment of history.  Nalondo youth are to us a reflection of Christadelphian faith in Kenya.  They have been meeting regularly – at least twice a week – to discuss the Bible.  May God, who created them, strengthen them and open their minds for more knowledge of His will, as they learn by heart the message of Paul to Timothy.  May the grace of God be with all readers, while still in the house until morning.  Amen.
Bro. Nimrod W. Masula

Many thanks for your efforts and those of your fellow-brothers in the task of producing Gospel News which has been giving us spiritual nourishment for so many years.  In April this year we were very happy to meet with fellow brothers and sisters from UK in Nairobi for the Bible Conference and AGM.  We were very happy as members of the one family of Christ.  We shared many things: ideas from the Scriptures, taking part in the Memorial service and singing new hymns from the Christadelphian hymn book.  This was a true reflection of our meeting together in the Kingdom of Christ when it is established; we believe it will be soon and we see the day approaching.  There is much evidence from the Scriptures and we are looking out day by day as we do not know the day nor the hour.  Bro. Allan Sutton, who is Kenya Link man, informed us that *Gospel News magazine will cease and instead another magazine, called the Bible Missionary, will take its place.  We are still making preaching efforts in this area of ours and I would like you to send me at least six more English Bible Basics, if you can, to help other friends to learn more about the word of God.
Bro. Raphael Joni Aimo

*This information is incorrect.  Material for publication in Gospel News is welcome and should be sent to us as usual. MH 

Photo:  Some of Nalondo youth outside the hall where they worship.  Sis. Christine, Brothers John, Nimrod, Mark, Augustine, Laban, Simon, Joshua, Sisters Lilian, Cellan, Lucy, Chanet, Miriam, Millicent and Bro. Martin. 

We welcomed visiting Brother and Sister Lawrence and Kate from the UK and three from our local ecclesias; I was the host Brother.  We had interviews and witnessed the baptism of three Brothers at Sindo beach.  Before baptism we visited them and gave them encouragement to continue in the truth.  We thank the Lord for providing the gospel message.  This was the first time we received UK Brothers at Sindo.  I have enrolled four contacts for Bible correspondence for the year 2004 and pray for the Lord's blessing.  We are to sow the seed and the Lord will give the increase.  I am a strong witness for Christ Jesus and have devoted myself to serving the God of Israel.  Hezekiah, king of Judah, served the God of his fathers and was a strong witness for the truth despite the disasters he met.  We must learn from the practical examples in the Scriptures so that we will be in God's coming Kingdom on earth.
Bro. John Owalo Onani

I am delighted to announce that Tongaren ecclesia has been running at Maina Primary School.  Our room was locked, so we migrated to Tongaren D.E.B. school; this is for an unknown period.  We thank God for this blessing.  We pray that He will continue to work for us so that we get a permanent place for worship. I am grateful that the project for printing Bible Basics in Bukusu is coming to an end.  The book is fully typed on the computer disc and we are now doing the corrections on Study 9.  We are not numbering the pages until the corrections are done.  I praise the Lord that the book is now finished and will send a copy to you after completing corrections.  Many of the members of Tongaren ecclesia came to the truth as follows: seven through Bible Correspondence Course, three through us distributing the Bukusu leaflets you have been sending to me and others came through public preaching.  So more leaflets are wanted.  I am sure if Bukusu people continue receiving leaflets, booklets and Bible Basics truths in the Bukusu language they will gain more knowledge of the truth of the Bible.  I have set all our plans before God that Tongaren may become the centre of Bukusu Scripture distribution.  I have also translated the pocket book, The Commandments of Christ.  This is suitable for distributing to all ecclesias situated in Bukusu land.
Bro. Isaac Kapa

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