news from latvia

We are delighted to announce the baptism of ROMAN; may the Lord keep him in the way to His Kingdom.

We are waiting the arrival of more leaflets, as we have already distributed most of those we have. We pray for you.
Bro. Sasha

I realize we are the choices that we have made. So for me, I have chosen to do the will of God, and to ask for His will to be done in my life. This then is the choice I have made, and it will define who I am.
Bro. Janis

I am wishing that people would realize that the help and love they show for others cannot be measured in the value of money or things, for me what is important is the love that I have been shown by my brothers. I will hold the faith to the end of my days which may not be far away. Till then I am reading every day with the Companion and also a few pages from Beyond Bible Basics.
Bro. Fyodyor

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