news from kazakhstan

Thanks to using the Bible Companion I have now read the Bible through five times... We are trying to distribute leaflets to support the work wherever we can.
Sis. Lena

I am so sorry for my long silence, which has been totally my fault. My mother’s flat caught fire and was totally destroyed, it was a miracle that we are alive. I have been busy replacing all furniture and rebuilding the inside. I received no help from the brothers at this time so I have been lonely throughout it. Now the worst is behind me. I love you and pray for you.
Bro. Anatoly

I was interested to read about the Bible School, I was very excited about it and I am with you all. I always remember with much warmth the lectures at Bible School which I heard.
Sis. Tanya

We are preparing to attend the next Bible School in Moscow. We love you all and welcome you to visit us.
Sis. Svetlana

We are very sorry whenever we hear of divisions, here we do not uphold such things, our love and desire is for the truth to spread.
Sis. Irena

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