news from ireland

June and I are migrating to Australia under the ‘Aged Parents Scheme’ after 15 years in isolation in Ireland. ‘Our three’ have no intention of returning to live and work in the UK or Ireland. Mark and Rosalind are settled in NSW and Wanda is in Singapore. Hence our decision to migrate! Your recent editorial (March/April) was most apt and much appreciated. April 1 was the final class for us in Cork, 13 friends were present - 19 folks in all, with Derek and Cis Palmer (Tenby), John and Christine Dunning (Mountain Ash) and ourelves. The hotel room was packed. Derek presided, John spoke on ‘The Parable of the Sheep and Goats” and I rounded off the evening – and our association with the group – by using the theme, ‘The Bible, the Lord Jesus and Us’. It was somewhat emotional for us; we’ve known one friend for over 14 years and most of them for about five years. It is a very interesting group, including mainly Catholic’s a few Protestants and a Baha’I couple. Derek has now taken over as co-ordinator, with John in reserve, and will hold classes once a month in association with the brethren who man the Dublin flat. We hope that our friends will be prepared for the coming of the Lord, for which we pray.
Bro. Ken and Sis. June Camplin

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