news from croatia

Long time since we had any writing contact, but we are connected in Jesus and we always will be. I'm very good, actually great! All medicine which the doctor gave me I have thrown away, because I had epileptic fits because of them. Now I'm more than six weeks without any medicine apart from Jesus, and have never felt better. I had very serious problem with my mum, so she spent three weeks in hospital. All my free time I spent with her, even though I had to be at work. She's much better now and back home. Please pray for her. In Croatia nowdays American churches are very popular (mostly Pentecostal, Church of Christ, Mormons...) and they find many followers. The Bible's God is too simple for them it seems, but I have found some people willing to read Bible Basics and I need more copies… I've made some T-shirt recentlly with Bible verses on. I feel so great wearing them, and many people ask what that and this mean, so it could be a good way to talk to them about Jesus. I'll print links you gave me and will try to translate as soon as I can.
Sis. Anita

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