news from nigeria

It was the end of last year that armed robbers attacked me and took my belongings;  I’ve not yet fully recovered from that.  We are pleased to report that our Sister Franca Omeje who left us when her husband died three years ago is back with us, saying that she had been to other churches and was dissatisfied with their doctrine.  We pray that she will be with us until the coming of our Lord.
Bro. Goddy Nwosu

I apologise for the long delay in writing.  It will interest you to hear about our newly opened ecclesia at Ikwueke  Oboro which began in February.  People attending are 13, four of whom are baptized.  We desperately need help for spreading the gospel as we are in a new area.  As a family in Christ who feel the bonds of fellowship, and ask you for your prayers for our work.  We are here to do the will of our Creator.  We are warned not to despise the punishment of the Lord, neither be tired of His correction (Prov. 3:11).  The troubles and difficulties will only serve to cement God’s true children more firmly together.  Some, though few, will be chosen,  the upholders of that which is good have ever been in the minority in the congregation of the Lord.  Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
Bro. Friday Enyiogu


The idea of rest began with the Creator and Owner of the earth Himself.  Genesis 2:3 speaks of God resting “from all the work of creating that he had done”.  After the Israelites had suffered as slaves in the land of Egypt God came to their rescue through Moses, and his assignment was to lead God’s people to a land “flowing with milk and honey” (Ex. 3:8).  This land of Canaan, according to God, was a land that they never cultivated and cities that they did not build.  A land that “drinks rain from heaven”.  “It is a land the Lord your God cares for;  the eyes of the Lord your God are continually on it, from the beginning of the year to its end” (Deut. 11:11-12;  Ps. 11:6).  From this, and other scripture, we understand the land of Canaan was a kind of resting place for the Israelites; in fact when they wanted to enter Canaan, Joshua reminded them that Canaan was a land of rest (Josh. 1:13).  It is, however, clear from scripture that the Israelites never really rested, despite the luxuries of Canaan.  In Canaan they fought wars;  they sinned and disobeyed;  they grew stubborn and stiff-necked.  This shows that the rest they had was a physical and temporary one.   What, then, is the true rest, if it was not Canaan?  How can we enter this rest?  What are the manifestations of a life that is in the rest of God?   Let us be assured that the true rest does exist.  Hebrews 4:9 says, “There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God;  for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from His.   Is this not interesting?  This is the covenant rest of God (Heb. 4:9-11);  it is not a cessation of work, but a release from unfruitful labour into the Divine bliss of God. We thank God for the various welcome schemes:  retirement schemes, housing policies, favourable conditions of service;  poverty alleviation programmes of Government and non-Governmental organisations etc., but I make bold to say that none of these will equal the foolproof Covenant rest of God. I want to use this medium to thank Bro. Chris Furnice for doing good work of God.and showing a very keen interest towards Urhonigbe ecclesial. hall. Presently Urhonigbe Ecclesial hall has been fully electrified under the auspices of our UK brothers most especially Bro. Chris Furnice. We are happy to announce the baptism of our sisters that took place on the 26 April 2004 at river Ethiope,Nigeria. Their names are Sis.Cilina Iyenagbe, Sis.Osadolor Regina, Sis.Ovbiebo Osayemwenre. We pray that God will continue to strengthen their minds, increase their faith and protect them throughout their lives. Amen.
Bro.Osaretin Jolly

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