news from malawi

A lot of people understand nothing about the word of God and eternal life, but are running after their own interests and look to satisfy their human needs for today’s life.  Yet the Bible states in John 6:63-66, “The Spirit gives life;  the flesh counts for nothing.  The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.  Yet there are some of you who do not believe.  For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray him.  He went on to say, This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled him.  From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him”.  Alas, seven of our members have joined other denominations, despite our many efforts to meet and exhort and encourage them, showing all our love for them in such a way to have them come back.
Bro. Willy Kananga

I thank God Almighty for letting me know the truth.  May I take the opportunity to thank brothers and sisters who are keen on converting others, by the Lord’s grace, and to say that their task is appreciated and that their reward is with our God.  In addition, we want to follow in preaching the word of God to others around us, as we are aware that there are those who have not yet received the truth.  When Bro. David Nightingale visited our ecclesia he enlightened us regarding the prophet Elijah, that he didn’t go to heaven, but is in the grave waiting for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I enclose a photo during a meeting at Mpinganjira.
Bro. Morris Asani

Photo: Mpinganjira ecclesia

I’m now here in Malawi with my family and not in Namibia.  I’ve made up my mind that I can’t return there and I appeal to you for any information about the brethren here.
Bro. Jafari Amisi

We are living in the last days and the book of life will soon be shut and I want to be in it, so please help me to understand more about the Bible by sending me letters and literature.  I find Gospel News supports me by letting me know what others are doing and how we can broadcast the gospel message.
Bro.  Davis Madolo



Photo: Bro. Davis Madolo

I sincerely thank you for the book, Elpis Israel, which I received.  I am expecting to be baptized in early May and only wish you could have come to witness this, for I have now made my decision to follow the required steps to be “born again” (John 3:2-5):  (1) hearing the words of God and believing them (2)  confession (3) repentance (4) to be born of water (baptism).  I have now come to know the difference between being born of water and that of the holy spirit.  A person will be born of the spirit when they are rewarded with  immortality after Jesus coming, as Jesus was now over 2000 years ago.  We had a Bible study at Bro. George’s home and I enclose a photo.
Bro. Austin F. Nyirenda

Photo: Left to right: myself, Bro. Mphatso (a son of Bro. George), Bro. Ngwanda (a long-time Christadelphian), Sis. Nkhoma, wife of Bro. George, and Bro. George himself.

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