news from south africa

I just want to thank you for all the literature you have sent me;  it helped and is still helping me in understanding the Bible and also to grow stronger in faith.  For the past 16 months I have been ill, suffering from gout and it has affected my work so that I am now unemployed.  A man must go through many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God (Acts 14:22).  I cannot walk long distances and for that reason I cannot attend Sunday meetings, not that I do not want to.  What are our struggles compared to those of Jesus, Peter and Paul?
Bro. Francis Chauke

We have a small group of youth who attend Sunday School (12 in number), all very keen to learn something.  We are also pleased to receive some books  (from Sisters at East London ecclesia) which help us to feed them with knowledge.  Sisters Selinah and Zelpha  thank these Sisters for their help in supplying them with Xhosa books.  I enclose a couple of pictures and think they will be happy to see their photograph in Gospel News  and hope they will encourage/attract others.  We pray to our Heavenly Father to increase us both in numbers and spiritually.
Bro.  Templeton Mdludu

Photo: Teachers, Sis Selinah Banzana and Zelpha Mdludlu.


Photo:  Mdibaniso Nkoiyoyo, Mdibaniso Sgoebezana, Mdludlu Dowie, Mdludlu Amahle, Mapukata Oresimo, Mafikula Siyasanga, Mapukata Asive.

Please be notified that my brother in the flesh and in the truth, Geoffrey Kamuloni Mphambo, fell asleep in Christ. He passed through the waters of baptism in September 1998. We look forward to his resurrection. May the Lord soon come to redeem his beloved ones. In December last I went to Malawi and conducted Bible Seminars in Nkhota-kota, Salima and Senga-Bay assisted by Brother George Mayimba Nkhoma. One baptism is due next month.
Bro Mphambo

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