news from tanzania

Our means of transport is so unsure that letters are delayed at the Post Office.  The ecclesia here at Lugufu has changed the postal address to P.O. Box 116 Uvinza , which is located near the Lugufu camps.  My family and I are sad to hear about the suffering and persecution of brethren and sisters in Iran, but rejoice to hear that some of them are now safely in America.  May our Heavenly Father  bless them.  We still face problems, such as shortage of food, clothing etc., so life is bad.  Members of Lugufu ecclesia meet regularly to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and his ministry, which we spread to people around us.  I always hold discussion with people of different denominations to teach them the return of Jesus Christ to the earth and the Kingdom of God on earth, and that we refrain from taking part in discrimination, terrorism, political elections and other worldly practices, which are a negation of our Christian principles.  Please remember us in your prayers.
Bro. Lawi Pililo

The ecclesia at Kyela is now eight months old.
Bro. Gasper M. Mwasimba.


From left to right, standing:  Bre. Benson Mwalukama, Gasper Mwasimba, Samuel M. Mwaipaja (Bible student), Willy Mwaisaka, Stephen Mpangala (Bible student) and Sis. Magreth Mwasimba.  In the front Sis. Mariam Sanga with the Sunday School children.

Gospel News
is read with keen interest not just by me and my family, but has been circulating to all members of the ecclesia who have a minimum knowledge of English.  For those who are not able to read English, they enjoy looking at the attractive photographs.  We are about 20 members here.
Bro. Nestory Kanjelu

I hope you are all doing well with the Lords's activities.  Here in Musoma we are doing so well, and spreading the word according to the Lord's will.  I heard from  Sis. Otter.  Her dad is really sick and was admitted to hospital for three weeks;  I really pity her and am praying for her during her difficulties.  Preaching work is going on nicely;  I have four contacts right now and two are doing lessons through correspondence, so making six.  I still have thoughts of having a small ecclesial building in Musoma, I am never giving up.  I recently visited Mwanza and Usagara ecclesias and really enjoyed being with the brothers and sisters;  they were also very happy to meet me once again.  It will be wonderful when all brothers and sisters world-wide will be together  in the Kingdom.  I don't want to miss it.  A Post Office box has been opened and I hope it will be safe for communications  Brothers from Mwanza managed to purchase for me a mobile telephone out of their own pockets;  how wonderful this is!  They sat down themselves and decided to buy a phone for me, this is because we are doing a joint Bible study, Mwanza/Musoma;  if I do not understand something in the Bible I can send a message and they answer straight away.  The brothers from Mwanza are very mature in the truth;  I really like their positive response towards the Bible.  I am attaching two photographs of the Musoma Sunday School children.  I had 15 students, aged 2-15.  Some are very mature;  they attend their lessons as usual and the Sunday services.  Three students have already said they'll stay in the 'Christadelphians'.  I pray for them to understand the truth and be baptized and maybe their parents will come to understand the truth.
Sis. Monica Achieng


Photo: Musoma Sunday School children taken inside the house, drawing after their lessons

The words below renew my heart day by day: "But all these things that I once thought very worthwhile, now I've thrown them all away so that I can put my trust and hope in Christ alone.  Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.  I have put aside all else, counting it worth less than nothing, in order that I can have Christ" (Phil. 3:7-8).  I was buried in baptism by Bro. D.A. Smith on August 6th, 1997 at Kigwa-Tabora.  Now I am dwelling at Katumba.
Bro. Anderson Rabilr


Photo: Bro Anderson Rabilr

I am requesting Gospel News  and five English Bible Basics and five in Swahili and other tools for helping to teach the gospel and to increase our faith.  I was baptized on July 16th, 2000 and from that day everything changed.  I am just sorry for Tanzanians who think that at death we go to heaven (Dan. 12:2, John 5:28-29).  I thank God for showing me the truth from reading the Bible.
Bro. Andrew Mlengo

Our ecclesia is now growing in faith, which has been helped after we received the Kiswahili Bible Basics.  Due to this, our Bible talks and Bible discussions are going on well each Sunday and Tuesday.
Bro. Joctor J.M. Rufano


Photo: Usagara Ecclesial members and children

I am a Congolese refugee boy, born on March 2, 1980, and here in Tanzania, Kigoma Western region.  My father fell asleep in 1995 and I remained with my mother and two young brothers.  After this incident, our mother remarried and left us alone.  At that period we lived in an old refugee camp called Kigwa in Tabora, Centre region of Tanzania where Bro. Lawi Pililo began to teach me about the Christadelphian faith, and I was baptized in 1998 by Bre. David Smith and Tony Jarvis of UK.   Now we are living in the Lugufu refugee camp as orphans where we have not a close relative, only our brothers in Christ who encourage us in several ways.  My thanks to Bro. Bernard Ikola, my big counsellor.  Brother, I always get discouraged when my young brothers tell me about a repatriation programme, and emphasise, Where shall we go? as we are now strangers in the Congo (DRC).  This becomes a great dilemma to us and we feel without hope in this temporary life for the future.
Bro. Shadrack Ngambi


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