news from zambia

I am very happy to let you know that, with the help of our Brothers, I have opened another Post Box, as my other one was closed; it is now Box 10437, Chingola, so you can send Gospel News there.  Can you please send me an old Bible and a Bible Basics and I would like some tapes on the Truth.
Bro. Cliff Masuwa

Our thanks go to brothers and sisters world-wide who spread the gospel in areas where it has never been heard.  God is richly blessing us in doing His work in these last days.  I pray to God to bless all Christadelphians in bearing good fruit and standing firm in the faith, because the days we are living in are bad.  Let us all run faster in the race, looking for the goal ahead.  Let us look for things that can give us life, basing our hopes on heavenly things.  God's reward to those who keep His commands is eternal salvation.
Bro. Ignatius Chilekwa

Before I learned the truth, through my Uncle, Bro. Herbert Tigerepasi and my Aunt, Sis. Luna,  I was a believer of other doctrines and, actually, I was lost, because I did not know what I was believing.  I thank God for what He did for me.
Bro. Ephraim Mambwe Mwanje

Thank you for the calendar.  I have shifted from Nakonde and am now staying with my Uncle.  I came here because I wanted to start a Course at Hone  College, but I have failed, due to the cost of the fees.  Please help me fight my problems by praying for me so that God will make a way through.  I am just looking forward to His Kingdom, so that when it is established we all who are in need will lack nothing.  May the Lord come soon.
Sis. Esther Muntete

In our country the rains were too much, affecting some crops.  In this world all the time we face hardship.  Sunday service is going on very well. Also, the Sunday School is going very, very well;  we have youth groups who like the songs and Bible talks.  We are sad to report the death of two Brothers , Bro. Lakaba Kaiza Bauduin and Bro. Mumba of Kitwe ecclesia.  My brother, our Father is one, so please don't stop helping us in anything.  The world is full of hunger, illness, hatred etc., but don't stop serving our Father.  We pray for God's bessings on all our work in His service.
Bro. Charles M. Daka

James 1:2-6 encourages us to count our trials as 'joy'.  This attitude will, of itself, help us to see beyond our present situations and experiences, knowing that they are for our good and that we might learn that our dependence is on God alone. We must help each other on the road, and pray for each other, but at the end of the day, we each have to bear our own burdens.  We must not be like 'doubting Thomas' who said, "unless I see the print of the nails in his hands I will not believe".  I am enclosing a photo of the Copperbelt Fraternal at Chingola a while ago.
Bro James Mwanza



Photo: Brethren, Sisters and children, taken at a Copperbelt fraternal.

I am very sorry for not replying to your letter which I received on Jan. 11.  Many thanks and especially for the cards too.  I am once again thanking the Lord God for the job you are doing towards us, your brothers in Christ.  May the Lord God be with you all the time.  I hope and trust in the Lord that one day you will be here in Zambia.  I am requesting from you a Bible Companion, as the one I have is worn out.
Bro. Harris Ndonga Mulongesha

I am in turn hoping you're in good health and up with your everyday doings, as I am myself at this end of the line. The Magazine truly provides a unifying forum for all Christadelphian news and an outlet for Christadelphian writing and thought.
Bro  Oversease


From Sis Eleanor and Bro John Mannell, Canada

To my dear friends who also know and love Martin Tembo.  Thought you might like the name we have chosen for Aaron's middle name. Martin is such a special brother whom I am in some touch with these days but not like when I was flying regularly(ish) to Lusaka. Anyway he took good care of me while on trips down there and one time even Alice was with me and we broke bread together in his home. If any of you know whether Martin has an email address I would love to know it because then we could send him the site address to show him the news/pictures. Otherwise I shall try to do a letter snail mail to him soon.

Much love and God be with you all as we wait for our Lord together,

Comment: When Sister Eleanor worked as an Air Hostess she used to be able to see many of you all over the world and also took many books which saved on postage.  She now has three sons and should Jesus tarry, we pray they will grow to continue the good work Eleanor and John do in the Truth. 


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