news from zimbabwe

I am very happy to be a Christian in the Christadelphian family.  There are many things I learn from the Bible.  Equipped with all the holy words of God, I have developed a strong zeal for seeking the Kingdom of God each and every day.  From these scriptures there are some important things which each of us should mark as we journey towards the Kingdom of God.  Firstly, we can read alone, using the Bible Companion, or as a couple, as a family or in the ecclesia.   Secondly, prayer.  We pray for our own salvation and that of others.  It is a means of communication between ourselves and God.  Thirdly, the Memorial meal.  Our Lord Jesus commanded us to meet and share the bread and wine (representing his flesh and his blood) as a sign of his sacrifice.  Without reading the Bible, praying and breaking bread we gradually cease to recognize these marks on our journey which leads to eternal life.  Last, but not least, our hymns, which we should practice to sing alone or with others.  With the hope of eternity in the Kingdom of God, we should safeguard our baptism, a sign of burying the ungodly self, and stick to the new principles within our new family.
Bro. Obert Wiki

We of Chishumba ecclesia are very happy to welcome Bro. Norman Kamutikaoma back into fellowship;  our Brother Norman has been out of fellowship for 14 months for reasons beyond his control, being falsely accused.  Praise and thanks be to God the matter is rectified.  Bro. Norman has played a major part  within our ecclesia among brethren and sisters.  The students, both English and Shona speaking, will gain much for us having our Brother with us.  Though Bro. Norman was out of fellowship, he never ceased preaching about his beliefs and hope of the very soon coming Kingdom.  Our Bro. Grey Masoka is still very sick and is at home.  He is not taking any medicine now, and is being looked after by his son-in-law's parents, who are JWs;  they are looking after him very well;  may God bless them.
Bro. Ngoni Chikwata

Thanks a million for Gospel News.   This is a catchment area for anything produced in the Shona language.
Bro. E. Kagogodza

I am a person who likes to spread the word of God to many people, but there are 'pros' and 'cons' which hinder my work.  I have been cultivating in the field with my wife, Sis. Miriam, but the hand is one as she can't work hard due to the operation on her stomach and I am using my hands because I do not have assets, like a plough and oxen.  Now I am doing gardening where I generate income for supporting my family.
Bro. Fungai Phiri

People called 'Christians' should live disciplined lives and each Christian should be careful not to be caught up by the covetous spirit of our society, which leads to the worshipping of materialism.  John is warning of this (1 John:15-16), because it is incompatible with the love for the Father and because the world and all in it are transient (v. 17).  As Christians, we should be aware that the spirit of antichrist is already at work (vs. 18,19) and be prepared for battle.  Only those who are deeply rooted in Christ can withstand the antichrist.  Our key words must be
"Love not the world".  I hope God will help us through this hopeless world.
Bro. Dzingai

There are so many problems here in Zimbabwe.  For myself, the wife of my employer left the country last year.  She left me with nothing, but every month I get my salary, which is enough to buy food for the month.  I say to people like me that they must not worry;  Jesus said we must not worry about what we are going to eat or wear.  We must look to God, who is able to give us more than we need (2 Cor. 9:8).  The joy of looking forward is peaceful, but life style is clouded by worry.  Jesus wants me to lay all my worry on him (Matt11:30).  I thank you for all your prayers.
Sis. Alice Mlambo


Some time back I received  from a Sister some books - "Elphis Israel", "Great News for the World" and a Bible Student's Map book, which I appreciate very much. The Brothers here are well and fit, sowing the seed of the Truth.  Response from people from various walks of life (both believers and unbelievers) is very encouraging.  Most people are keen to know the Bible teaching and several are on the Bible course.  God willing, some will be added to our numbers, in due course.  I am enclosing some pictures.
Bro. Joshua Pakali

Photo: After the baptism of Bro. Witness Majecha (left to right): Bre. Richard, Joshua, Witness, Revi and Innocent.

Maybe you do not know that I have a problem with my eyes.  I always meet up with the brothers here in Kariba and thank God we have increased in number;  we are now seven Brothers and several students who, God willing, may be baptised soon.  I can hardly read or write, and often get help from the brothers when it is my duty to preach or to read a certain chapter when we meet to remember the death and resurrection of our Master, Jesus.   Hopefully, in the Kingdom to come my sight will be restored, by the mercy of our Lord Jesus.
Bro. Innocent Manyembere

Jesus said that no man knows the day or the hour, except the Father, so we should be prepared to meet him at any time.  A pregnant woman gets busy preparing for her child, so we are spiritually pregnant, but we must not be proud, since some may bring forth nothing when Christ returns.  We recall that even Moses did not reach Canaan from Egypt.   We must not see splinters in our friend's eye when we have a plank in our own eye.  Let us testify the word of the Lord according to the Scriptures, especially those who claim to be prophets today.
Bro. Clever Thomas

The apostle Paul said, Who can deliver me from this body of death? (Rom7:24).  Although all men are sinners and unable to help themselves, God has given to us a Saviour and Deliverer.  Our Saviour, Jesus Christ, gave himself for us to redeem us from all iniquity (Titus 2:14),  he is the Saviour of the world, if they will have him.  The Old Testament points forward to Jesus and God's promise to send him.  The New Testament tells us of his coming, his life, death and resurrection.  "God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16).  Jesus Christ saves men from the consequences of sin.
Bro. Emmanuel S. Mgugeufe

There is no room for quarrelling in Christ's family.  Christ died in agony to give us peace with God.  We must not spoil that heavenly peace by earthly bickering.  If we let God's word work in our lives, we will produce fruit.  Let us pray to the living, Almighty God, our Father, for the setting up of His Kingdom with the return of Jesus Christ and to understand the scriptures.
Bro. Jonathan Muparabasa


Photo: Bro. Jonathan

Many thanks for Gospel News that we have been receiving regularly.  Every time I receive it I feel so much less lonely in times of problems and also in happiness.  Give my deep appreciation and thanks to all brothers and sisters for their zeal and effort in working the things which please God.  I am praying that God will soon send His Son so that we may all share the joy which the world cannot give to us, especially during times of distress and evil.  I am happy that my son is enjoying the Bible stories I tell him about Jesus Christ, Adam and Eve etc., so can you please send him Sunday School Bible stories.
Sis. P. Tongovona

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