news from uganda

There is certainly something wrong with the world we live in.  Every day we hear grim news of crime and violence; there are wars and the threat of war.  Terrible diseases spread rapidly.  Many die of hunger while others have more than enough.  Many kings and rulers are not concerned for the happiness of those they rule over.   We are so used to hearing about such things we take them for granted.  But if we stop to think about it, we are bound to ask, Why?  Surely when God first made the world - and made it such a perfect place for man to live in - He intended something better than the world of trouble and uncertainty we live in today. 

In the beginning, when God made the first man, Adam, He taught him His ways.  He also gave Adam a simple law, and just as a father expects obedience from his children, so God expected obedience from Adam (read Gen. 2:16-17).  Adam disobeyed God, and his disobedience led eventually to death, as God had said it would.  Every man and woman since that time has found it easy to sin.  We read in Romans, "As by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned" (v. 12).  Because Adam was a sinner he died.  Notice that God did not promise Adam and Eve that they would go to heaven when they died, that would have been a reward  not a punishment.  We also sin and die, "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way" (Isa. 53:6), and the prophet Jeremiah says, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked" (17:9).  We  read these things in the Bible and know them to be so true, just as the apostle Paul did, when he said, "For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing" (Rom..7:18).  We all have to agree with Paul.
Bro. Colin Bwire Moses

With me, this way, preaching is fine, but there are some problems due to lack of materials, like Bibles and some books which would add to my reading, apart from the Bible.  I feel very happy and strong in faith because of the letters I receive, although you are very far off and there is no way to meet each other personally - only by writing.  Remember us when you are praying because of the many problems, like famines and wars in Northern Uganda, which means it is more difficult to preach there.  I have been told  that Gospel News will no longer be sent to me and I want to know more from you.
Bro. Kidamba Godfrey

Comment:  This is not so;  Gospel News is not ceasing publication, as someone seems to be telling many of you. MH

We are OK here, getting on well with God's work and, God willing, we hope to get some additional baptisms soon.  We are lacking Bible Basics, we are left with just no copies and you know what that means; many of our contacts here are running to me, but to no avail!  Endeavour to send me at least 20 copies.
Bro. Godwin Mugasi



Standing on the Equator in Uganda:  Bre. Rawlings, Godwin Mugasi, Stephen Waako and Sis. Mary Najjingo. 

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