news from malawi

I do appreciate your work in publishing Gospel News, indeed, you’re following the works of our Lord Jesus Christ that words of God must be spread all over the world, that whosoever believes and is baptised may attain the Kingdom.  My father fell asleep recently.  The problem is that after my husband died, leaving me with two daughters, I came back to my parents and enjoyed being with them, my children also got used to calling my father their father and not ‘grandpa’. They are now asking me who are they to call ‘father’.  I answer that God in heaven is our Father, but I often feel depressed with the question, as the kids are so young that it will take time for them to understand what I mean.  The second thing is that my living now is so much poorer.  I earn my living by farming, but one has to have farm inputs, e.g. seeds, fertiliser, etc.  The thing is it is impossible for me to go into town to look for employment because my mother is old and town life with children is really difficult.  So your prayers for me are most helpful for both spiritual and physical things. I enclose a picture of my daughters and me.
Sis. Bertha Khonje

Photo: Sis. Khonje with Charity, left, and Florence

I receive Gospel News and am greatly touched with the various activities of praising God all over the world; please continue sending it to me.  I am very much interested in translating Bible Basics into the Tumbuka and Nkhonde languages;  Tumbuka is my mother tongue and it is spoken by over five million people in the whole Northern region of Malawi.
Bro. Evans K. Mfuni

I have not been receiving Gospel News magazine.  Please, I beg you that you send it to me.  Gospel News is a very helpful magazine and boosts people’s spiritual capacity.  When I did receive it I was kept abreast of what is going on in the world.  If you could send me ‘Elpis Israel’, ‘The Visible Hand of God’ it would be much appreciated.  Since you sent me, ‘Why Are We Here?’ I haven’t received any booklets from you;  I rely on you, as you are the one who writes to me.
Bro. Robson Tiyamike


It gives me great joy to write again in Gospel News.  It was early morning last September that we set off for town for a Brother’s project, when a pick-up Toyota full of firewood entered our main road –M1 – only a few metres away from the crossroads.  We heard a smash from our back.  A friend of mine sat on my left-hand side with the driver on my right. Alas! The three of us didn’t know what was happening. I then realised that the driver was crying, the car’s head was pointing in the direction from which we had come and wood was scattered all round the area – and the friend to my left-hand was nowhere to be seen.  After struggling hard to get out of the damaged car and standing up I realised that we were in the accident, and I can’t believe how I was saved from it, but I remembered Deut. 32:39, “See now that I myself am He.  There is no god beside me.  I put to death and I bring to life; I have wounded and I will heal, and no one can deliver out of my hand.”  The friend from the car died and I sustained injuries to the scalp, stomach, legs and hands.  The driver and I were taken to hospital.  God worked some miracles for us – mainly for me because I failed to walk, but can now do so. Brothers and Sisters, pray with me to God and thank Him for sparing my life.  We all need each other’s strength and encouragement.  Since my baptism in 1995 I have never been written to by any UK Brother except Bro. Duncan; my address is: Chamkusu School, Boyole Own Village, Box 298 Kasungu.

Bro. Alexander J.C. Banda  

Photo: Bro. Alex Banda (sitting on right) with friends

Your fellow Christadelphians here greet you cordially in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Please be informed that Malawi, though a small country, has over 12 million people who are thirsty for the word of God, but their thirst for the word is overshadowed by constant hunger for food and other necessities.  People are by nature really hard workers, but despite their hard work in their gardens, they harvest little yields due to lack of fertilizer and good seed.  Therefore we Christadelphians this end humbly request their fellow Christadelphians that end to please assist us in procuring fertilizer so as to be self-sufficient in food.
Bro. James C. Nyoni

Sorry, for I have spent a long time without notifying you about how I am keeping.  I am very sorry to tell you about the death of my father in 2002; he was laid to rest in my village.  I am facing problems with my brothers who I stay with; before my father died they loved me, but since my father passed away they are not taking care of me.  I am your Brother patiently waiting for the second coming of our King to establish God’s Kingdom.
Bro. Joel Singini  

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