news from nigeria

Thank you for helping me to get more books.  Kindly send me three copies of English Bible Basics for some friends.  Life is still difficult, as earthly leaders never think good of their subjects.  The recent increase in the price of fuel has brought more hardship to Nigerians generally.  We pray for the quick intervention of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to establish the Kingdom which will consume all these earthly kingdoms  (Dan. 2:44).
Bro. James E. Ogbah


I received the parcel and letter and am very, very grateful for the kind gesture and the contents, especially the two Bible Basics that I immediately gave to the two people who had been pressurising me no end.  I made it known that it would be a great disservice if they did not study the book well and abide with what was written inside it, taking into consideration the pains taken to print the book, the cost of postage etc. to save a soul.  They thanked me for my effort, as they didn’t want to believe me when I told them I had written to you.  As you are aware, many of our people here are semi-literate and by translating into their own language they can understand quicker and more souls may be won.

Bro. Sunday Awodumla

We pray always for all of you who devote your time and life to spreading the good news of the future coming Kingdom of God on the earth to those countries of the world that have not herd the wonderful news.  We implore you not to relent, no matter what difficulties you may find on the way.  God will guide and protect you in your endeavours.
Bro. Friday E. Umesi

Some time back our Sister Rose Nwogu received a serious wound to her right eye when she was in her garden.  Soon as we saw the wound we rushed her to hospital and she was admitted for treatment.  The doctor said the eye should be operated on, which has been done.  The box of Bible Basics has arrived – no trouble on the way.  Thank God it has been received.  We would still like some more which will be very useful to us.
Bro. Nwogu


Photo: Sis. Rose Nwogu


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