news from lesotho


Really, I am so grateful for the wonderful book, ‘Why Are we Here?’ sent to me as a gift so that I might read it and increase my knowledge in the word of God.  I just say, Thank you for the book. Here in my beloved country it just seems as though the times prophesied has come by the events taking place;  I would like to mention some:  (1)  There is famine in so many parts of the country and a huge number of people are dying. (2)  Due to starvation, many people have turned to being killers or blood-suckers.  Some have turned to thieving and so break our houses and steal things and sell them very cheaply for survival.   There is also a hatred currently prevailing among people.  There is no love.  In families children rebel against their parents and some even beat up their parents.  Things have changed and become worse indeed.  So do these things show that the coming of Jesus Christ is very near and we should be prepared for his coming?  Really, I am very perturbed and fearful, for I do not know what is going to happen in the future.  Only God knows what will happen and I trust Him and regard Him as both my Shield and Fortress.  The reason for many of these happenings seems to be unemployment.  Please pray for me that God, will hear my prayers when I pray to Him, asking for employment.  I thank you for Gospel News which I receive.  I am grateful for it and realise that it contains good news about my Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Bro. Bernard Lintsa

Photo:  Brothers and Sisters of the Cyangugu ecclesia and their children


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