news from kenya
I take this
opportunity to write and thank you for the work you seriously undertake. I am a
new Christian convert from the Muslim doctrine. The books you have produced
have changed my life fully. Really the truth is in the Bible, not in church
doctrines. My family members are still under Moslem law, but I decided to
follow the truth that will lead me to the eternal life soon.
Bro. Saligue Bukhebi
First of all I
would like to thank you for the six free books you sent to me for the use of the
church; we are very grateful and they may be used by some members of other
churches who request for them. May our Almighty God bless you and may you
continue in assisting us to proclaim the gospel news.
Bro. Emmanuel Joumer
I thank you very
much for the materials you sent to me which I received without problems.
Bro. Moses Sande Joumer
It was so nice to
hear from you and I was pleased to receive a Bible from Bro. Malcolm
Cross. I would also be pleased to receive Bible Basics in Kiswahili
Bro. Gibson A. Azere
I’m glad to take
this opportunity to thank God for His love towards all men. My prayer is to ask
God to open ways to enable brothers and sisters to continue giving support to
our CBM and CAT to get more books for our library. May I also thank you for the
work you are doing to assist us. Please continue serving Him because your reward
is awaiting yonder
there. Time will show when our Lord Jesus Christ returns to this earth to set up
God’s Kingdom.
I would like to inform you that the Lord Jesus Christ gave me chance to travel
to Migori- KABABU ECCLESIA on Friday December 12, 2003. I joined our brothers
and sisters there and we shared the word of God and were together in memorial
services on Sunday. The Lord is good He guided me and came back safely. It is
lovely for brothers and sisters to be together but because of the distance it is
impossible now. We are looking forward for that time when we shall share
together in the Kingdom. Please I am requesting you humbly to send to me ten
copies of Bible Basics (eight in English and two in Kiswahili). I am
requesting to get preaching materials because the work is wide and I look for
good reports in the future.
Walter Odongo
Time is passing
by and we are still waiting for our Saviour, Jesus Christ, who we expect soon to
establish the Kingdom here on earth. Our hope is that we shall be among those
who shall inherit that precious Kingdom. All over the world everyone is praying
for peace and harmony. Kenya is trying to maintain peace, but still cases of
political instability are reported. My fellow Brothers and Sisters here in
Kenya are all right, despite the day-to-day problems in people’s lives. May we
meet soon in the Kingdom of God.
Bro. Gideon Mukeku
I would like to
offer myself to the service of spreading the gospel of God. I am a student aged
18 and have felt so much inspired by your letter, which is indeed a call from
God, that is why I have written to inform you that I am ready for the work.
Please note my address.
Bro. Isaac Wabuge
I am thankful for
you remembering me and sending me some more cards accompanied with booklets and
leaflets to help me and the ecclesia. We pray that God will make you wise in
preparing such material to support our faith. I am also thankful for Gospel
News from which I am gaining knowledge through the views of Brethren and
Sisters from all over the world. I saw my article about the commandments; I am
pleased you have fulfilled all that you said in your letter. There are three
interested friends who are in need of Bible Basics. If you can please
send them to me, it would be better if we had the Kiswahili translation, because
it is the language understood in our area. My acknowledgement goes to my tutor,
Bro. J.T. Waycott, who is now aged; he is helping me with Lukosi ecclesia.
Bro. Joseph Katasi
I hope you are
fine in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ just as I am with my family and all
other members of Kitale ecclesia. Thank you very much for the books sent, they
are really helping us to understand many things, which we had only a vague idea
about. At the same time they are helping us to walk towards God’s Kingdom. We
are praying to the Lord to give you strength so that you can continue spreading
the gospel.
Peter Weksa
In the past I
have had some problems with my P.O. Box, but Bro. Trevor has been helping me.
Bro. Geoffrey Chirchir
I am very happy
writing to you to thank you for the work you are doing in helping us in the
ecclesia. You sent Bible Basics and added other interesting booklets, leaflets
and some cards to make us wise in the word of God – particularly myself, I found
my faith being built up through understanding.
Bro. Samson Simiyu Wanyonyi
Photo: Bro. Samson Wanyonyi
I’m very thankful
for your letter enclosing a booklet for more encouragement concerning the soon
coming of our Master, Jesus, and the events seen, fulfilling foretold prophecy.
The Scripture says, “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of
Israel after those days, saith the Lord: I will put my laws into their minds and
in their hearts also will I write them, and I will be to them a God, and they
shall be to me a people. And they shall not teach every man his fellow citizen,
and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord, for all shall know me, from
the least to the greatest of them. My wife, Sis. Judine, passes you warm and
loving greetings in the truth, with the great hope of enjoying soon the coming
of our Master, Jesus Christ.
Bro. Joseph Opiyo Nuani
I am so grateful
to receive from you, and thanks a lot for the work you are doing; may our God
Almighty, together with His Son, multiply blessings to you. On my side, we are
just OK, both spiritually and practically, except that we are experiencing some
hardship because of famine. Just to request any book concerning Islam and some
copies of Bible Basics in Kiswahili, if available. I send my hearty
gratitude to all of you who spend hours in publishing this Gospel News
which enables us to know the problems and blessings of Brothers and Sisters
world-wide. I am so happy to fellowship with Brethren of Kababu since July 2003
to date. I truly admire the courage of my Brothers in Nyandenga ecclesia (in
the picture) and other isolated Brothers and Sisters, at such great cost to
Bro. Richard Oduma
Photo: Nyandenga Brethren:
Jared, John and Daniel (standing) and Richard and Eraline
Since 2001 up to
March 2003 we have been learning the Bible, through studying it. In April 2003,
we became Brother and Sister, i.e. my wife, Sara, and I were baptised. Through
Bible study the relationship between us has really improved. Surely the Bible
has added happiness to our family, this is through reading chapters like Gen.
2:24-25, Ps. 45:10 and Matt. 19:5. 1 Peter 3:1-9 has shown us that the word of
God brings peace. I personally would like to thank you for sending GOSPEL NEWS.
I have been sharing it with Sis. Sara and it’s real good; it makes us know much
about other Brothers and Sisters world wide, e.g. March/April 2003 issue page 1,
where there is a unique picture. Such pictures make people (myself included)
understand that the gospel and GOSPEL NEWS is for all races in the world. May
God bless you.
& Sis. Munga Lugo
Thank you for
sending me Bible Basics in Kiswahili and other literature. Let us look
at what God is doing among people and nations for the preparation of our Lord
Jesus Christ’s return and rule.
Bro. Johnstone Kaliwanga
Please try to
serve me: We have a Brother, Richard Olang, who was baptised in 1973, who has a
son learning in USA, and he would like him to be sent Bible Basics in
English and, if possible, to be put into contact with any Brethren in the US to
learn more about our faith. I am getting on well in the faith and we still
maintain our Memorial service.
Bro. John Owalo Onani
May God our Lord
do miracles so that the gospel can spread all over the world through native
languages. As Jesus said, that gospel should be preached to the whole world and
then the end will come. Preaching the gospel through native languages is surely
a sign that the end will soon come
Sikolia Kapa.
Photo: Tongaren Sunday School
and teachers
I want to thank
God for giving you the will to spread the word world over. The kind of change
you have inspired in people through this will be rewarded. I congratulate you,
too, for the literature you sent to me late last year, all received; I am
strongly assured that it is going to have a great impact in the lives of many
people who will want to share it with me.
Bro. Moses Wafula