news from zambia

Greeting you in the Master’s Name, whom we await patiently to bring peace to this violent world. I went to Chinsali to see my mother, then went back to the bush camp and for our trip to Central and Northern Province. Although we had a road accident, fortunately God was with us and we all are alive, only my left shoulder is still painful. We had 16 baptisms, i.e. seven from Chinkumba ecclesia in Chinsali, and four from my former ecclesia, Chifunsa, also in Chinsali, four in Mandona and one in the isolated ecclesia of Nankonde
Bro. Alfred Bwalya

The gospel of the Kingdom must be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. The rapid spread of the Truth to many additional nations today stimulates us to preach. Here, many
are willing to learn the Truth from Christadel - phians, but it is not everybody who knows or understands English. It is very helpful to have some of our booklets in our own language.
Bro. Shadreck Mwiya


Sis. Jane baptised on July 6th 2003
I would like to inform you that I and others will be very happy to receive Bible Basics in Bemba – please send six and one must be in English – all sent in one parcel. We wait for them to reach our hands. May God be with you as we all wait for the return of our King, Jesus Christ.
Bro. Mwansa Titus

Due to certain circumstances beyond my control, I have been away for a period of time, but despite my absence my wife, Josephine, was in a position to collect the literature you sent to me. I would like to continue to receive more from you, please.
Bro. James Kanbabe

Thank you for the Bible Basics; I gave one to Bro. Alex Mutale from Kitwe who was asking for it. We, as children of God, look to our Father. We give thanks to Him, call on His Name, and make known among the nations what He has done. Thank you for your help and for encouraging me to pass the examination in motor mechanics, level one. Out of 12 students who wrote the final exam, five were picked for Craft Certificate, and the cutting point was 75%. I was one of those; I got 86% theory and 60% final practical exam. Bro. David Nicholls came with a manual for motor mechanics and it is helping me very much. The signs of the times are incredible: terrorism, violence becoming like the days of Noah. The only Hope is the return of our Lord. We thank God for what you have done for us on our way to the Kingdom.
Bro. Charles Daka

One of the photos taken at the Youth meeting, Harare

The first Christadelphian Bible Mission Conference held in Harare, 1987. Back row: Bre. Innocent Kuvuta, Exebio Chakwerera, Walter Mangono, Augustine Garanewafo, Samson M’lauzi, Crispen Zimba, Sis. Nancy Milburn. Front: Bre. Charles McQuoid, James Uprichard, Frederick Matarirano and Sis. Tracy Garanewako

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