news from zimbabwe

I have completed the first part at the Craft Centre. God was with me during my stay in Zambia. God did great wonders to me, and really the hard times I experienced were a test from God to show how strong in faith I am. Yes, I did put everything in His hands and He opened my heart and brain to grasp quickly what I was learning. Now I am back home and would like to thank you for the Bible Basics you sent. I have distributed to some Brothers who were in need of them. If possible, can you send me some more because I had to distribute even my own copy.
Bro. Farai Phiri

I thank God for giving me this time to write to you. How are you in the UK? Here everything is OK except the hardships we are facing day by day. We had a Youth meeting in Bulawayo. Everybody was blessed through the programme and the word, which was powerful.
Bro. James Znitete

After the baptism of Bro. David Mhondiwa on May 18, 2003, at twilight we sat down along the shore of Lake Kariba to remember our Lord. Bro. Richard Katongomara baptised David. Sitting on the grass, Bro. Joshua presided for Bro. Innocent, who enlightened us by his exhortation. We thank and praise God for adding to our number, and we pray for His guidance and protection until Jesus comes to set up God’s Kingdom.
Bro. Joshua Pakli


Brothers Richard, Joshua, William, Revi, David and Innocent, Kariba


Bro. Richard Katongomara baptising David, Kariba

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