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Bible Lives
1. The Abraham family
1-1 The Abraham Family
1-2 The Call of Abram
1-2-2 The Call of Abram
1-3-1 Moments of Faith
1-3-2 " Even as Sarah..."
1-4 Joseph as a Type of Christ
2. Jacob
2-1 Jacob: Really Our Example
2-2 The Human Side of Jacob
2-2-2 Jacob, Rachel and Leah
2-2-3 The Weakness of Jacob
2-3-1 Jacob's Name Change
2-3-2 The Humility of Jacob
2-3-3 Jacob's Perception of God
2-3-4 The Love of God for Jacob
2-3-5 Jacob and the God of his Father: Christians and Parental Expectation
2-4-1 Jacob and the Promises
2-4-2 Jacob and Jesus
2-4-3 Jacob's Blessings of his Sons
2-5 Jacob's Wrestling with God
2-6 Jacob and Imputed Righteousness
3. Job
3.1 Job: a Pattern of Growth
3-1-2 The Names of God in Job
3-1-2-1 Job's Spiritual Growth
3-1-3 Allusions to Job in the New Testament
3-1-4 Job and David
3-1-5 Job and Christ
3-2-1 The Conversion of Job
3-2-3 The Role of Elihu in Job
3-3-1 Job in Other Scripture
3-3-2 Job as Priest
3-3-3 Job and Israel
3-3-4 Job as Adam
3-3-5 Job as Cain
3-3-6 Job and the Jews
3-3-7 Job and Jesus
3-3-8 Paul and Job
4. Moses and Joshua
4-1-1 Moses Our Example
4-1-2 Moses and "the Reproach of Christ"
4-1-3 Moses and Paul
4.2 Moses: The Path of Growth
4-2-2 The Spiritual Growth of Moses
4-3-1 Themes of Moses in Deuteronomy
4-3-2 The Song of Moses
4-3-3 The Death of Moses
4-4 Moses as a Type of Christ
4-5 Moses Not Entering the Land
4-6 Moses in the Gospel of John
4-7 Moses and Amalek
4-8-1 God Manifestation in Moses
4-8-2 The Hand of God is Our Hand
4-9 Joshua: The Jagged Graph
4-9-2 Legalistic Obedience?
4-9-3 Peer Pressure
4-9-4 Joshua Our Example
4-10 Joshua: Potential Messiah?
4-11 Joshua and the Name of God
5. Samson
5-1 A Character Study of Samson
5.2 Samson And Deja Vu
5-2-2 Samson and Job
5-2-3 Samson and Gideon
5-2-4 Samson and Solomon
5-2-5 Samson and David
5-3 Samson's Marriage (Judges 14:1 - 15:8)
5-4 Samson at Lehi (Judges 15:9 - 20)
5-5 Samson in Gaza (Judges 16: 1-3)
5-6 Samson and Delilah (Judges 16:4-21)
5-7 The Death of Samson (Judges 16:23 - 30)
5-8 Samson a Type of Christ
6. David
6.1 David and Goliath
6-2-1 David and Jonathan
6-2-2 David's Lament Over Jonathan
6-2-3 Jonathan's Relationship with Saul
6-2-4 The Love of David for Jonathan
6-2-5 David and Michal
6-2-6 Jonathan and Christ
6-3-1 The Persecution of David as a Type of Christ
6-3-2 David and Saul
6.4 David And Bathsheba
6-4-2 Bathsheba: Saint Or Sinner?
6-4-3 David's Sin with Bathsheba
6-4-4 David's Repentance
6-5 A Character Study of David
7. Solomon
7-1 Solomon as a Type of Christ
7-2 Solomon and the Temple
7-3-1 Solomon's Wives
7-3-2 The Song of Solomon
7-3-3 Psalm 45
7-3-4 Sin Never Satisfies
7-4-1 Parental Expectation
7-4-2 Solomon and David
7.5 Solomon: What Went Wrong?
7-5-2 Solomon's Attitude to the Kingdom
7-5-3 Solomon's Self-justification
7-5-4 Solomon's Attitude to Being King
7-5-5 Solomon and Pride
7-5-6 Solomon's Materialism and Self-fulfilment
7-5-7 Solomon and Wisdom
7-5-8 The Mind of Solomon
8. Jeroboam
8-1 The Character of Jeroboam
9. Elijah
9-1 Elijah's Strength: Elijah and Prayer
9.2 Elijah in Weakness
9-2-2 Playing God
9-2-3 Elijah and Others
9-2-4 Elijah and Moses
9-3 How God Worked with Elijah
9-4 Elijah and Angels
10. Daniel
10-1 The Character of Daniel
11. The Exiles who Returned
11-1 Ezekiel?s Temple: Based Upon Solomon?s Temple
11-2-1 Conditional Prophecy
11-2-2 Human Response
11-2-3 Tyre in Ezekiel 26
11-2-4 Delayed Prophecies
11-2-5 Prophecies with Changed Fulfillment
11-2-6 The Nature of Prophecy
11-3 Command More Than Prediction
11-4 The Contemporary Relevance of Ezekiel's Temple
11-5 The Restoration: Potential Kingdom of God
11-6 The Potential and the Reality
11-6-2 Isaiah's Prophecies of Restoration
11-6-3 Jeremiah's Restoration Prophecies
11-6-4 Ezekiel's Restoration Prophecies
11-6-5 The Cherubim and the Restoration
11-6-6 Zechariah's Restoration Prophecies
11-6-7 The Restoration Psalms
11.7 “The prince” in Ezekiel
11-7-2 Zerubabbel- Potential Messiah?
11-8 The Potential for the Surrounding World
11-8-2 Meshech and Tubal
11-8-3 Joel Chapter 3
11-9 Different Sequences of Prophetic Fulfillment
11-10 Hosea, Zechariah and Malachi: More Chances
11-11 The Returned Exiles
12. Jonah
12-1 Jonah: a Type of Christ
12-2 The Preaching of Jonah
12-3 Jonah and the the Gourd
12-4 Jonah and Nahum
13. Peter
13.1 Peter the Rock
13-1-2 Peter Our Example
13-1-3 Peter's Conversion
13-2-1 Peter and the Cross
13-2-2 Peter and Quo Vadis?
13-3-1 Peter’s Preaching
13-3-2 Peter and the Stone of Daniel 2
13-3-3 Peter's Realization of Sinfulness
13-3-4 Appreciation of Christ’s Exaltation
13-4-1 Peter the Shepherd
13-4-2 Peter and the Judaizers
13-4-3 The Letters of Peter
13-5-1 Peter and Christ
13-5-2 Peter and the Titles of Christ
13-6 Peter: Bible Student
13-7 Walking On Water
14. Paul
14-1 The Conversion of Paul / Saul
14-2-1 Paul and his Brethren
14-2-2 The Weakness of Paul
14-2-3 Paul: a Character Study
14-3 The Preaching of Paul
14-4 Saul Changed to Paul
14-5 Paul's Relationship with Jesus
14. 6 Paul And Christ (1)
14-6-2 Paul's Quotations from the Gospels: Statistics
14-6-3-1 Paul's Quotations from the Gospels: Analysis and Implications
14-6-3-2 Inspiration: the Human Factor
14-6-3-3 The Enigma of John's Gospel
14-6-3-4 The Nature of the Gospel Records
14-6-3-5 Memorizing Scripture
14-6-4 The Supremacy of Christ
14-7 Paul and Christ (2)
14-7-2 Paul and the Parables
14-7-3 Paul's Use of the Sermon On the Mount (Mt. 5 - 7)
14-7-4 Paul's Exposition of Gethsemane
14-7-5 Paul and the Characters in the Gospels
14-7-6 Paul in the Gospels
14-7-7 Paul and John the Baptist
14-7-8 Saul, Paul and Stephen
14-7-9 Following Elders
14-7-10 Connections Between the Gospels and Epistles: Observations
14-8 Paul's Heroes
14-8-2 Paul and King Saul: An anti-hero
14-9 Paul and Corinth
14-10 Paul and his Weak Brethren
14-11 Paul's Thorn in the Flesh
14-12 Paul's Shipwreck
14-13 Paul’s Self-perception
14-14 Paul, Philemon and Onesimus
14-15 Appendix: Chronology of Paul’s Life
15. The Disciples
15-1 Introduction: Jesus and the Disciples
15-2 The Training of the Twelve Disciples
15-3 The Weakness of the Twelve
15-4 The Disciples' Immaturity
15-5 The Disciples and Judaism
15-6 The Twelve Disciples as Children
15-7 The Disciples and Imputed Righteousness
15-8 The Preaching of the Twelve
15-9 The Spiritual Growth of the Disciples
15-10 Jesus and Judas
16. The Early Church
16.1 A Taste of the First Century: The Positive
16-1-2 The Early Church Our Example
16-1-3 Prayer Meetings
16-1-4 Christ-Centredness in the Early Church
16-1-5 Radical Preaching
16-1-6 Women in the Early Church
16-1-7 The Joy of Faith
16.2 A Taste of the First Century: The Negative
16-2-2 Dirty Politics in the Church
16-3-1 Unity and Division in the First Century Church
16-3-2 "Oikonomia" and Household Fellowships
16-3-3 Rich and Poor in the First Century
16-3-4 Unity in the Church
16-4-1 The Obstacles to the Growth of Christianity
16-4-2 The Offence of the Cross
16-4-3 The Rejection of Caesar
16-4-4 Women and Slaves in the First Century
16-4-5 The Roman Empire and Christianity
16-4-6 The Attraction of Judaism
16-4-7 Other First Century Objections to Christianity
16-5-1 Why Christianity Spread in the First Century
16-5-2 The Example of the Community
16-5-3 House Meetings in the First Century
16-5-4 Witness in the Workplace
16-5-5 The Witness of Christian Unity in the First Century
16-5-6 The Role of Women in the First Century
16-5-7 Style of Preaching in the First Century
16-5-8 Christian Ethics in the First Century
16-5-9 The Exclusivity of Christianity
16-5-10 Early Christian Doctrine
16-6 Where Things Went Wrong
16-6-2 The Rise of Traditions
16-6-3 Legalism in the Church
16-6-4 Social Tensions in the Church
16-6-5 Wealth in the Church
16-6-6 Worldliness in the Church
16-6-7 Lost Emphasis Upon Grace
16-6-8 Loss of Faith in the Church
16-6-9 Poor Church Leadership
16-6-10 Dogmatism and Legalism
17. Mary, Mother of Jesus
17-1 Mary: Our Representative
17-2-1 The Loneliness of Mary
17-2-2 The Spiritual Ambition of Mary
17-2-3 Hannah and Mary
17-2-4 A Bible Mind: Mary and the Magnificat
17-2-5 The Faith of Mary
17-2-6 Mary and the Virgin of Isaiah 7
17-2-7 The Humility of Mary
17-3-1 Mary’s Crisis of Faith
17-3-2 Mary and Jesus in the Temple
17-3-3 Mary at Cana
17-3-4 Mary and her Other Children
17-3-5 Mary in Mid-life Crisis
17-3-6 The Jesus-Mary Relationship
17-4 Mary’s Victory
17-4-2 The Influence of Mary
17-4-3 The Psychological Matrix of Jesus
18. Mary Magdalene
18-1 The Identity of Mary
18-2 The Primacy of Mary Magdalene
18-3. Mary: Pattern for Witness
18-4 The Jesus-Mary Magdalene Relationship
18-5 Mary Magdalene and the Cross
18-6 Mary Magdalene’s Understanding
18-7 Mary Magdalene and the Risen Jesus
19. Joanna
19 Joanna: a Character Study
20. The Real Christ
20-1 Images of Jesus
20-2 Abba, Father
20-3 The Self-proclamation of Jesus
20-4 Jesus a Palestinian Jew
20-5 Jesus and People
20-6 The Words of Jesus
20-7 The Poverty of Jesus
20-8 Finding Meaning in Everyday Experience
20-9 Jesus the Intellectual
20-10 The Naturalness of Jesus
20-11 Perceiving Others’ Needs
20-12 Jesus the Radical
20-13 Radical Demands of Jesus
20-14 Radical Language of Jesus
20-15 Radical Authority of Jesus
20-16 Radical Acceptance of Jesus
20-17 Jesus a Man Misunderstood
20-18 The Real Cross: Today is Friday
20-19 The Same Yesterday and Today
20-20 The 21st Century Jesus
20-21 How the Real Christ Was Lost
20-22 The Importance of the Humanity of Christ
20-23 The Divine Side of Jesus
20-24 Christ-Centredness
Appendix: The People of the Parables
Appendix 1: The People of the Parables
1-1 Elements of Unreality
1-2 End Stress
1-3 The Sower Parable
1-4 The 11th Hour Worker
1-5 The Two Carpenters
1-6 The Fanatic Shepherd
1-7 Parables of Israel
1-8 The Call of the Gospel
1-9 The Parables of Judgment
1-10 Divine Delegation
1-11 Unanswered Questions in the Parables
2-1 The Parable of the Prodigal
2-2 Prodigal Israel
2-3 The Prodigal's Repentance: Baptism?
2-4 Killing the Fatted Calf
2-5 The Elder Brother
3-1 The Good Samaritan
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