2-5 Jesus And People
Although He was a leader, swamped by crowds wherever He went, with
an entourage of children always behind Him, Jesus had none of the
characteristics of the cult leader. Those religious reformer, cult
leader types are usually highly strung, compulsive, angry, austere
people who make others feel uncomfortable in their presence. Yet the
way the Gospels make it clear that He made all types of people and
children feel happy in His presence indicates that Jesus just wasn't
like this. He wasn't critical of others' weaknesses. And today just as
much, Jesus attracts all types of people to Himself, thus forging the
unique fellowship which we know so well- from taxi drivers to insurance
executives, saints to sinners. The light of who He was revealed the
areas of improvement required in others; but it was His very
uncriticalness which attracted people. Yet this wasn't because He
simply wasn't the critical type. His lambasting of the Scribes and
Pharisees shows that clearly enough. What He was so
passionately against was hypocritical organized religion that abuses
and damages people; and a disproportionately large amount of the Gospel
records goes into recording His criticisms of this. There were at most
5000 Pharisees in the whole of Israel; and yet the Lord's passionate
confrontations with them are so extensively recorded. As far as I can
tell, Jesus only spoke of the reality of future condemnation when
talking about those who had been insensitive and uncompassionate
towards their brethren, protecting their religious structure at the
cost of tragic human wastage in the personhood of others.
His otherwise
uncritical spirit is shown by His patient bearing with the immaturity
of the twelve. Recall when the Lord was walking ahead of them, and they
were fiercely debating who should be the greatest. He either sensed
what they were talking about, or simply overheard them and didn't let
on. He slows down and lets them catch up. And instead of blasting them
that " Come on, that's not how you should be talking..." , He almost
congratulates them on wanting to be greatest by saying that whoever
wants to be greatest must be servant of all. So artless, so gentle, so
careful not to humiliate them by force or spiritual manipulation. Or
think of the rich young man who wanted to follow the Lord. Jesus told
him to keep the commandments. There is a glaring contradiction in the
way this young man says that from his youth he has
kept them. But he's young... Yet Jesus doesn't point out the arrogance
and inappropriacy. He encourages the young man to rise up to the
highest level, and loves him for his spiritual ambition. It's an essay
in the Lord's masterful way of combining challenge with gracious
acceptance- all in the same breath.
His body language
would have spoken volumes. Grace as it were poured from His lips, Ps.
45 had foretold. His words were full of grace in a way that was
altogether striking. You know how it is when it seems a fly or a bee
seems intent on persecuting you. Think of your body language as you
brush it away in exasperation. Think of His...in the blazing heat of
Palestine. Time and again, day after day. I suspect it would have been
different. And then think of how the scent of blood would have beckoned
all manner of insects and even birds of prey to irritate the Son of God
as He hung in His time of dying, unable to brush them away. Thinking of
His daily demeanour helps us grasp how the cross was really an
extension of His life; it wasn't simply an unusual, out of character
pinnacle of uncharacteristic spirituality. And likewise our crises will
only be surmounted if we can meet them in the spirit with which we live
everyday life.
Jesus was in His life " separate from
sinners" (Heb. 7:26). The Greek word very definitely means 'to actively
depart from'- it's used about a partner walking out of a marriage. Yet
the Lord is always pictured as mixing with sinners, to the extent that
they felt they could come to Him easily, and actually liked to do this.
So how was He " separate" from them in the way the Hebrew writer
understood? Here again we see one of the profoundest paradoxes in this
supremest of personalities. He was with sinners, then and now; His
solidarity with us, the roughest and the most obvious and the subtlest
of us, is what attracts us to Him. And yet He is somehow totally
separate from us; and it is this in itself which brings us to Him.
truly was all things to all men, as was his matchless disciple Paul;
yet He managed to achieve this without being hypocritical, in the sense
of being one thing to one person but acting another way to someone
else. The fact He wasn't hypocritical and yet was all things to all
perhaps reflects the way there were so many sides to His character; or
it can simply be that He Himself had such compassion for people that He
could somehow genuinely be the person they needed Him to be, without
any insincerity about Him. God is perfect within Himself as signified
by His name " I am that I am" nothing more nothing less, and Jesus as
His Son was likewise complete within Himself. He was complete as a
human being. When we look at our Lord there is no false self- a
phenomena which dogs all of us in some ways at some times, What we see
is what He is, nothing is hidden in the sense that He had no hidden
agendas. This was extremely appealing to people.
this was why He was able to attract all kinds of sinners to Him, when
those who are spiritually marginalized tend normally to steer away from
those who exude righteousness but no humanity. He was real, He really
was who He appeared to be, there was total congruence between His words
and actions; and He encouraged others in the same spirit to simply face
up to who they were. And He would accept them at that. Yet He was real
and human; although there was this congruence between His words and
actions, consider how His spirit was “troubled”; “now is my soul
troubled” (Jn. 12:27; 13:21). Yet He goes on to use the same word to
exhort the disciples hours later: “Let not your heart be troubled” (Jn.
14:1, 27). Was this inconsistency, “Do as I say, not as I do”? Of
course not. The strength and power of His exhortation “Let not your
heart be troubled” was in the very way that His heart had been troubled but
He now had composed Himself in calm trust in the Father. And Peter
remembered that, as he later in turn exhorted his flock to not be troubled nor afraid under persecution (1 Pet. 3:14).