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KAPIRI-MPOSHI | Bro Chosa Osting

With much sadness Bro Osting reports the falling asleep of our aged Brother Austin Mwaka, who suffered much from eye problems and then some nasty heart problems for which sadly finance was not available for an urgent operation. He and his wife Sister Mwangala had to travel a long way to the meeting to which they were very committed over the years. We express our comfort and condolence to our Sister in this sad loss until Jesus comes.

| Bro Costa Kanembe preparing for the long journey to examine an advanced student, Oliver Munsanje

| Bro Oliver Munsanje

The home of Bro and Sis Austin Mwaka


Many thanks Bro Fred Mumba for the following Baptismal pictures from your Ecclesia and also the Copperbelt Fraternal at Kitwe of members from Chingiola, Kitwe, Mufulira and Ndola.

Brethren and Sisters at the joint Copperbelt Fraternal at Kitwe

Bro Musanda Mbewe baptising student Annie Kunda

Bro Musanda with Sisters Rhodah Kasongo, Annie Kunda and Grace Kaoma, in the green Zamian National Flag T/Shirt

Bro Fred Mumba giving Sister Annie the right hand of fellowship with two Sisters singing hymns from the Zambia Hymn book.

Mulfulira Ecclesia

NALUWAMA | Bro Dick Phiri

This book the Bible NEV I have in my hand, it is above all books. Jesus is about to come, let us read the Bible and pray for our sins to be forgiven. Read Romans chapter 6 verses 3 and 5. Please follow the Bible.

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