Thy Servant’s House (2 Samuel 7)
“Desirest thou to build an house for me
Of quarried stones and wood of cedar tree
When years amongst you tented I have been
And dwelt with you the cherubim between?”
Thus spake the Lord to David when he thought
To build God’s House with gold and silver fraught,
“Not thou”, said God, “but I will build for thee
A kingly house, a royal dynasty”.
“When thou art dead and resting in thy tomb
Thy greater Son I’ll send to fill thy room,
His Father I will be and he, My Son,
And thou shalt see him reign, My Holy One”.
So David saw with clear, prophetic eyes
The glorious Sun of Righteousness arise,
And knew that, when this greater Son should come,
He’d find with him an everlasting home.