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Our wonderful brother Donald reports: “I baptized brother Zhu in the swimming pool. He is a Shift Line Leader in an electrical company and first knew Jesus from same as youtube in western countries). Brother Zhu was impressed by the video about Jesus as the bread of life. After that he spent a lot of time viewing the videos and got very excited. Then he applied for our free Bible literature, as there are few groups offering truly free Bible literature in Chinese. We sent Chinese Bible Basics to him and then I went to baptize him.


I used my annual leave preaching in the villages near to Hefei. Rural villages here in China are all nearly the same. The land is rented to them by agricultural companies. Most people living there are elders and women, more than 70% of the male labour force in villages go out to work in the fields. People living here have nothing to do when they are free apart from to play cards, fishing, grow vegetables. So I took two cartons of the Chinese Bible Basics you sent me, just waiting on the village streets for people to come and take them. Several teenagers came and asked for the books, one of them told me her grandparents were believers and took me to their home and I had lunch with them. We spent a long time in conversation. They were in their 70s, illiterate and with a simple, strong but almost blind faith. I talked about the lack of Trinity etc., but they didn't really understand things at that depth, all they cared about is believing in Jesus and eternal life. I comforted myself that at least they have Jesus in their heart. I distributed in that village about 30 copies of Bible Basics to the people. I pray to God that the seeds we sow will grow to big trees and that Jesus comes soon.”

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